MrMJ Very First Grow Nirvana Master Kush, Soil

Thanks for the feedback guru! Sorry I didn't update this morning I had to work today and tomorrow is Mother's Day and also work in the morning but I will be transplanting tomorrow whenever I find the time. I did too the little one this morning and watered both with just spring water. It will be a hectic day tomorrow but I will do my best to upload some pics. Have a great day 420
Hey 420 sorry for the late update today has been a little hectic. Guru I have checked the runoff once and it came in at 7.1 I know this is a little high but from what I've read runoff isn't 100% accurate. I have been using spring water and haven't pHd it because it's natural (store bought lol) I've made one gallon of Nutes and it was pHd to 5.8 on account of a little too much pH down (oops). I will start making that apart of my updates. So I did the transplant today of the big girl into her 3gal smart pot, after seeing the roots I'm kinda wishing I would have just went for the 5gal but was worried about the size of the tent as I original planned on having more than 2. I have a picture of the roots and though I have seen little about it I really hope their not root bound. Other than that I like transplant went fine. She is now in the tent by herself under 150w HPS and I lowered her from the little a little to get some stretch so the leaves aren't so close together and I can possibly get better light as I also don't have the best circulation going right now. I am probably going to do some light trimming tomorrow. I hope all of this little stress isn't doing too much to her but I would really like to be able to switch to 12/12 by end of the week. Girl #2 is in my makeshift box now under 200w CFL and am hoping to have her on 12/12 about 2weeks or less. Depending on how they look and how confident I can be in my self cutting I would like to get some clones off one or even both. Any way here are some pics and I will try to update tomorrow with any drastic decisions I might make lol Good night everyone.

Good morning 420! Thanks for the tip guru! I checked the girls this morning and they looked good. Until I started messing with them wahhh. I don't get any pictures of the little one as not much as changed maybe a little growth. The both got watered with GH week 2 schedule everything about half dosage except floragro which was a full dose. Also about a half dose of calimagic. I trimmed a couple of leaves of and this is when it happened....I broke her!!!! My anxiety immediately shot through the roof. I have seen a couple scenarios in journals where it has happen and they used electrical tape to mend it however I don't have any electrical tape! I didn't want to use scotch tape so I found some household twine and tied it up. It looks as though it closed it up really well I guess we will just wait and see. This will definitely put off 12/12 until at least Thursday I'm guessing. I don't know about everybody, but with this being my first grow it's amazing how attached you (I) become with the plants. As soon as I did it I yelled "SH*T" and panicked. Hopefully everything turns out to be okay.
Thanks smokescreen and welcome! Quick update for today. Transplanted girl #2 and put her back in the tent. She wasn't showing me much growth in the box under CFL so I figured just get her ready and put her in the tent. I trimmed 2 big lower fan leafs off girl #1 and threw them in some water to see if I can possibly get some clones. I don't have a dome or cloner or anything so just gonna see what happens. The twine seems to be holding up as growth still seems to be happening and it's been 48hours and I don't see any signs of death (thank goodness!) while she does seem to have slowed down a bit (which is expected) I think she will make it. Also the big one got a lite water with Nutes and the little one who got the transplant just got straight spring water. The nute water I used was the same from the day before with pH of 6.8? I believe. I hope this isn't a problem as I have been using nute water for 2 waterings and will then make a new batch and planned to continue this going forward unless it is frowned upon. It is starting to warm up this week so I am looking into an AC unit to keep the room cool. I'm a little worried because the girls are going to have make it through a heat wave (possibly around the 90s) for a few days. Also on the agenda I was already planning on ordering a LED light tomorrow which should make it here by Saturday. I am hoping the girls can make it under a 300w together for about a month as it will take me about that long to get a second one. But as of right now my biggest concern is the heat. But for now both girls look good imo and I see 12/12 in the near future! Good day everyone!
Hello 420! Quite a bit has been going on so I will try to capture everything in this update. Let's start with I switched to 12/12! Sooner than I had liked but my timer for the lights wasn't working and the "on" time was starting to become inconvenient, not to mention the heat wave I mentioned coming through so now the lights can be off majority of the day. Lights are off at 10am and back on at 10pm. Tent is still getting a bit hot (reached 90 today at peak which is also causing a spike in humidity while its closed with a high of 62%) but there isn't going to be much I can do until I am able to get an AC unit. I made made the switch on 5/17. Today I ordered an oscillating tower fan and 300w vipraspwctra LED light (sorry if I'm not suppose to mention the brand) As I said I was gonna go with Mars but reading the info the 300w Mars said it was comparable to 150HPS where the viper stated it's a 250wHPS equivalent...seemed a bit strange to me but that's my reason behind the brand switch. Shipped out today so hopefully it will be here by Saturday which should help with heat as well and give me a slightly better light coverage. I did some trimming on the big girl yesterday, took off the biggest 4 fan leaves that were blocking some new growth. The top I did to the little appears it may have took as a FIM which is fine with me! I believe the big girl is just about recovered from my accident with her a few days ago and the twine held up well it is still on there I'm afraid to cut it off lol. Both girls got watered tonight with almost a full dose of the GH floraseries transition week also with calimagic. PHd to 6.37 I didn't do the runoff though. The last picture is from tonight right after watering and the others are from yesterday. Good night 420!
Subbed. Lookin' nice.

I've been thinking about trying this strain. I hope you don't mind if I tag along.

Welcome Obi! Your more than free to watch my journey glad to have you! I can't promise this will be the best study for this strain but if it helps you any or persuades you to try it then great! I will say, I know I don't have the best set up or environment but so far things have been good and I like the growth I see (especially for my first time!) will try to update tonight. Have a good day 420
Quick update but not really, just to say things look good little bit of growth not really any stretch yet. LED should be here Monday. Pics tomorrow. Have a goodnight 420!
So girls look good growth is getting exciting! Still not much stretch but they are filling out. I took a picture together then one of each. After I did I clipped the 2 biggest fan leaves off of the little one. Hoping to take some possible clones this week. They haven't been watered in about 3 days (I believe, I need to start keeping track I was this journal for reference but I always forget to look back before I make a post). The big girl had about a few days less than a month in veg and #2 was about a week behind her. I always put my last seed in a paper towel this weekend which I actually forgot about til now lol! So that should be ready in the morning and will go in a solo cup under CFL. I think I am going to get some 5gal smart pots going forward but hopefully these 3gal hold up for this grow. Also my LED should be here tomorrow! Hopefully that will give me better coverage until I can get a 2nd one. I am also looking at some supplementary Nutes that I could use some advice on. Should I not go outside of GH, as I am using the flora trio + calimagic. I was looking at getting AN bud igniter and then probably bud x or bud candy. Any advice or help is appreciated! Have a goodnight 420!
So quick update: light came in, also order a ociliating tower fan for the tent which came in with the light. Both are set up in the tent. I think my hopes for the one light (i plan on having 2) were a little too big as it doesn't seem to have a large footprint compared to the 150wHPS (it's a 300wLED). I am going to give it a day or two and see how it works if anything I can always switch back to the HPS. Which leads me to a question, could I use both the HPS and LED in the same area? Like set up one plant under the HPS on one side of the tent and the other plant under the LED on the other side? I still haven't watered (I believe it's 4 days now) but the girls still look good. I will definitely be watering tonight and will update with more detailed pictures. Good day 420!
Just wanted to update real quick for reference. I fed the girls last night with week 5 flora trio + calimagic at full strength. I didn't snap any pictures but I've read to "listen to your plants" and they were just started to droop a bit and they actually probably could have taken more water (gallon between the 2). I am thinking of doing some trimming tonight as the big girl is getting awfully bushy. I have taken another 2 fan leaves off of girl #2. I wanted to LST and tie some branches down but I'm a bit scared after my snapping accident a few weeks ago. After one day with the LED it seems to be sufficient for now. I am hoping to be able to get the other one in the next couple weeks. I will put some pics up tonight. Good day 420!
Quick picture update. Not much change, pretty steady growth so far not too much stretch. I am starting to see pistils yayy! I will get some better pictures next time I take them out for watering. I watered at pH of 6.37 I'm thinking the next watering will be just straight no Nutes. Any comments/advice/feedback are all greatly appreciated.
Memorial Day update real fast! So girls are looking good imo! I have been running both LED and HPS (the HPS helps me get a little more light to the side of them) I didn't receive any feedback on NOT to do it and I couldn't find anything tell me it was bad. This is just until I'm able to get the other LED. I introduced GH Koolbloom for an adhancer to the Nutes. I just watered last night with the first feeding of it (GH flora series drain to waste week 6 schedule). So that's the flora trio, calimagic, and koolbloom. I made 2 gallons and used about all of it only maybe a 1/5 of gal left. We are about 1.5 weeks into 12/12 I believe. I am starting to see flower sites. Although I was hesitant to make a journal and haven't gotten much feedback I am glad I did for my own reference it is nice seeing the growth in pictures! I also appreciate those that have followed and gave me any advice! I am excited to see what the introduction of the koolbloom does. Happy Memorial Day 420 enjoy!
Good morning 420! So was just looking back at some older pictures and growth has been pretty amazing. This journey so far has been a great ride and awesome learning experience. The girls are looking good, pretty sure their a little thirsty they haven't been watered since Sunday night. They will get a straight watering tonight no nutes. I want to say the girls reacted well to the introduction of koolbloom but my big girl has some leaf issues. They were only on girl #1, no signs on girl #2. As I mentioned before I am running both LED and HPS to give more light until I am able to get my second LED. The leafs were on #1 which is more under the HPS. I did a major defoil last night and most the leaves were good but there was a handful (maybe 8-10 out of about 20-25) of leaves that were damaged. Hoping somebody can help me out with what's going on. In the pictures the top pile of leaves is from girl #2 bottom leaves are from #1. Hoping to get more direct light to bud sites and to the inside of them. Will update probably tomorrow. Have a good day 420!
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