OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

I like your crystal Ball Snarly...Its never wrong...right? :welcome:

It's never wrong. You will see :)
Hell man, just a few hours ago it told me I would be subbing to your journal, and sure as shit, here I am :high-five:
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

My first attempt at cloning is complete...now to get them to root is another story!

This is my $10 bubble cloner, a 5qt storage tub form the dollar store (2 for $1.00), closed cell foam that came with one of my lights (free) 8" Chinese air stone ($1.92) and a Tetra whisper air pump (7.95), I had the air line on hand.


My lights didn't cost me much more and consists of 2 2' 2 bulb T5 housings I picked up at a rummage sale for $5.00 each, some sheet aluminum from a construction project I had laying around and 4 17 watt T8 grow bulbs that cost me $19.95.


I plan on adding another LED to my set-up in the near future because both of my 1200 watt Chinese LED's are used for flower, not sure if I want to upgrade the flower lights or just get a veg light...one thing I know is I am sticking with LED style lights because of how cool they run.

I sniped of 3 lower branches on the best looking White Widow and Purple Kush, stuck them in RO water and proceeded to add them to the cloner by recutting the stem at a 45 degree angle, trimming away and snipping some of lower leaves, and gently peeling some of the last 1 1/2" of stem. I applied some Clonex to the area and set the clones so that the 45 degree cut is just sticking in the water.



The water used is one gallon of RO water with 0.5 ml Rez Clear, 0.5 ml of Silicate, 1 ml of Calimagic, and 2 ml of Rapid Start. The PPm's are at 170 and PH was adjusted to 5.6.

Right now I have the lights about 7" above and will slowly lower them a bit because under the scrog there was not a lot of light reaching these so they might be a little delicate and I don't want to stress them anymore than they just went through.

This is my first attempt at this so if you see anything that I did wrong or needs tweeking, let me know!:helpsmilie:
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

OTM, curious as to why you only submerged the stem to the 45 degree cut, yet you scraped 1 1/2" of the stem. Shouldn't the whole 1 1/2 inches be submerged? Or is the bubbling water going to splash that portion? Still learning about cloning here, gonna give it a try sooner or later :)
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

OTM, curious as to why you only submerged the stem to the 45 degree cut, yet you scraped 1 1/2" of the stem. Shouldn't the whole 1 1/2 inches be submerged? Or is the bubbling water going to splash that portion? Still learning about cloning here, gonna give it a try sooner or later :)

From what I have read the bubbling action will keep it plenty wet, the clonex will help the stem absorb better and the roots will pop faster kind of like a DWC...Should have roots showing in 7 -10 days...if I did it right!:laughtwo:
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

From what I have read the bubbling action will keep it plenty wet, the clonex will help the stem absorb better and the roots will pop faster kind of like a DWC...Should have roots showing in 7 -10 days...if I did it right!:laughtwo:
Ok, that makes sense. I like the way you innovate sir. I love re-purposing :)
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest


First off, I would like to thank all of you that have encouraged me to start a journal, you all know who you are and your your words of encouragement is appreciated. I am quite new to the 420 family and over the last couple months have encountered so many great folks!:thumb:

My last grow was back in 1981, it was a 9 month grow that started indoors mid February, moved outdoors in mid May and was harvested in late October...that was how it was done since my 1st grow in 1975. I was pretty successful growing 12-24 plants that would end up being 6-8'+ and averaging 2-2 1/2lbs of dried product each. I learned a lot about growing under mother nature's rules and improvised many ways to cheat her when I could!

After 1981, I moved away and my love of growing and smoking was replaced by making a "honest living" and taking care of my wife & kids...the kids are all grown up and left the nest as did the wife, so now I can have my second childhood!:smokin:

I don't have access to the great outdoor growing experience any more so a unfinished room in my basement has been partitioned to a dedicated grow room, a room within a room for better control of the climate with-in.

My first grow in 35 years so far has been good with no major problems, I credit that to many hours of research, many watched videos online and reading many journals right here on :420: from the noobs like me to the pro's which there are many!:thumb:

I am the DIY type, this journal will show my DIY RDWC design, an idea of my grow room set up and how it is working, the $10.00 bubble cloner which will be up and running tomorrow, and my attempt to sprout and grow some 40 year old seeds which I found while visiting my dad last weekend.

Current grow of Photo Fem CKS White Widow & Purple Kush dropped in water on 4-22-17 and now on day 17 of flower;

Widow gals;

Purple Kush gals;

Pretty little flowers;

The clones will be taken tomorrow from these, 3 from each, I will post a update tomorrow with a couple process pictures.

The 40+ year old seeds look like this as found with my old sorting tray! I am quite sure we have Panama Red, Maui Wowi, and the one that is marked "Gold" is probably Colombian, but there was also Acapulco & Jamaican floating around at the time so these I am not 100% sure on, one thing I am sure on is the stuff was good or I would have not saved the seeds!;





Right now they are in the freezer as recommended, I did sacrifice 3 of them (one of each) and split them with a razor blade, inside they are a off-white color and kind of wax like, I was expecting dried up stuff so this is encouraging;


I threw a couple of the Maui Wowi seed in a shot glass of tap water to see what happens, I don't expect much on these two so I ordered some Gibberellic Acid (GA3) which is supposed to wake up old seeds.

Pull up a chair, give me your suggestions, comments, and encouragement...together we will have a good time!

You had me at 40 year old seeds! Im in!!! Good luck and please keep up with the pics. What I would give to find some older ones! .....
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

You had me at 40 year old seeds! Im in!!! Good luck and please keep up with the pics. What I would give to find some older ones! .....

Welcome aboard Sativasavvy, If I do get some of these to pop I will be in old skool Sativa heaven!!:lot-o-toke:

re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

If I do get some of these to pop I will be in old skool Sativa heaven!!:lot-o-toke:

I think you meant when :thedoubletake:

And we'll all be in old skool Sativa heaven, my friend :volcano-smiley:
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

That's ok, I keep forgetting I have Alzheimers too! :rofl:

ps. no offense meant to anyone

No offense on this end...I may be 63 but could pass as 50 if I use Just for Men a little more!...and if I can grow good medicine I may start to feel like 50 too!:surf:
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

No offense on this end...I may be 63 but could pass as 50 if I use Just for Men a little more!...and if I can grow good medicine I may start to feel like 50 too!:surf:
LOL. I got 4 years on you! My mind is a lot younger than my body though :thedoubletake:
I just got carded the other day when asking for seniors discount lol.
It freaks me out when I look at old people and then realize I am probably older than they are :thedoubletake:
Anyways, it's all a state of mind, and our hobby keeps us young.
And having a crystal ball doesn't hurt ;)
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

Haha yea you guys seem young to me.. cant tell the difference over the interwebs. Otm i had a thought.. the bottom of the cloner is clear, wont that let too much light in and kill the roots?
We ARE young, toast. And we are the same in person as you picture us here :thedoubletake:
Good question though, will the light hurt the roots?
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

No offense on this end...I may be 63 but could pass as 50 if I use Just for Men a little more!...and if I can grow good medicine I may start to feel like 50 too!:surf:

Pass on the bottle of Just for Men. Gray is sexy!
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

We ARE young, toast. And we are the same in person as you picture us here :thedoubletake:
Good question though, will the light hurt the roots?

Wats up 420 fam! Couldn't help but get in on this convo.

Recently tried doing a dwc grow before going to soil. Had the worst phythium case in my res. Ended being from light leaking thru. Killed my clones in a couple weeks and couldn't seem to ever get rid of it.

Sum vet growers advised me on using a molasses tea in my res but by them my babies were long gone.
So just went the soil route.
re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

Pass on the bottle of Just for Men. Gray is sexy!
Yup, I'm proud of every grey hair on my head. They are badges that were earned. ;)
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