Keeping it Underground 600 Watt HPS + 8 Light T5 Cellar Grow

Ok just did a complete res change. Got my ph to 5.6 and stopped there. I got some pics...not too proud of em but im hoping theyll pull through



ya I agree skoots... I was thinking that water is very brown (thought it was well water) the roots look brown too.

Everyone join us in prayer for troublesome's troubled babies... Oh Lord... please protect and grant life to these poor babies so Troublesome can get SOME MAJOR YiElDAgE!!!
Ya i rinsed em real good in my bath tub... now there is a very little dust in the bottom but the roots are that color because of the floralicious plus its a very thick dark brown im not using it.... The pic was taken befor the res. change too tho??? What should i do or should i just wait a day or two u guys are the boss :)
so if you put in the correct amount of nutes and the PH is 5.6... just check them 3 times a day to see if they perk up and check the PH to see if it stays stable.

What is your PPM reading now?

Oh ya... leave the leaves alone, even if they appear mostly dead. they are still contributing to the plants. I only pick them when they are crackly dry and deader than dead.

Skoots...Just FYI, I have been adding my chems to my reseviors... PH first... swirl thoroughly, then micro, swirl thoroughly, then gro, swirl thoroughly, then bloom, swirl thoroughly. I have had no bad effects from doing this but my reservoirs are big (15 gallons).
Skoots...Just FYI, I have been adding my chems to my reseviors... PH first... swirl thoroughly, then micro, swirl thoroughly, then gro, swirl thoroughly, then bloom, swirl thoroughly. I have had no bad effects from doing this but my reservoirs are big (15 gallons).

Really? We've never done it that way. We had read to mix then add to tub. I always assumed that it would mix better if there were no roots to get in the way of it mixing properly. I also thought that pouring the nutes directly in the tub may have an adverse affect on the roots seeing as it's being poured directly on them (basically) especially late in the grow process as the tub fills with roots. But if it's not broken don't fix it :)
Ya i rinsed em real good in my bath tub... now there is a very little dust in the bottom but the roots are that color because of the floralicious plus its a very thick dark brown im not using it.... The pic was taken befor the res. change too tho??? What should i do or should i just wait a day or two u guys are the boss :)

Yeah I've used that floralicious plus before as well. I stopped too because I didn't like what it was doing to my roots etc. Not that it's bad or anything but I didn't see much benefit and I hated my roots looking unhealthy.

It's basically molasses also known as black strap.

Let your plants soak up all that good stuff you did and see how they take.
I noticed this morning when i went down a few all white roots sartin to poke out....BUT my roots are developing a nasty "jell" like stuff on them?? Its clear and slimy??

Ok well all white roots starting to poke thru is a good thing. That means the plants are healthy and still growing and developing the root system they need to keep growing etc.

UglyMuppet may be right. It may be a sign of root rot. Do the roots smell badly as well? For a 6 gallon tub add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to your tub. That could help. H2O2 is good for killing the bad stuff that you can find on your roots etc. While I'm not sure if it will help with the gel like stuff you got goin' on it can't hurt. Add the H2O2 and see how they respond. Don't add more if they respond well. Too much is not good either. I usually add H2O2 twice a week if needed. I use to do it all the time don't any more.
Thanks guys :) Ok so im mixing my nutes in a 5 gallon bucket (and an extra 5 gallon bucket like skooter does) then adding it to my tub. Did that lastnight. Adjusted my Ph just now and its at 5.5 now. Its a lil chilly in my res so i put the fogger in there to see how that works. Iv used it while cloning befor and it builds the most bad ass root system iv ever seen. If you guys think thats a bad idea ill remove it.
When i mixed my nutes i also added the suggested amount of Hygrozyme so i dont think im going to add any peroxcide unless i still should?
I can't offer much advice or knowledge regarding the fogger. I've never used one. But I would guess they would work great for clones and seedlings seeing as they pump moisture into the air which is how the young things need to eat...from the leaves etc.

I'd be interested in knowing how you make out with that.

Oh yeah I forgot you have the hygrozyme. Well if that is used to care for roots then I would say don't add H2O2 to that. That should work fine but I'm guessing. :)
Look at this bullshit AHHHH!!!! IM GETTING SO AGGRIVATED!!



Not sure if they can come back from this im soaking my rockwool now so i can start my other res over again...maybe i should get ready to start this one over too Whatcha think????????:bitingnails::bitingnails::surrender::surrender:
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