Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow


Coming along finally. Up pot dunno, a week away? Max.

Sparky here on Sunday to help finish the tent setup.

I put the 5 Gallon Airpot there for scale because the 15 Gallon Airpot in the background was messing with my eyes!

OK - quite a lot going on here. I cross referenced 3 Ph testers to get a balanced range, turns out yeah I see its possibly a change in the well/borehole water, the wall mount, yeah that's always been aobut 0.3 high. I mean maybe all three are high but the plants are OK. The EC tester at 4.1? Nah no way! I need to buy a proper one. PPM 1810? Dunno not checked in for ever - I don't think so but not sure Dutch Pro give PPM readings. They all about EC.

So yeah a video of the daily watering at the moment. 100ml syringe. dancing around watching the plants, looks like I missed a few plants, I did and went back and checked after, was trying so hard to finish within the song! See my hands panic! So, so embarrassed to panic! Hehe not me! But what may not be obvious is the pot I plonk down has some ants in. Did the other day too, same pot, not spread but not ideal. We swapped that pot out for new with new perlite. By leaving it there when I saw two days ago we kinda got a read on it. Is it spreading? No. New pot. Carry on.

What is also unclear and I'll take some better pictures is how fool proof this is at this stage. If you watch the video you'll see the amount I'm giving from the giant syringe varies, they are watered until the perlite begins to just float, not more than that, some are thirsty than others so its really easy to teach people the visual cue, just when it starts to swell, stop, not a dose of 10ml or water ever each, just your eyes. My rockstar videographer & Co sensing the potential boredom of a video of plants getting watered with a syringe popped up with a random plant to show what we're trying to achieve with the roots at this stage. Just a few days here and they are all along the... (and down to the res too!)

Its a foolproof way to navigate the stressful seedling stage in our opinion. Designed because I killed 25 Girl Scout Cookies once.

The ants - get an ant trap, the humidity well low today, meh, the light, they want more but gotta have a think about when we're gonna be ready to up pot too. Happy stall everything for a week. a holding pattern while various other bits of other grows get resolved. Still just the 320w light up high, I guess 250 PPFD, moved back a bit more central, because the later batch are a bit more grown up, Rh meh 75% tops. No Co2 or anything so background, 400ppm.

Skin and eyes but yeah I learned from the basics.

If nothing else - cool song! There may be better!

The videos can only be embedded here or my website and can't be downloaded easily. A bit much my face in it. Please make fun my hair loss, my favourite poem is This love song but the key line in this case is:
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair —

Yeah I dare - 'rents are from Hereford both 😆

Nick & Co (The director and cinematographer)


Thought maybe emergency drips perhaps?

Have 5ml 10ml and those 100ml. Sent @Bill284 one and I’m pretty sure he uses it. For some nutes its the biggest we’ll use for that “amendment” right now we’re just doing the main mix in the 100L tank so A/B week at 2ml/L OK - two full syringes out of each bottle, as it ramps up though A/B becomes full measuring cups delivered out the hand siphon pumps. Dead useful in your grow “weapon” armoury as piece of kit though. We have 5 left. Probably need to order more.

Thought maybe emergency drips perhaps?

Have 5ml 10ml and those 100ml. Sent @Bill284 one and I’m pretty sure he uses it. For some nutes its the biggest we’ll use for that “amendment” right now we’re just doing the main mix in the 100L tank so A/B week at 2ml/L OK - two full syringes out of each bottle, as it ramps up though A/B becomes full measuring cups delivered out the hand siphon pumps. Dead useful in your grow “weapon” armoury.
I wore it out I used it so much. :thanks:
Been meaning to order a few supplies for the hut.
It's on the list.;)
I'm putting my 45/40 stickers on my jars today.
It'll be a fun pic.
When I get 2 minutes :rofl:
Everything you sent was useful though.
And much appreciated my friend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I've got a couple of meat injection syringes used to flavor chunks of meat for a BBQ, though I've never used them.
Been meaning to order a few supplies for the hut.
It's on the list.;)
Azi - they’re grower specific brilliant for bulk growers and me and Bill both that.

You want a couple ping me - I’ll send a couple. They are top three most useful grow tool to me. I’m not measuring the liquid going in the pot at this pot at this stage - is the perlite floating a little?

All I care. If the seedling isn’t drinking so much - maybe that’s just a little squirt get it to start float little. Stop. Others they are draining that res and I spin a few circles of the 100ml syringe around. Its designed so everyone, can speak English or not can water my seedlings if required. Pictorial.

You can’t overwater.

Bill - I’ll send you more but you gotta tell me you want my discard 5G airpots as well! 🤣

Just ordered 10x 100ml and 10x 200ml!

1800 Thai Baht so $50 - €46

At that scale I just want a delivery utensil, somewhat accurate. For the mono silicate I used (and bought again. Sorry buddy Wastei 😅) where its 0.3ml per litre I use full medical syringes at 5ml. No needles! I see a needle I faint! Funny AF story about that. My Mum, lolz.

$50 - halve it because gifts whatever.

If you are growing seriously a turkey basting thing, meh. Might seem cheaper to start after the third one….

These are all medical grade stuff too. Tear open the paper packet. Make life so so much easier though.
OK - quite a lot going on here. I cross referenced 3 Ph testers to get a balanced range, turns out yeah I see its possibly a change in the well/borehole water, the wall mount, yeah that's always been aobut 0.3 high. I mean maybe all three are high but the plants are OK. The EC tester at 4.1? Nah no way! I need to buy a proper one. PPM 1810? Dunno not checked in for ever - I don't think so but not sure Dutch Pro give PPM readings. They all about EC.

So yeah a video of the daily watering at the moment. 100ml syringe. dancing around watching the plants, looks like I missed a few plants, I did and went back and checked after, was trying so hard to finish within the song! See my hands panic! So, so embarrassed to panic! Hehe not me! But what may not be obvious is the pot I plonk down has some ants in. Did the other day too, same pot, not spread but not ideal. We swapped that pot out for new with new perlite. By leaving it there when I saw two days ago we kinda got a read on it. Is it spreading? No. New pot. Carry on.

What is also unclear and I'll take some better pictures is how fool proof this is at this stage. If you watch the video you'll see the amount I'm giving from the giant syringe varies, they are watered until the perlite begins to just float, not more than that, some are thirsty than others so its really easy to teach people the visual cue, just when it starts to swell, stop, not a dose of 10ml or water ever each, just your eyes. My rockstar videographer & Co sensing the potential boredom of a video of plants getting watered with a syringe popped up with a random plant to show what we're trying to achieve with the roots at this stage. Just a few days here and they are all along the... (and down to the res too!)

Its a foolproof way to navigate the stressful seedling stage in our opinion. Designed because I killed 25 Girl Scout Cookies once.

The ants - get an ant trap, the humidity well low today, meh, the light, they want more but gotta have a think about when we're gonna be ready to up pot too. Happy stall everything for a week. a holding pattern while various other bits of other grows get resolved. Still just the 320w light up high, I guess 250 PPFD, moved back a bit more central, because the later batch are a bit more grown up, Rh meh 75% tops. No Co2 or anything so background, 400ppm.

Skin and eyes but yeah I learned from the basics.

If nothing else - cool song! There may be better!

The videos can only be embedded here or my website and can't be downloaded easily. A bit much my face in it. Please make fun my hair loss, my favourite poem is This love song but the key line in this case is:

Yeah I dare - 'rents are from Hereford both 😆

Nick & Co (The director and cinematographer)

Awesome video and the music stay even as I type this! You look like I thought you would. Lol. What with a turkey baster and all. Good stuff.
Awesome video and the music stay even as I type this! You look like I thought you would. Lol. What with a turkey baster and all. Good stuff.
Thank you! For lots a stuff Jon.

But - they’re not fk’in turkey basters - “medical grade syringes” 😂

You’ll see!

You’ll love ‘em.
Thank you! For lots a stuff Jon.

But - they’re not fk’in turkey basters - “medical grade syringes” 😂

You’ll see!

You’ll love ‘em.
Pissed you off with the turkey baster comment? Lmao!!!
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