Need Help Please


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My 11 day old seedling's leaves are drooping. Just watered today. I water every 3-4 days as needed.
I've kept at 77 degrees
humidity 63%
soil is a seedling starting soil (organic)
no nutrients have been given yet
kept in a grow tent with 450 watt light set on veg at 38 inches above plants
lights out time did drop to 60 degrees
light is 18/6


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Welcome to 420,MaritimeGal:welcome:

I agree with @Oldbear -she looks overwatered.
Are there some drain holes in that cup?

I'd say let it dry out till the cup is light as a feather before you water again,I
think she'll perk right up-because all the other conditions are good (temps,light distance,etc,)

Actually,at this tender age,you could leave the big light off and just hang a single 60w equivalent cfl or led bulb above her(4-5")-that'll also tell you if the light is a bit intense for her at this time.

Is your light an LED,CMH,or HPS?
I think its too wet and drowning. Suggest you up pot it asap which will let you check moisture at the bottom of the pot.
I understand where you see this but her leaves have been curling since she first sprouted. One side was always worse then then the other. She was always s little deformed. When she grows new leaves at first they are fine then they also curl at the ends. I only water when her cup is fully dry.
Hey neighbour! Good advice from these guys.. Also do you have a way to check the pH of your water? 60F is getting cool, not plant killing cool, but if you have a way to keep it a bit warmer during lights out it would probably be a good thing.
Yes we check ph and all is good. Agree with the lights out temp.
Ok, I would get her up off the floor. If your tent temp is 60 at night, the floor could be colder still. They stop growing at around 60f. The papery leaves means that transpiration has ceased. There could be a few reasons for this.

What are you planning to use for medium? Are you sticking with soil or are going a different direction?
Someone told me it could be because I have high nitrogen in my soil (.50%). I'm planning on using soil. Almost the same as what I am using now. I am using the seedling soil right now. Then I will use the next step up.
Can you take a few pics? One of the soil and it's ingredients/ NPK values. And one from the top of your plant. Multiple angles help to look at the plant better.

How are you measuring your water pH, just out of curiosity?

Sorry if this seems like it's going nowhere...troubleshooting often gets frustrating.
I want to investigate the watering some more, because your plant does "look" overwatered. You say you water when it is fully dry, but I wonder if this means all the way to the bottom. When you do water, I am wondering if you water completely, to the point of runoff. Your time between waterings seems to be set at an arbitrary value, I am wondering why it doesnt change.
I want to investigate the watering some more, because your plant does "look" overwatered. You say you water when it is fully dry, but I wonder if this means all the way to the bottom. When you do water, I am wondering if you water completely, to the point of runoff. Your time between waterings seems to be set at an arbitrary value, I am wondering why it doesnt change.
I do water till runoff. It’s around every 3 to 4 days.
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