LLsBestGo's - Soilless - Lemon Sour Diesel - Grow Journal - 2020


Well-Known Member

Lemon Sour Diesel is a sativa dominant hybrid.
80% Sativa 20% Indica

Days grown:
Vegetative cycle was about 50 days after bought as clone from local dispensary.

Flowering stage @ Day 31

(Plant grown through vegetative cycle outdoor's then moved indoors due to weather, and circumstances for flowering. Winds, and wildfires... Unfortunately the winds destroyed a whole green house that wasn't significantly tied/drilled down.

Grow information:
Grow area: Indoor grow tent measures 2' 8" x 2' 8"
Grow container: Not exactly sure, about 10-15 Gallons for this one. I will be trying fabric pots in the future.
Medium: Currently using a pro mix which is sphagnum peat moss, perlite, dolomite lime, and mycorrhizae.
Light: Intelligent led full spectrum air cooled 1000 w equivalent 110 actual watts

Watering as needed
Low stress trained throughout grow

Nutrients: General hydro's General Organics line, BIOAG FUL-POWER liquid humic acid, Liquinox Start Vitamin B-1, and Budswell bat guano. Switching over to Dr.Earth Organics Pure gold all purpose, but will probably be keeping general organics cal mag, liquid humic and(or) general organics diamond black, and Liquinox Start Vitamin B-1.

Side note: I haven't grown for awhile, and was in the process of a grow before it abruptly came to an end due to a car accident injury where I received a brain injury. After a couple years of recovery iv'e decided to take up growing as a hobby/activity once again. I live in a recreation use legal state, and have found Cannabis to help with multiple issues i suffer from due to my injury. I'm considering getting a medical card in the future, however i'm still undecided. & This isn't a perfect grow, next grow's to be better for sure & more information throughout grow such as ph, rh, and ppm.

I started 3 bag seeds during this grow with the diesel clone which you'll see in some of the photos above. 2 of which appear to be female growing only pistils, the 3rd was a hermie & started growing both pistils & pollen sacks so it was immediately chopped. The 2 female bag seeds were moved indoor during the bad weather, after having indoors for awhile even closely being monitored one of them started producing a seed. Moved the bag seed plants outdoor to watch them, separate them from the diesel, and increase light intensity over Lemon Sour Diesel since it's a female clone and the bag seeds are unknown with a higher chance of being hermies. I also felt the LED light was insufficient for coverage of the whole indoor 2x8 tent. I'm considering a second duplicate light for more of a full tent coverage for the next grow. Anyways the bag seeds are Chocolate hash berry, and cherry diesel so far no sign of male pollen sacks (I check the plants from top to bottom daily). If they grow accordingly i'll probably be finishing them indoors after the Lemon Diesel finishes.

-This grow journal's primary focus will be on the Lemon Sour Diesel.


Here's a bud shot of the chocolate hash berry currently outdoors anyways @ 3 weeks of flowering:

Got the outdoor moved indoor today under the second led light. I'm now running 220w actual power, 2000w equivalent.

Choco. Hash berry flowering @ 26 days:

Cherry diesel flowering @ 16 days:


These buds on the lemon diesel were pressing against eachother. Places like these without air flow are more prone to mold. I gave them a slight tug apart by pulling on some leaves.
Thanks Jim & Stone

Seems I've mostly been picking up the pieces on this grow trying to see it through. I'm looking forward to my next grow, it should be straightforward from start to finish. Probably after another month and harvest I'll be getting started on that. Can't wait to do some more training. :)
Here's my current nutrient line up. I have some General Hydroponics FloraNectar now as well.

Ca - Calcium, Mg - Magnesium, S - Sulfur, Fe - Iron
GH - General Hydroponics ( go - general organics )

Dr.Earth Pure Gold all purpose
npk ( 1-1-1 )

GH go CaMg+
npk ( 1-0-0 )

Ca: 5%
Mg: 1%

Liquinox Start Vitamin B-1
npk ( 0-2-0 )
Fe: 0.10%
B1: 0.10%

GH FloraNectar
npk ( 0-0-1 )
Mg: 0.5 %
S: 1%

15% molasses I think but it's not listed on the bottle.

Bioag Ful-Power
0.06% Humic Acid
The buds look yummy. So frosty! Come check out my grow journal, you guy’s won’t be disappointed!

I'm guessing my ph slipped partially due to unused nutes. Some leaf clawing, slight tip burn, and what looks like nutrient lock-out.. can't check the ph yet though, still have to fix my ph meter.

Day 46 Lemon sour diesel:

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