My First Grow - White Widow & Unknown From South Florida

Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Hello mate, little tip with your lst'n try using little screw in eyes on the side of your pots for lst'n you could get them all round your pots and have lots of places to tie down too. look at the bottom of this page to see what i mean. hope this helps.

My Second Grow 1200w Power Plant
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Hello mate, little tip with your lst't try using little screw in eyes on the side of your pots for lst'n you could get them all round your pots and have lots of places to tie down too. look at the bottom of this page to see what i mean. hope this helps.

My Second Grow 1200w Power Plant
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

hi, i just had a quick read through your journal, to me it sounds like its over watered and possible root rot, so let the pots dry out completely before next, water, dont wash the soil out anymore your just washing away any good nutes that are left, and do you know you took the bark and stuff out the compost, well this stops the soil bunching up and clumping up, i had this problem and it badly stunted growth as roots couldnt grow through the compost, and watering only made it worse as it filled all the air gaps in the compost which the roots need to grow at their best, so what i would do is have a small dig down with your fingers and check the looseness of the compost, let me know what you find,

also when was the last time you watered, the plants are still smallish and with pots that big they will hold loads of water and the plants are not big enough to drink it all up so it sits in the pot and causes root rot, so id say dont water for at least 5 to 7 days, mine are in 3gallon pots and in full flower and im watering every 4 or 5 days, so that gives you something to aim for, to me it sounds like it has been having to much water, also what nutes are you using, some nutes are no good, i was using baby bio and found it lacked something that my plants needed, so now im using bpn my plants have flurished, at first i was over watering and the plants suffered and really stunted growth, since learning this and stopping watering it has solved my problem and the plants are really thriving,

feel free to have a look through my journal, also theirs loads of growers on my journal so pop in and ask any questions and you will get the help you need,

so when was the last time you watered, what nutes are you using and how often, make sure you leave the tap water standing for at least 24 hours before using as it releases all the chlorine in the water and makes it good for the plants, so i keep a load of jugs full of water and leave them on the side till the next time i water, how are you mixing your nutes as well.

but from looking at the pics you have some kind of root problem, so let the pots dry out and it will kill off the bad roots and get the new roots and good roots growing again, your using 5g pots so they will be holding a lot of water in the compost plus taking all the bark out has reduced the air in the compost so let it dry out, id say you need to have the top 4 or 5 inches of the pot totally dry before thinking about adding more water,

also jump across to my journal and explain your problem and im sure you will get loads of help
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

as for sex, i dont think their showing sex yet, you see the 2 green things sticking up, well at the base of these is the nodes where new branches grow, now its at these nodes that the plant shows sex, you will either have 2 very fine white hairs which show you its female or you will see a very small sac which shows you its a male, if you jump over to my journal and look at the pictures of my micro auto you will see the 2 white hairs im talking about, this is when you can tell what sex it is
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

what i found best for lst is to buy some 1ft or 30cm pipe cleaners i got mine off the well know rain forest selling site but the other well known auction site would sell them, they cost next to nothing and can be re-used, and can be bent into any shape you want so comes in very handy, what i did was go along the edge of my pots and poke holes every inch or 2 and then i could push the pipe cleaner through the holes onto the plant and then pull the branches back,

im uploading more pictures tomorrow as i was out all day today and when i got back my plants had exploded with loads of bud growth, i recon due to the lst on my 2 main plants i have got an even canopy as if i was using a scrog and at a rough guess ive got at least 20 bud sites that are all at the same height, now im not sure if this means more yield but time will tell, like would i of got more yield if i let say 2 tops grow to main colas or am i getting more buds and main buds by lst and keeping all the buds sites even across the plant, all i did was lst al my branhes strait outwards and let all the nodes keep growing upwards, what i found best for lst was to top the plant so it gives you 2 main shoots growing up and when these shoots start growing instead of letting them grow upwards i kept pulling them back down until they reached the edge of my pots, during this time all the branches and nodes grew and matched the height of the plant, so now both my plants that are budding are now even all over and all bud sites are at the same height exactly the same as if i was using a scrog, ill take some pics tomorrow so check my journal tomorrow and ill show you what i mean, but what im going to do is with one of the clones im going to let it grow as it is with no lst, i might top it and then compare the yield, that way i can decide for myself whats best without having to rely on what other people have found out
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

I looked at your pics and then went to my garage and found some pipe cleaners that I had - not sure why I got them to start with but remembered I had them, I am going to see if I can pull afew branches out to get some light penetration on my two somewhat decent looking ladies. I liked how you did that. I had also thought of using paper clips with maybe some split shot weights that I have in my tackle box. Thought about doing that last night, but seeing what you have done with the cleaners think that is an easier way to go.:goodjob: :bravo:
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

i got the idea off someone else and used them ever since, they can be re-used and bent into any shape, i used them to tie branches down and pull all the leaves and branches out the way to let light in to all the nodes and inner branches, doing this has given me the even canopy i have now got, basically i just kept pulling branches one way or another until i could see from the top that all branches and nodes where getting light, this very quickly got the plant growing all over the place so its a great idea, plus their not to thin and dont cut into the branches, so they worked well for me, now i did pull a few leaves here and their, im not talking loads just the odd one or two that was directly blocking the light getting into the lower nodes and branches, but its a good idea to not take any leaves off or not take to many off when you are well into flower, doing this will force all the small leaves inside the buds to grow and this will give you a leafy smoke which we all know isnt very nice, so bare that in mind when taking leaves, the leaves are what makes the plants grow so taking to many will stunt growth, all i did was take a very small amount and only pulled leaves that would benefit the plant.

also when you use the pipe cleaners make sure you dont put loads of stress on the stem as it can break, what i did was poke holes all around the top of my pot and used that as a base to poke the pipe cleaners through then put it round a branch then id pull the end that was outside the pot until the branch was where i wanted it, so id sort of make a hook on the end on the branch and then the bit poking through the inside of the pot to the outside id pull until the branch was where i wanted it to be, but be careful not to break the branches as its easy to do.

so poke holes around the rim of the pot then you have got something to poke the pipe cleaners through, i secured the base of my plants stem with 2 pipe cleaners, i poked them through from opposite sides of the pot and tied it round the very bottom of the plant near soil level then pulled the pipe cleaners so they was holding the plant secure then when i pulled on the branches it didnt try and pull the plant out the soil or pull on the roots, so its worth doing,

over time pipe cleaners will rust, i always spray my plants every couple of days with a fine mist of water to give the plants a sort of fine rain and i found after a while the metal in the pipe cleaners would show signs of rust, but i never kept the pipe cleaners in the same place for to long as i was always moving them to get the light into all parts of my plant, i think this is why i have got such an even canopy as none of the lower branches where in any shade or didnt have any access to light so i think this made the plant grow even all over.

what i tried to do was every branch that was growing out of the plant i trained it so it was running level until it reached the edge of the pot then id start working on the branches off that and this gave me the even canopy, i also topped the plant which gave me 2 tops so i trained these to grow outwards instead of up and this gave me a really bushy plant, believe it or not my special kush has only got6 branches off the stem, all the other growth is from the nodes on these branches, the plant is about 8 inches high and is 3 nodes high, s its not like i let it grow to tall, so from 6 branches i got all them bud sites
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

I am going to give it a try, right now I am using a thick yarn and it seems to work well, I just do not have enough clips to hold all the way around, I could drill holes as needed and just wrap the yarn over the stem and use 2 holes for the yarn. Want to get my other problems taken care of 1st. :rocker:
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Jameth and Med man, thank you for your input, I was pretty sure about it, the five day ten pics I put up where all the same plant. So guess I'll be pulling the bast*rd out. I will post some other pics later, please check back later today (5/13) or tomorrow. I'm a real noob and would like to get some input on my other plants. The 2 White Widows are suppose to be from fem seeds, hope I haven't stressed them too much and turned them. Would like to clone what ever is fem in this grow. At least try to clone anyway.
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Hey just caught up on your journal, lookin pretty good.


This one^
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Yeah thanks for catching up. Will be pulling him out tonight when the lights come back on. Really liked your markup of my little bastard
:laughtwo: LMAO. Will be uploading picks of the other three here shortly, I will let everyone know when they are up and would appreciate any input that anyone has. Ordered basically the seven product organic package of BPN this morning. I ordered all quart size instead of getting the gals. That was my budget for the month.
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

looks like you got it in time, i recon if them sacs got any bigger it would of pollenated the whole room, be very carefull when taking it out not to shake it to much, in fact give it a good spray with water and then move it, make sure not to spray the other plants with the splash off that plant, spraying it will prevent any pollen getting air bourne, it only takes a minute bit of pollen to ruin a whole crop, if you have another place to grow it out you could collect the pollen then make your own strain, once the pollen is collected use cotton bud and dust over just say 1 or 2 flowers on a female plant, that way only the buds you have put pollen on will produce seeds and the rest of the plant will be all female, you need to be carefull though cuz the pollen will become air bourne if not careful so after pollenation give it a soak with water to ensure none blows off, you can store the pollen for future grows if you wanted to get this one out the way first, just remember pollen sticks to clothes and stays in the air so contamination is highly likely if the male is kept in doors with the female
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Yeah I really hope I got him in time. Will probally spritz him and put a bag over him. Really don't want anymore like that, it would really be upsetting if my ww's got pollenated, they came from feminized seeds. Hope the other unkn comes out female too, with my luck that will turn hempie on me, really was stressed alot, but looking up. Put pics up of the others pls have a look and see if you see anything I need to be aware of, incase I missed it. Unkn So FL Bag Seed - , here are the ww's Day 10 of 12 / 12 . :peacetwo::thanks:
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

looking at them id say its a bit early to tell and im sure others will agree, but if it is female you can tell strait away, if its male you will have small buldges that look like a little grape either side of the node growth, like your male now looks like that but a lot smaller, well if its female then you see the pointy green bits growing on the outer part at each node point then if its female you will see 2 little white hairs, they stand out so you will know as soon as you see them, if you look on my journal at the pics of my auto, not sure which page though, but its in the last 3 pages i think and you can clearly see the hairs im on about, males will have a small ball at the node either side of the growth, the female wont have this bulge it will have 2 white hairs sticking up then a bulge will grow at the base of the hairs and this is the bud forming, males show sex up to a week before females, but its best you just grow them out till you can say for sure, i mean the male your pulling now is clearly male so its been pulled and it dont look like its pollen produced yet, so i wouldnt get pulling anymore until you get a male at this stage so you know 100% it is a male and not a female or hermie, the main reason plants hermie is due to the lights cycle messing up during 12-12 so as long as the light schedule is the same and the plant is not stressed to much then it shouldnt hermie, but until you are sure its male then i wouldnt pull any, cuz even if you do see a small bulge it may still be female and the hairs might grow out the middle of the bulge, its all strain dependent, so until its grown out and you are sure its got no white hairs then id keep it, but that one before is 100% male so be careful and bag it like you said when moving it out
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

The plant immediately to the left of the one that comes up when clicking on your "seed" link looks like a girl. Also, looks like you might need a tad more nitrogen on one of them thar lasses.
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