Perpetual Pics

Finally, someone gets it. It's not about the reps, likes, pages, post, etc.. It's about what type of co-member you are to your cyber peers. The fore-mentioned just comes along with the territory.
As I'm getting a better view of who you are I'm impressed and would love to see a more detailed tutorial of your growing techniques (videos not necessary). I really don't have time to watch them. I'm subbed to too many journals to spend that much time on one post. If I watched videos I'd never get caught up being that they're all at least two minutes long; & that's the short ones.

He's a hell of a guy, isn't he?

How did things go with the house meeting?

Thanks Broke Ass. I'll try and make putting together the tutorial as a priority. Our little one bedroom rental is overflowing with our clutter so I've been bashful with pics. I'm on it. Friday.

The meeting with the estate seller is on Sunday. I'll make sure to update. That's just a "complimentary" meeting. Does not have an impact towards the sale. I believe in Karma and whatnot. I just want to get along, maybe brown-nose a bit. She, the seller, is the one inviting us. Lawyers are being paid to the dirty work. Still, she wants to do some pagan blessing on the house in our favor. Not costing me anything other than an hour of my time. Also, I want to see the interior electrical work that she paid for.
Not saying it's crazy. "Strange", oh yeah. Still, I'm not going to laugh-off her genuine offer to bless our new home.

I'm not in a position to quell peoples' religious beliefs. I also Do Not want the subject of this journal to gravitate towards religion nor politics. I have my personal spiritual beliefs and that is the end of this subject. :peace:

But yeah...:peace:
Finally, someone gets it. It's not about the reps, likes, pages, post, etc.. It's about what type of co-member you are to your cyber peers. The fore-mentioned just comes along with the territory.
As I'm getting a better view of who you are I'm impressed and would love to see a more detailed tutorial of your growing techniques (videos not necessary). I really don't have time to watch them. I'm subbed to too many journals to spend that much time on one post. If I watched videos I'd never get caught up being that they're all at least two minutes long; & that's the short ones.

He's a hell of a guy, isn't he?

How did things go with the house meeting?

Yeah, Relaxed Lester is a heck of a guy. SERIOUS!!!
10-4 there buddy. Those talks always make somebody mad. Now, back to the reason why we're all here.

So what do you guys use for cloning? I have jiffy pellets on hand, just don't know what rooting compound to get
I have two aero cloning machines. Both are 36 site cloners. I think the name is Klone King.

The person that I learned all this from used DIY machines, but the same concept.

I run into issues with nasties as I usually keep clones in the machine for 2-3 weeks. Certain time of year it's difficult to keep the rez temp in the lower 70's F. I haven't cloned in nearly two months but I think I have a solution.

Stay tuned. I'd also read through CHH's DWC journals. Good, pertinent reading right there. If you can find a journal from 'happy kitty', read it. That's who taught me.

Here's what a 'typical' clone looks like right before going into 12/12.

I have a lot more pics of clones in my gallery. But that one I sampled has roots quite a bit larger than the entire stem/leaf structure.

I don't really care how large the clone is (number of bud sites.) I get the roots feeding right from the get-go. This is hydro, mind you.

That clone, I remember her, was a HGK finished last Oct. That little "sprig" was grown under the Sea of Green Tech. She made a clean 1/4 oz dried. That may sound like a small yield. If that is the thought, the math worked out to 16.3 plants/square foot. Unlike Miss Piggy, a big ole plant with lot's of underbrushing/popcorn, the sog produces more uniform results as far as bud density is concerned. I'm currently transitioning to SCROG for the giggles.

Every grower has to sacrifice something. I can't grow outdoor. Well, I can, just not in a position to do so. I can't grow indoor plants taller than my height. We all have limitations. I just think that realizing one's own limitations and being able to adapt is the key; not only for gardening, life in general.
I didn't mean to slip that flowering plant pic in with the clone pictures.

The flowering plant was the last Northern Light Blue mother plant that I flowered out early last fall. That's some good smoke. I'm excited to be harvesting a little in less than a month. Happy times. :roorrip:
Here's some pics. First up is Purple Kush. She doesn't seem to be a heavy yielder although the smell is very intoxicating. Her leaves are the narrowest of any of my strains.


Then B.C. God Bud.


Northern Light Blue.


Northern Lights x Skunk #1. This strain is starting to surprise me. The smell has sweetened up and she seems like to be forming a very large cola.


The Blue Bloods.


Holy Grail Kush.


I cut the 600 watt HPS and the CFL's for these tent shots.


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