Magnus8's Summer Outdoor Grow: Blueberry, White Widow, Green Crack


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Welcome to this summer's thread.

I am afraid I am beginning later than I did last year. Last year I began my journal from seedlings. This year, I was so busy marketing and promoting my new book that I've been too busy to document the life stages of these demented little girls of mine.

Just to get the particulars out of the way.

I am growing:

10 Blueberry
5 Green Crack
3 White Widow

9 will be grown in 17 litre containers that my wife-bot purchased for me the other day. We couldn't afford the fancy, dark coloured ones so she picked up clear ones. We'll see how it goes. I don't have high hopes, really. Pun intended.

(Shout out to Felonious Punk -- are you there?)

The remaining 9 plants will be grown in either holes in the ground (2 Blueberry) or in large planters that we built last year (the wife-bot built them, let's give credit where credit is due, right? My wife-bot is pretty handy with tools...). The holes in the ground and the planters have the same dirt in them as last year, but I've added nutrients to make a super soil out of each plot of dirt.

I don't have my recipe for soil on me right now, but I will copy it here later in the week so that you, too, can use super freaking soil!

Actually, I swear by this shit. Last year I didn't have to add any extra nutrients from the get go. Just mixed up my super soil shit in the beginning of the year and then that held out until harvest. Same should happen this year.

So I was quite pleased that my plants are going into the soil in the shape they are in. Now, I must admit, they were a bit nutrient deprived when they were still in the house, so some of the leaves are a bit raggedy, but that will clear up as time goes on. Now they've got enough nutrients to last their lifetime. I MAY mix up some liquid nutes the first couple of times I water them just until the roots grow enough to reach into that good, super soil.

Last year's crop has stood me in good stead. I have found that it has lasted until now, but I am getting low on smoke right now. I've still got lots of high THC sativa weed for my back elixir (the cannabis infused oil that I use on my back for pain relief), but I'm very low on high CBC smoke. I cannot use a strong sativa because it gives me pa

nic attacks -- really bad panic attacks. Like as if my panic attacks weren't bad enough already, right?

So I bet you're waiting for pics, right? Okay, so here goes...
Hi all,

Thought I would get that super soil recipe to you before I forgot. Here is what goes in my soil for all my plants:

16 25-Litre bags of topsoil or some other rich, black dirt
3 cups of earthworm castings
2 cups of Bone Meal
2 cups of Blood Meal
2 cups of Bat Guano (when you call someone batshit crazy, this is the stuff you mean)
1 cup of Chicken Manure (didn't have any so I'm adding a bit of extra Nitrogen with a few odd feedings
2 tablespoons rock phosphate
3 tablespoons black earth humates
1/2 cup mychorrizae
1/2 tbsp epsom salts
1/2 cup kelp greens
25 Litres of cow manure

And that's about it. I think I've got everything accounted for. I didn;t have any cow manure when I was planting yesterday, so I'm going to pick some up and top dress all the plants. That will work out okay, too.

So there is my recipe for soil for the summer. This recipe means that I don't have to add any liquid nutes at all (except for the liquid nitrogen that I have to add because I was out of chicken shit).

So come back. Watch the grow. Enjoy with a smoke of your own.

Well, welcome everyone! Nice to see you all here! I had this brief moment of panic as I looked through my pics, thinking to myself, okay, so about half of this grow is legal (growers license for personal use) but there are more plants here than allowed. Suddenly I thought of all the possible ways this could all go downhill so very fast... Then i remembered I had the same feelings last year when I did the same thing!

Hey all,

Well what a nasty and dismal day outside in western Canada today! And all through these last four days too.

We have been having terrifically high winds this week, we even have been on tornado watch. Some moments it feels like the ceiling will just rip off this single wide trailer we rent. I tried to capture some video with some trees showing the wind, but i am not sure if i can post video to these blog entries. I guess i am about to find out, eh?

Look at that wind, eh?

Well, i guess i can! I suppose this opens up a host of possibilities for the future of my grow journal. I would much rather post videos rather than post pics. Video expresses so much more, so much more easily. But anyway, didnt you come for pics?

So there you have it. They are looking pretty bedraggled, eh? Well if YOU had spent the last four days being blasted by driving rains and bitter cold winds and you had just hit puberty, you would be pretty bedraggled, too, dont you think?

So chime in here. Let me know if you are new or lurking nearby.

Oh! And I forgot to tell you! Everyone here on 420 who already knows me knows that my new novel, Finding Max, was justbreleased on 22 May 18. In Finding Max, five-year old Maximilian Aldertree and his eight-year old brother, Gary, are playing in a playground one hot summer day. Gary has been tasked by their drunken mother to watch over his younger sibling, but while he is preoccupied on the monkey bars Maximilian gets abducted by a stranger driving past. 17 years later the two brothers meet again, quite by chance. Gary now works as a social worker at a NYC homeless shelter when Max walks in one day seeking a comfy bed and a hot meal. Now the two brothers, along with Gary's new girlfriend, Jean, must learn to love and trust one another, all while attempting to outwit and outrun the evil Quinn who seeks to re-abduct Max for his own nefarious purposes.

Well, that is the precis for my latest novel, and a goodie one it is! Lots of stuff happening to prepare the reader for the two upcoming sequels to Finding Max. A trilogy in all. Sales, so far, are solid though i dont have any hard numbers to quote. But in only about 3 weeks the book has garnered 7 written reviews, 3 four-star reviews and four five-star reviews. Wow! Events and media my editor has told me that this is an auspicious start to any unknown author book release. I am tickled pink. But i will really have a better understanding of how sales are going when i receive my very first royalty cheque in July. Now that will only reflect what has been happening during the kast month so that has to be factored in, too, right?

Oh well, we will see.

I will sign off for now.

All my best, Magnus.

Peace out!
Greetings Everyone! Welcome back to my outside summer grow.

In my garden i am growing 10 blueberry plants, 5 green crack and 3 white widows. Using supersoil that i mixed myself -- without dolomite lime, i might add which i am apparently supposed to add for ph levels. Shit. The recipe i was given didnt even mention the stuff. I do know that the calcium and other mineral components in our well water is quite high and since i had no problems growing last year using the same recipe... well, i suppose we will get by this year.

Welcome Purps! Welcome aboard. Thanks for the info. Looking at my recipe, how much of the other ingredients should i have mixed into each recipe?.

So, today instead of pics i have a video walk thru of my summer garden. Ready to go? Put on your sunhat and crush out your smokes (i have heard that weed hates nicotine and you shouldnt smoke near your plants. I dont smoke cigarettes anymore, but i am careful not to even vape near them.)

Unfortunately the video got cut in two when the camera mysteriously died suddenly. Besides that, its pretty good.

Dolomite lime is 50% calcium and 40% magnesium. I usually do 1.5 to 2 tablespoons a gallon of the fine stuff. can go a little lighter on the other calcium if you wanted, and I dunno how long epsom salts actually stay in your soil... seems dolo lime would be a lot better than just washing away.
Dolomite lime is 50% calcium and 40% magnesium. I usually do 1.5 to 2 tablespoons a gallon of the fine stuff. can go a little lighter on the other calcium if you wanted, and I dunno how long epsom salts actually stay in your soil... seems dolo lime would be a lot better than just washing away.
Thanks for the info. Please realize that this us my 2nd outside grow and my 3rd in total. I have only been using cannabus for about 5 years now, despite being 50-years-old! So all your advice is most welcomed.

really like the looks of your boxes, well done....
Thanks. My wife-bot made them for me last year. They are pretty rough but some of the first things she has ever built.
H'lo All!

Been about 3 days since I took these pics. Just didn't have time to post them until this morning. Thought it was high time to do so (pun intended).

These pics were all taken after a 3 day wind and rain storm that battered the plants and everything else in sight. They are looking a bit worse for wear. By the time I had taken these pics, they had had about 1/2 a day to recover already.

I am going to try to make this easier on myself by adding all the pics to an album and then posting that album. Here goes.

First of all, here is Dobby, the house elf, rooting around for snakes to play with and kill. Yes, my dog tends to kill her playthings. That is why we don't have kids. Not really, but it sounds good.

The rest of the pics are all plant pics. I don't remember what is what at the moment. Check back for names in the next posting! But there are 10 Blueberry plants, 5 Green Crack, and 3 White Widow in this garden. You try to tell them apart from just the pics, I dare you.

View album 22558

Hope that worked!


PS -- no, I don't know how sales on the book are going. I won't know until I receive my royalty statement at the end of July or beginning of August.
Good morning greetings everyoney!
So it appears as though I am allowed to post no.more than 10 pics in one post. Hence why I will post a second note below this with the remaining pics.

Hope you are liking the book so far for those of you who have purchased Finding Max already. And if you haven't yet purchased your own copy, well what are you waiting for?!? Finding Max is a great read, just ask Radogast here on 420. He has read my new novel and was so captured by it that he finished it -- all 94,000 words in it


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So here are the remainder of pics for your scopophilic pleasure receptors.


Anyway to finish the Radogast story... He purchased the book but left it sitting on the table 52 weeks because he thought he wouldn't like it. When he did pick it up he read 120 pages that first night and then finished it the next day. He calls it a pageturner -- and it really is.

And other than that I hope you are enjoying the pics today. I know I'm enjoying seeing them grow so well. I was gone for 6 days while the eife-bot looked after the plants. She did a mighty fine job, methinks! Don't you?

All my Best,

Hi All,

Been kinda quiet around here, no? I wonder if a few of my old friends will wind up signing on, like Radogast and FeloniousPunk and HashGirl and such. I guess I should let them know that I'm even doing a summer journal if I want them to show up eh?

So how's things with everyone? Everyone is well over here. The wife-bot does well. She is happy to have me home. Mind you, I'm happy to be home, too, after 6 days away from my baby and my dogs. I'm not used to being away from them all for so long. usually it is the wife-bot who visits family down in Ontario for a month at a time, but I still have the dogs to keep me company. This time, all I had to keep me company were old cousins and an aged auntie of 86 years. And Max. I had Max and Gary and Jean to keep me company. You see, I was reading Finding Max during this trip. I know it must seem weird to be reading my own novel, but it is the first time I have had a chance to do so, to read it for pleasure rather than having to work on it. Now I've got the chance to read it like everyone else -- and then judge it like everyone else. And you know what? I'm pretty pleased with myself and this book that I've written. Very proud, in fact. It keeps even me on the edge of my seat, and I know what is going to happen at every moment!

As for my plants, well, they are doing spelendidly, really. I just went out and shot some pics and some video with my new phone to test it out and it takes great stuff, by the way. And I cannot wait to see these pics up in contrast to all the rest. Actually the last batch of posted pics were taken with the same camera.

So here goes!


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in for the adventure sir! Your garden looks lovely. If are west coast canada, look into gaia green products... They have glacial rock dust, green sand, and other such things for your soil, locally sourced from B.C. If i am not mistaken.

also off topic, but i read an article the other day about the sand mafia.... Literally going into islands/beaches around the world and removing all of the sand within a few days. Apparrntly there is a big difference between desert sand (round) and beach sand (granular). Therefore there is a massive shortage world wide as it is not easily renewable, obviously.

curious. @Van Stank said he uses your recipes for topicals? I was wondering if you might be able to provide me a link... Have an injured filly we are trying to get healed, going to take a small miracle.

as soon as i get a few pennies ill be checking out your book, i love me some good reading!
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