Mendocino Skunky Garlic Auto-Flower 2023

Good job!

I’ve really enjoyed watching your grow. Xo
Thanks Tra, I’m going to take a small break and start a new grow in late October. In the meantime I need to catch up on a few journals and yours is the first stop!
Thanks Tra, I’m going to take a small break and start a new grow in late October. In the meantime I need to catch up on a few journals and yours is the first stop!
024, no breaks my bro..the fire is still hot. Lol..
Congrats on the harvest bro! Excited to hear about the smoke report..she was chunky too, bet the yield was nice 🙂
024, no breaks my bro..the fire is still hot. Lol..
Congrats on the harvest bro! Excited to hear about the smoke report..she was chunky too, bet the yield was nice 🙂
Lol, just a small break, going to Wyoming to fish for 7 days so will start an ethos crescendo bean/journal when I get back. Super excited about her and knock on a stem, I think I’m ready to put it all together with this one.

I got about 5 1/2 ounces from msg, my biggest harvest yet, giant buds and she smells soooo strong, when I burp her the basement goes redline for at least 90 minutes, I need to get clean for an upcoming drug test so may leave the journal open for a while until I can smoke again and give you all a first hand smoke report with virgin lungs. It’s been almost 6 weeks and still testing positive. I cut myself shaving the other day and a seedling sprouted from blood I left on the bathroom sink😜.
Lol, just a small break, going to Wyoming to fish for 7 days so will start an ethos crescendo bean/journal when I get back. Super excited about her and knock on a stem, I think I’m ready to put it all together with this one.

I got about 5 1/2 ounces from msg, my biggest harvest yet, giant buds and she smells soooo strong, when I burp her the basement goes redline for at least 90 minutes, I need to get clean for an upcoming drug test so may leave the journal open for a while until I can smoke again and give you all a first hand smoke report with virgin lungs. It’s been almost 6 weeks and still testing positive. I cut myself shaving the other day and a seedling sprouted from blood I left on the bathroom sink😜.
Hell yeah! Hope you guys have a fun and safe trip. Fly fishing for rainbows? Take some pictures bro.
Sucks about the drug test. You drinking plenty of water?
Hell yeah! Hope you guys have a fun and safe trip. Fly fishing for rainbows? Take some pictures bro.
Sucks about the drug test. You drinking plenty of water?
Thanks GG…..Yeah chugging a gallon a day, trying to eat cleaner and doing hot yoga 5 days a week trying to sweat it out if possible (109d in there last night). We are fishing for big brown trout, they start spawning in October and run through November. The best place I’ve ever fished other than New Zealand…I’ll take a few photos and when back I’ll open my ethos journal with, hopefully, a photo of a 30” brown!
Hey 420.....this is my last post in this journal. I've been curing her buds now for a little over 3 weeks and now the impact of my mishandled grow can be seen first hand. Her buds, while big, are pretty spongy, not the tight, rock hard nugs we are looking for. While she smells unreal and is stick AF, she doesn't look right (no red/orange hairs, kind of an off-colored green) and her trich count seems low as measured by the naked eye. I am still unable to do a smoke report and it may be a while, so am going to call this a rap and move on to my next grow. If you follow me over there, I'll eventually provide a smoke report in that journal. Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me for what turned out to be a very long grow. Lessons learned? Absolutely, and my next auto (an MSG Redemption Grow) will be much better or them.
  1. This strain has big potential, I highly recommend her.
  2. Less is more, keep it simple, avoid numerous amendments (like dolomite lime) and fancy solutions (BIOAg). She doesn't need it.
  3. Do not overfeed especially in veg. Everything you read will tell you this, listen! The 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 (or recommended) method is a good place to start. Once she gets into flower you can try to increase PPM and see how she reacts.
  4. Follow the DLI (daily light integral) chart on page 5 to optimize light intensity during certain phases of the grow. Too much light too soon WILL negatively impact her, I can vouch for that first hand.
  5. Plant in final container from the beginning (you "can" transplant but I'm not good enough to pull that off). Do not use peat pots, period
Special thanks to @Trala and @GainesvilleGreen for all your help, you guys are the best!

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