Jon's Dedicated Fruity Pebble Cookies Grow Plus The Mystery Plant

Are you serious?

About 6 hours ago we had these two tops nicely anchored to the gigantic fan leaves underneath them. Those leaves are bigger than my hand and heavy as hell. The top to the right seems to have it's own ideas about how things are going to go. Lol! I would not have thought this little top would be able to pull the biggest fan on the plant up to the angle you see here. It's pretty badass.

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Elora Further Training
Veg Day 37

A bit more work on Elora this morning. Open her up and see what she has going on in the middle. Enough to work with for sure. I don't see either one of these plants making it 23 more days in veg to my goal of 60 at least. They'll overgrow the tent, especially Fulvia.

Here's a top shot and a closeup of what she has going on inside.

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A Tale of Two Autos
Jack Herer
Day 15

The Zkittlez is doing great, and looking exactly as I'd want and expect her to.

The Jack....not so much. She's been a gnarly looking problem child since her cotyledons, and the leaves are all crinkled as you see. Now we have a few spots. I gave her a shot of the Blue Planet Calmag pro formula with her water the other day, and her color seems to be improving, but now those damn spots....

So I tend to decide to pull a plug on a sickly auto, especially one from I Don't Know Where Genetics (their stock is iffy at best), sooner than later. I don't want to waste a perfectly good pot of soil on a plant that starts life compromised and costs a week to get straight. Just don't have a week to spare with autos. So I'm going to give this girl the node she has coming out now and until the next node is coming out a little to right the ship. If she doesn't, she's gone, and we'll put a name genetics seed in that pot.

I never consider freebie seeds of unknown breeder origin a big loss at all. Hopefully she decides to play nice.

I think you can see which is which.

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Hi @Michael Hunt, I noticed you emoji-ed a post or two. How you doing man? Hope life is treating you well. When you going to be back up, or are you already?
Hahaha i’ve been caught watching from the shadows yet again! I’m doing well brother just busier than s*** these days. I do have one big luscious lady going who is very close to harvest. Decided to take a break from documenting the process this time around. Its been a roller coaster of a grow.

I see you’ve been busy stuffing as many grows as humanly possible under your belt. Absolutely impressive work my friend! You know i’ll be rootin for ya from the shadows man! I’ll try and pop in and say hey more often too :passitleft:
Watermelon WeddingCake Auto
Day 32

This is a picture of the WWC beginning to take shape. Might be hard to tell in the picture and maybe she just looks a mess on first glance. However, I see her ring beginning to shape up nicely. Right now I have the colas separated on either side of the plant so as to avoid the humongous fan leaves on either side. This picture was taken after yet another daily futile leaf tucking session, lol. I really don't want to take any leaves from her as much as possible, so far I've taken zero. But shortly the colas will outgrow those fan leaves in height. At that point we will have a sweet, even ring with two mains in the middle.

I decided to release the bonds holding the middles to those giant fans. After seeing how badly she wanted to pull that leaf up, and the other one starting to go the same way but mitigated a little more with keeping her fan tucked, I figured this is a case where I'm going to listen to the plant. If you want it that bad, okay, go ahead and have it. I'm a sucker like that. So as they grow some more I'll just gently separate them. This should create a plant that ends up looking about the same shape as my Dos Si Dos outdoor auto (indica pheno) - the one with the giant buds compared to the other DSDs in that grow.

So glad I misread that flowering day. She's now given me 32 days before flower, which is getting close to best case scenario. I've never had one begin to obviously be flowering later than 35 days before. Can't wait to see how she stretches for real.

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She's looking fantastic Jon, gonna be huge for an auto.
She's looking fantastic Jon, gonna be huge for an auto.
Thanks man! You think so? I keep looking at her and I can't read her like that. Sometimes I agree with you and others I'm wondering what she's going to do. She was so slow out of the gate. Guess we'll see soon enough. Lol.
I love how spread out she is. I just see all those tops and get excited to see what she can do.
A Few Necessary Surgeries

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now about pushing the plant to it's limits in terms of spreading. I know what I'm trying to do and am comfortable with it, but still once in a while I try a little something and the plant just tells me to fu-- off. As both Elora and Fulvia have.

So here's the picture of the minor surgery on Elora. This was nothing more than a hairline fracture of not even 10% of the circumference of the stem. I almost didn't even tape it. But I decided to err on the side of caution and taped her up pretty solid just in case. Easy, quick, effective, and in this case I know she'll be fine, the plant probably won't even notice it.

The surgery on Fulvia was a bit more extreme. At least the break was. A lot more. It was a full 60% of the circumference, easily. Bad. But, just by chance, she happened to be one who was exactly in the correct position for a hopefully easy and effective fix. It is situated as you see so that it was almost straight up and down at the break point. The broken top part hadn't even tilted over yet. I taped it up within a minute of the break. Last night both the fans connected to her were down. Today, one is back up, only the bigger one is still down, but it appears to be on the way back up. The little cola growths up top show no sign that it happened. And the tape is super solid. So I *think* she'll be okay, we'll know soon enough I suppose. Here's a shot of her fix.

Everyone is watered at the moment. I think I'll stay the hell out of the grow room today.
Well sir you gave them special names so I would assume they now want to special light handed treatment lol. But good morning hope all is well.
Thanks @HappyHazmat88. Yep, time to step back and chill. And btw - not sure I'd say I gave them special names....I had some help with that.

Thanks @HappyHazmat88. Yep, time to step back and chill. And btw - not sure I'd say I gave them special names....I had some help with that.

Lol yup my bad, it's not to late to change her name to helga :laugh:
Mystery Plant (SPUDBC)

Three-pointed leaves aside, I feel like she's *sort of* starting to look more like an actual plant in veg. I'm thinking about stripping off much of the lower growth to maybe halfway up the stem. Anyone have an opinion on that course of action?

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Thank you @GeoFlora Nutrients! I got my prize pack for NOTM today. Perfect timing! A new set of nutes for the outdoor rig. Also worthy of note - GREAT IMPROVEMENT on the pots!!! I got @GeoPot's with handles sewn on! Double stitched too!

You guys are great and never waver in your support for us. Thanks so much.
I'm thinking about stripping off much of the lower growth to maybe halfway up the stem. Anyone have an opinion on that course of action?
Sounds like a good plan. You probably won't want them later anyway so why not divert the nutes and hormones now. :thumb:
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