My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

pfffffffffffffffffffff i SUCK :(


What do you guys think of this LST i did :/

KAMY!!! NO!!! you untie that right now!!! LOL!!! brotha man!!! that baby needs to get a little taller!!! and the stretching is due to the light being to far away from the top of the plant. you need to keep the light more close to the plant in order to keep the plant from stretching!!! I wouldn't tie her down til after she has gone passed 8 inches tall!!! then your going to want to tie her down more than that!!! try to get her to go all the way down to the rim of the pot or at least as close as it can get to it... hang on, I will post your pix with what you need to fix!!!

remember like I said, lumens fade away from CFL a lot faster than any other light source, 2 inches from the light... you have lost over half of the lumens!!!

i tell you guys one thing , if one of my plants turns out male , im gona use it to make mad experiences , like store her in my room with barely any light , or in my kitchen where i smoke , etc XD its gona be usefull to find out the real resistence of this plants , i did the same with some bonsais and i must say , they apre prety hard to kill lol
KAMY!!! NO!!! you untie that right now!!! LOL!!! brotha man!!! that baby needs to get a little taller!!! and the stretching is due to the light being to far away from the top of the plant. you need to keep the light more close to the plant in order to keep the plant from stretching!!! I wouldn't tie her down til after she has gone passed 8 inches tall!!! then your going to want to tie her down more than that!!! try to get her to go all the way down to the rim of the pot or at least as close as it can get to it... hang on, I will post your pix with what you need to fix!!!

remember like I said, lumens fade away from CFL a lot faster than any other light source, 2 inches from the light... you have lost over half of the lumens!!!


OK...K...You got some real help now my man!!!:high-five::adore::thanks:---> Brother Astonr420 :bravo::Namaste:
k Im back!!!

I went a little crazy with the paint shop!!! but yea!!! just to help ya out brotha!!!

here is your photo edited!!! as you can see I took no credit and made sure to note that it is your picture!!!

now this is a little diagram of what it should basicly look like!!! sorry for the crappy drawing but I don't have a steady hand!!!

And these are some of my photos from my LSTed Afgoo this last summer!!!

Hope this helps brotha!!!

i tell you guys one thing , if one of my plants turns out male , im gona use it to make mad experiences , like store her in my room with barely any light , or in my kitchen where i smoke , etc XD its gona be usefull to find out the real resistence of this plants , i did the same with some bonsais and i must say , they apre prety hard to kill lol
i dont want to sould like a cruel person , i dont kill the plants with suffering , i just like to test their defenses , after i test all i want i will probably put her down :( or store her in my living room , simply becouse its pretty :D

The only problem with saving a male is that the pollen goes everywhere and WILL get to your females no matter where you put it in your house...the males are messy buggers and the only thing you need to do with them is make a few more seeds by collecting the pollen and lightly dusting the lower buds as to make some seeds...believe me! ;)

Not to sound condescending but males are referred to as "Him"...Females, "Her"
warrior , i will take off all the male organs of the plant as soon as i see them , to make sure i wont spread the pollen arround , but anyways , i realy need some more seeds sooo, there is no problem with that also :D

and im not so good with english , its not my main language , i apreciate the correction , but i said her as in the plant :) its strange calling him to a plant , sounds like im talking about a person xD but i will try :high-five:
i was reading arround the internet and i found this :
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

What do you guys think ?
i was reading arround the internet and i found this :
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

What do you guys think ?

No worries about the language barrier my friend, it's all good :adore:

I just said that because, if I'm not mistaken, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong but, I think the Cannabis plant is the ONLY plant on the planet that actually has two genders and takes a male and a female to make offspring (seeds)

So, in that respect, it's ok to call a male "Him"

By the way, how do you say "Hello" in Portuguese?
eheh yeah you are right warrior , but you actualy didnt awsered the stuff you quoted XD

hello in portuguese is : "olá"

Sorry, I guess I didn't...been fighting a really bad cold all week and my mind isn't all their right now.

That looks similar to what I told you a few pages back so, I say that's a pretty good plan. :thumb:

Ok, so Portuguese is much like Spanish? Or is it totally Spanish? IDK?

I work with a couple of Mexican guys and they have been teaching me a little Spanish but I'd love to learn it fluently :thumb:
i was reading arround the internet and i found this :
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

What do you guys think ?

Try this link...Bunzboy's Flora Feeding Schedule for Soil Growers.
well since no one awsered i have ventured my self and added half a littre of pure nutes to each plant :)

naaah im just joking ! lol i added 1 milliliter to one litter of water ad i watered each plant with two bottle caps of nutes (with the water ofc) i hope i did it right , and i hope my plants survive to the nutes ;)
well since no one awsered i have ventured my self and added half a littre of pure nutes to each plant :)

naaah im just joking ! lol i added 1 milliliter to one litter of water ad i watered each plant with two bottle caps of nutes (with the water ofc) i hope i did it right , and i hope my plants survive to the nutes ;)

KAMY!!! don't do that!!! you made my heart jump... stop... and then jump again!!! then started beating normally after you said "just joking"

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