My first grow - Lowryder

I would drop the moisture meter, it's throwing you off.

After watering, let the soil dry out for a day then stick your finger in the pot. If the root zone is bone dry then water it, if it is moist like a sponge then wait another day. If it is like a muddy swampy soup, you need more perlite and most likely larger drain holes in the pot. This will help you better gauge the watering cycle.

Transplant is very traumatic for the plant, and sometimes they do not make it. These plants were stressed at a young age which made surviving the transplant much harder.

Your doing good, soil looks much better. What's most important is to learn from mistakes made. :peace:
I don't think I'd try moving her, or least ya can hope it's a her. She's down and out looking now the shock might send her over the edge. But then I'm not the doc. Seeing you just transplanted her maybe, maybe be gentle and remove some of the wet shit from the edges and put bone dry? I wood'nt want to be the one to say something bad but alittle dry dirt might wick up some wet stuff from it. As long as you don't get carried way deep into it. But then like my old lady says you got to have one to lose one.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Hopefully it makes it through. I'll take some more pics when it shows a significan't change, good or bad.
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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