Mighty Grow Madness Autos & Photos Blazes Sponsored Grow Current

M thinking MGO isnt for all the auto growers!! I have seen great things with photo plants but yea Autos are not liking the MGO regiment. I dont grow autos so m still really interested in MGO but from your journal think autos are not for MGO. What are your thoughts cause you are the one thats using it and the one that has put the money into them auto seed? Keep up the informative journal and will be the first to say there isnt a perfect product out there and they all have there limitations. Glad that m following keep things rocking!!
M thinking MGO isnt for all the auto growers!! I have seen great things with photo plants but yea Autos are not liking the MGO regiment. I dont grow autos so m still really interested in MGO but from your journal think autos are not for MGO. What are your thoughts cause you are the one thats using it and the one that has put the money into them auto seed? Keep up the informative journal and will be the first to say there isnt a perfect product out there and they all have there limitations. Glad that m following keep things rocking!!
Yeah im going to keep using there product and see if changing the feeding schedual alil bit will work better or not for my next autos but so far as is is not a gud way to go for autos lol but non autos are so far great for the most part but like you said no product is perfect and so for how easy it is to follow there program i really like it and if it produces some top shelf meds better then what ive been getting then ill be switching up my whole grow to mgo products but i wont know that till the end end lol but thanx again man for following along on my next run after this one ill be doing acouple autos at once and ill be trying different feeding rates and see if those dont do a little bit better
No cant do half nutes this is a sponsored grow so im doing it the way they want me to an it dont say i gotta flush and being organic they said i wudnt need to ph balance anything and that the mgo product should stabilize things and as for how i water i use ro water and i do it every other day or so and i keep the top moist cuz the sponsor said the product dnt like to get 2 dry but yea thank you man for the info and stopn by
Okey Dokey Blazin . MGO, must be doing other experimenting, so they should know. But you should have the last say on how you grow your grow. They might even learn something from you ? I don't think anyone at MGO knows the exact formula( or dosages) that works best, for different strains of MJ. You're there and you're reading your plants, so who better than you, to make the decisions ?? Again, good luck !!
Okey Dokey Blazin . MGO, must be doing other experimenting, so they should know. But you should have the last say on how you grow your grow. They might even learn something from you ? I don't think anyone at MGO knows the exact formula( or dosages) that works best, for different strains of MJ. You're there and you're reading your plants, so who better than you, to make the decisions ?? Again, good luck !!
Thanx man for the incourageing words much appreciated and yea well i hope to be of some help to these guys in figuring out a gud product specially for autos that wud be awesome and i think a major money maker if some one had an organic line of ferts and nutes specially for autos i know a bunch of people would scoop that up specially if it helped to increase yields but yea i hope to figure out a good way to make it work for my autos but if not thats ok to lol
Thanx man for the incourageing words much appreciated and yea well i hope to be of some help to these guys in figuring out a gud product specially for autos that wud be awesome and i think a major money maker if some one had an organic line of ferts and nutes specially for autos i know a bunch of people would scoop that up specially if it helped to increase yields but yea i hope to figure out a good way to make it work for my autos but if not thats ok to lol
Why is it that autos need different nutrients ? I see where the feeding schedules would be different , but I'd guess the same nutrients will work for both ? My outside plants are growing like weeds !! I was gonna try mgo, but I went for a tryed & proven fert. this time. I should transplant these 4 ft. bushes from their 5 gal. bags, into 10-15 gal. bags. But $$ is tight at this time, so I'll probably just go with the 5s. . I could use 1/2 cowshit compost & 1/2 garden soil, I guess. The 5 gal. bags are now filled with FFOF. Bunch of heavy rocks in btm. of bags to deter them lazy thieves ?
Why is it that autos need different nutrients ? I see where the feeding schedules would be different , but I'd guess the same nutrients will work for both ? My outside plants are growing like weeds !! I was gonna try mgo, but I went for a tryed & proven fert. this time. I should transplant these 4 ft. bushes from their 5 gal. bags, into 10-15 gal. bags. But $$ is tight at this time, so I'll probably just go with the 5s. . I could use 1/2 cowshit compost & 1/2 garden soil, I guess. The 5 gal. bags are now filled with FFOF. Bunch of heavy rocks in btm. of bags to deter them lazy thieves ?
No i didnt mean sumthn different exactly i worded that wrong i just meant like have there product but make a line for autos so it wud have different levels or whatever is in there or however it can be adjusted so that way whenever u would wana use mgo for autos u wud just get that line of there product and follow that feeding chart and if you have photo plants then you would get the other line idk i just think it would be a kool idea to have something specific for autos lol
Hey blaze..Sorry I've been out sick for a little while. Looks like your plants are experiencing some serious nutrient burn. When we created this feeding schedule, it was based off of one of our big growers that was growing photos in 50-100 gallon pots. There was a lot more room for error and his plants were massive and needed lots of fertilizer. I think we are noticing that in smaller grows we need to be more careful with the amounts of fertilizer we are using. So with everyone's help lets hash this out and work together to dial in the feeding schedule. I think you should hold off adding any more fertilizer for the time being and just water. I think we should also take a pH reading and see where we stand with that. I don't necessarily think that we need a completely different line of products for autos, but I do agree that I think the amounts need to be adjusted for auto plants. I think we should just water for a week or two and see where we are at. I think we are gaining a lot of knowledge with these grows, and we may very well have to do a second sponsored grow to narrow down and test what we have learned. I appreciate your understanding and patience. I really want to dial in the feeding schedule for photos and autos, so with your help and the help of this great community I believe we can do just that.
Ok so would you want me 2 ph the run off or the water going in cuz I use to water so it shud be right about 7 but I cud start checking that as well if u want the number exact and ok I will hold off on adding anything extra too them for the next week or two but yeah thanx for the help and info oh also shud I hold off on my photo girl as well cuz I did notice alil bit of nute burn on her as well so jus wondering if I should kick her down to just water for the next week or two as well??
Blaze, I would pH the water going in and then pH the runoff. This will allow us know what we are working with. As far as the photo girl, yes I would hold off on the fertilizer on her too. Let's just water for a week or two and see how they react. pH the photo girl as well so we can see where we are with her. How far along is the photo girl?

Very cool MGO! Loving the custom-er service! Felt like i had to chant something after reading the last part of the post.

Loving the enthusiasm! Let's do this!
Hey blaze..Sorry I've been out sick for a little while. Looks like your plants are experiencing some serious nutrient burn. When we created this feeding schedule, it was based off of one of our big growers that was growing photos in 50-100 gallon pots. There was a lot more room for error and his plants were massive and needed lots of fertilizer. I think we are noticing that in smaller grows we need to be more careful with the amounts of fertilizer we are using. So with everyone's help lets hash this out and work together to dial in the feeding schedule. I think you should hold off adding any more fertilizer for the time being and just water. I think we should also take a pH reading and see where we stand with that. I don't necessarily think that we need a completely different line of products for autos, but I do agree that I think the amounts need to be adjusted for auto plants. I think we should just water for a week or two and see where we are at. I think we are gaining a lot of knowledge with these grows, and we may very well have to do a second sponsored grow to narrow down and test what we have learned. I appreciate your understanding and patience. I really want to dial in the feeding schedule for photos and autos, so with your help and the help of this great community I believe we can do just that.
I have never grew an auto, but from what I've read autos need very little veg. nutes, and 1/2 or less of the bloom formula, required for a photo plant. And that could be, what's happening with blazins grow. So once you determine the dosage for photos, I think from there, it'll be pretty easy to figure out a dosage for autos. Blazin is growing in a medium that has no nutrient content, so when he mixed your veg formula into the sunshine #4, maybe It was to much for autos. I don't think it was the humatrace minerals that caused his issue.
Reading your post, tells me that you're on the right track to success ! If you can't find the answers here, then they most probably, don't exist . Glad you're feeling better.:morenutes:
Loving the enthusiasm! Let's do this!
Ok so i did a ph test and i will do one fresh from my ro water filter just to make fully sure but this reading came back as 9.4 and i recalibrated my ph pen so i k ow its right on so i will check my water 2morow fresh from the filter n see what that one comes out to but i might need to buy a new filter but those are fairly cheap but yea i dont water enuf to get any run off so shud i be watering more and if so i will need sumthn to trap the water in since they are cloth pots but i have it pretty cramed in there so i will have to reconfigure sum stuff but yea just wanted to let you know the possible in going ph level
Well i been messaging the sponsors for a few days now n it kinda seems like every time i have questions it takes days to get any responses well this i guna lead to massive problems if we are trying to fix and readjust feeding schedules and what not n i dnt hear back from any1 till its to late some times so ill post it in here since i havnt heard back about my latest issue i have two clones going now in five gallon home depot buckets and im wondering if a i shud stop my malted grains teas as well and also how much shud i be feeding them if they are in five gallon buckets also if i ph my water to say 7.0 wont what ever i use to lower or raise ph wont that hurt the organic soil??
Maybe he's sick again ? What's a malted tea ?:morenutes:
Its a malted grain tea i use malted barley malted buckwheat n malted corn and grind to a dust and add 2 tablespoons of that to 3 gallons of ro water and then mix 2gether n water in
What does it do for our ladies ?:morenutes:
Im not exactly sure but i no it boosts the soil wen doing organics and helps to produce more triches during flowering and even wen i wana give a boost to my veg girls and get everything kicking alil better then i do malted grains i was turned on to it by a really good grower on here bobrown14 he is a master organic grower n has helpd me learn to grow organics i wudnt even be half as far as i am in growing if it wasnt for him and a few other good growers on here radogast is another good grower with lots of info but yea the main reason i do it is to get better triche development and bigger buds
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