New to the forum

Hello, I've been scouring the web for forums about cannabis for awhile now. I'm looking forward to learning some new info! I also currently have 7 baby cannabis seedlings.
Congratulations on your garden :yahoo:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome::high-five::ciao:
Are you going to grow in soil?
If we can help with anything don't hesitate to ask questions.
We are all here to help.
Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hello, I've been scouring the web for forums about cannabis for awhile now. I'm looking forward to learning some new info! I also currently have 7 baby cannabis seedlings.
Welcome, @Maelasae .

Tell us a bit about your grow. Indoor, outdoor? Soil, coco, hydro? What's your environment like.

Lots of knowledgeable growers on here happy to offer advice when asked or just plain follow along. Post a link to your journal here if you start one. That's a great way to engage the community.
but I am new to growing and the forum, I've been patient and trusting the process!
New growers often have issues with watering. So, you can either spend the time to learn how to water correctly, or skip the learning curve altogether and come join us in #SIP Club.

You'll get perfect watering every time because the plant waters itself and get happier, healthier and bigger plants in the process.

Also, depending on what your plans are, some training can help increase yields. I'm partial to Quadlining for its simplicity and quick results.
Welcome Maelasae! Some of the best weed comes from your state! Growers too!
What are your seeds, do you know?
This is really good to know! I've been interested in buying and finding more locally grown and bred strains from in-state! The ones I have now or grown from seeds that were found in some bud buying from friends, more so a practice run. I'd like to know the science/ancestry behind them though.
New growers often have issues with watering. So, you can either spend the time to learn how to water correctly, or skip the learning curve altogether and come join us in #SIP Club.

You'll get perfect watering every time because the plant waters itself and get happier, healthier and bigger plants in the process.

Also, depending on what your plans are, some training can help increase yields. I'm partial to Quadlining for its simplicity and quick results.
I have been worried about watering here of lately, thank you for the info!
I have been worried about watering here of lately, thank you for the info!
You really need to read @Emilya Green’s post on how to water a potted plant. More new growers kill their plants due to overwatering. CL🍀
Hello, I've been scouring the web for forums about cannabis for awhile now. I'm looking forward to learning some new info! I also currently have 7 baby cannabis seedlings.
Hello Neighbor, and greetings from west-central Missouri! :welcome:

I am pleased to see that you have already been invited to read my articles on proper watering, thank you everybody, and if you have any questions, I am just a keyboard away. If you are into DIY and a bit of experimenting, I see that you have also been invited to investigate SIP growing, but I would like to add that as a new grower of this weed, there is also a lot to be gained by starting off at a standard baseline, ie a bucket of soil, to learn the basics there, and how to recognize and fix problems when they occur. There is no right or wrong way, and all paths lead to further learning.

I'm glad you found us in scouring the web, but surely I hope it didn't take you too long to stumble into this place. We have after all been around for over 30 years now, and our back room works hard to ever increase our presence on the internet. Whatever search led you to us, I am glad you found this special place on the web. There are many cannabis forums out there, but we like to thinks ours is the best, and the best run.

Let me invite you to read some of my work... I have a links page (click here) where you can see links to most of my work over the last decade or so. Remember as you read some of these journals, that legalization has only happened in the last few years. You are so fortunate to live in Missouri where we have some of the best cultivation laws in the nation! I hope you will realize that you are safe here and among friends and neighbors, and I also would like to encourage you to start a grow journal so we can follow along, and get to know you a little better!

Welcome to the family!
Sense Emilya Green, Emmy to my friends. :love:
Here’s an image of bagseed growing in my room a couple weeks ago.


You can do quite well with very little. Don’t get caught up in the hype of high priced seeds and top of the line nutrients. We’re growing plants plain and simple. The best thing you can do for your grow is to read up on gardening, learn the basic skills, and the processes you’re working with. Find a method that suits you and stick with it. Once you’re comfortable and experienced then branch out.

Good luck, and welcome!
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