Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

i tried all that my environment is sorted i gave it a week to get used to it but its now back it its box and hps is back out and now the plants are fine

Yeah I hear ya'......gotta be the new LED light for sure. LOL!
i tried all that my environment is sorted i gave it a week to get used to it but its now back it its box and hps is back out and now the plants are fine

Yeah I hear ya'......gotta be the new LED light for sure. LOL!
If the problem is the light intensity you'll need to move the light away from the canopy instead of closer.
If it was my garden and I was 100% confident that the problem is due to the light I'd let em' droop until they die or adjust and get with the program. There won't be any girls hanging around my garden very long if they can't handle a little LED exposure.
mine is 96x3 and i had such high hopes to but nothing

I have a 4'x4' tent with 2x 96x3 Reflectors in along with another tent containing the Mars II 1600w. Before that I used HPS (600w) but the temps killed me. Although the 96x3w can't reasonably compare to either the Mars II or the HPS it is still light available for the plants to grow, and should still bring them to harvest. Here are a few pointers just in case you ever wish to try it out again.

1. Watch your watering. The Reflectors put out nowhere near as much heat as a HPS so you won't need to water as much as with a hot HPS.

2. As mentioned above let the plant/plants acclimatise to the lights first. Although you may not see all that light and heat as you would a HPS these lights use certain wavelengths that are just as powerful and will still cause problems such as light burn to your plants.

3. Make sure you add extra CalMag to your feeding schedule as plants grown under LED have an extra thirst for it.

I hope this helps you in your decision on abandoning the light and instead giving it a chance. It's just a slightly different way of growing and much as some people prefer coco to soil, others are more suited to HPS over LED. As a fourth option, if you can't find anything here that can sway you into giving it a grow, sell the light. They're cheap enough that you can still make a profit from it. Or sell it cheap to me, I have the room :)

All the best steeders and I hope you find a way to use it, even if it's just as a supplement light for your HPS :thumb:
Hey sara. Iv got the mars 2 - 1200watt

I can't seem to find the ideal range of the light.
What is the ideal distance from the light to the top of my plants? At the moment it's around 24 inches away. Iv got plenty of room to lift it. They are doing fine at the moment and love the light

Here's what my old style 100x3w grew! These were taken a few weeks before we took her from the old light and gave her a new 144 x 5w. She put on another 5-6 between these pics and the new light.

:circle-of-love:Thank you, MedFarmer. Thumb to DHL. They are very fast!:thumb:
Grow Happy with the second MarsII 1200w.:cheer:
I got an e-mail from Ruby this morning saying my Mars II 1200 had been shipped and would be with me in 3 to 5 working days and included a tracking number. Before I had even looked at this e-mail I had a text from DHL saying my parcel would be delivered today and I have just got it :thumb::love:

I'm really pleased.

:thanks: to Mars-Hydro for a great service :circle-of-love:
It seems they miss you. :tokin:
Sitting here on vacation going through withdrawal from my ladies. They're basking under a MH 144x5, at least I can peek in remotely. The light is working great so far, can't wait to flip to 12-12 when I return!
Hello sara I am new to the forum and growing with leds. I am looking for a veg light for my 2x2x4 grow tent. I currently have a 4 bulb 2 foot t5 96 watts in there. I was thinking the 48x3 reflector would work well. Or maybe the 96x3 reflector. I will only use with the veg switch on but I can't find wattage for these lights with only the veg switch. Can you tell me how many watts these lights use with only the veg switch on? Thank you
I just love your grow so much! :thumb:
Is that a Buddha? The bamboo basket is awesome. I have to say, Uncle, your decoration is quite exquisite.:circle-of-love:
Flowering with Mars-Hydro Sun Series. Nearing end of week 3 of flower.




Thanks for the cal/mag replies. Is one brand better than the other? I see there are some that are mineral based and some organic. What is brand is everyone using?

Thank you, Gorgar.:goodjob::goodjob:
I'm using General Organics CaMg+ which is organic based. I have no idea whether it is better than anything else and I got it because it was recommended by my hydro store. They mentioned that most of their customers preferred that brand.

Hi there tucker99. I'm not sure what your grow method is but if you are growing in organic soil just pick up some epsom salt and dolomite lime. Add a tablespoon or 2 of each per gallon of water (mixed well) and water your girls with the solution. This will take care of calcium or magnesium deficiencies. Be sure to use dolomite lime and NOT agricultural lime. Also keep in mind that dolomite lime will cause your soil ph to increase and become too alkaline over time if too much dolomite lime is used.

If you add both dolomite lime and epsom salt to your soil mix before planting you probably would not experience cal/mag deficiencies unless growing a long flowing sativa (12 to 14 weeks).
Hi, steeders, I am sorry to hear about this. Our recommended height is 18"~24", but it depends. Have you also checked the ph, humidity and nutrients? They will also affect the grow. :Namaste:
i bought a reflector 300w from you on amazon and no matter what hight i put it at my plants just droop i am very disappointed that it wont even grow 1 plant

:circle-of-love: thank you.
I seriously doubt if the light is the cause of your problems. Your plant may be drooping due to over watering, high temperatures, and/or over fertilization.
If you've just changed from CFL or T5 to LED you'll need to allow for a bit of transition time by setting your light approximately 24" above the plant canopy then gradually lowering later once your plant adjust to the new rays.

:Namaste: For first time LED grower, it's better to put the light higher at the beginning.
What Uncle said. What were you using for light before? It does take the plants a little time to transition between lights. Start High (24-30" for a couple days then slowly lower your light over time. Post a pic and maybe someone can be more specific with the issues. :peace:
Hi steeder, the LED grow is different from HPS. If it's the problem with light intensity, I agree with Uncle, you'd better to put it higher. Hmm... since you have tried it at 36" 30" 28" and 18", I doubt it's the problem of intensity.
It's better to check the PH. The PH should be 6~6.5 for soil and 5.7~6.0 for DWC. Plus, grow with LED is in need of more Cal&Mag. 1~1.5ml/gallon extra will be fine. Don't give up hope on LED. The first time is not easy. You will grow better. :Namaste:

i tried all that my environment is sorted i gave it a week to get used to it but its now back it its box and hps is back out and now the plants are fine

Yeah I hear ya'......gotta be the new LED light for sure. LOL!
If the problem is the light intensity you'll need to move the light away from the canopy instead of closer.
Light if not going to do that to your plant. Ok let me break light problems down using LED. Under light from being to far, Very light green and stretch along with small leaf growth no leaf drop. Over light from to close, White bleach spots aka (led light burn), leafs cup like a taco from heat light stress along with slow growth, very small node spacing, all with no leaf drop.That about sums it up. Now for leaf drop, Over water,under water, root bound from pot to small, Nute lock but should see problems on leafs with that one, High heat in room over 80+degrees on some strains, some strains can take higher temps more then others. Lack of fresh air, plants are running out of Co2 to take in so not exchanging air enough times a hour. Humidity to low.
Week 1 growth: 60%
Week 2 growth: 60%
Week 1 flower: 55%
Week 2 flower: 50%
Week 3 flower: 50%
Week 4 flower: 50%
Week 5 flower: 50%
Week 6 flower: 45%
Week 7 flower: 45%
Week 8 flower: 40%
Week 9 flower: 40%
Well that's a level can be used to get by good. Some strains take more or a little less but not by much.
Thats my 2 cents from yours truly CO Finest, keep it growing green. :passitleft:
Ha, same like your girls, you are tough!:thumb: I like it!:circle-of-love:
If it was my garden and I was 100% confident that the problem is due to the light I'd let em' droop until they die or adjust and get with the program. There won't be any girls hanging around my garden very long if they can't handle a little LED exposure.
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