Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5 Tent

Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

After some research, I think its a combination of both. Since I just fed, I raises the HID 2 inches and am going to lower the plant 2 inches since its neighbor is loving the light. (its a sativa heavy hybrid)

I forgot PW, I raised the plant right before the problem started as slighly lightening upper leaves and older ones in direct light.

Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Yeah I was able to raise the LED just a little and then I lower the entire plant carefully about an inch and a half so it's now probably three-and-a-half to four inches further from the light. Also allowed more fresh air.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

I think u should be fine. What I would do is just skip a feeding and just water them real good. Soaking the pots to run off or as close as u can get without flushing the soil. Hopefully they bounce back in a few days
Perfect, thanks Jgrowlove.

They are so happy, standing up and loving life so its odd to see that.

I was thinking they should have enough left in the soil for the rest of the grow but now that I know the red hair could have been pollen, may still be full 3 weeks out:(

I'll skip a feed, one final feed then water to harvest.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Quick update, no worse for wear. She's very happy. All but those upper leaves are fine.
New growth is looking better too i will keep an eye on her.

On the seed issue, how long does a seed take to form?

It now does look like all of the hairs that were originally turning red are forming seeds.

If it takes the plant 2 weeks to form a seed thats ok, 2 days we have a problem please help. Ill cut them all out lf the trellis and searcg every bud to avoid more seeds
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Good Morning Phenoman,

Seems you've talked yourself through your issues just fine and it sounds like your girls are happy.

I will say, you certainly have more time in terms of getting things back on track using soil than you would in a hydro set up, though in the same breath it's not an infinite time line either. I think you're doing right by just sitting back and watching your girls. You're obviously tuned into them, so don't sweat it. Keep an eye on the salt build ups you mentioned, be mindful of your lights and stay your course; you'll be fine.

Side note: In a day or two, if you think the problem is persisting, could you take a pic of the entire plant/s in question, from the soil to the top of the plant? Getting that 'full view' might go a little further in helping diagnose a problem.

Have a great day!
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Seeds take a couple weeks at a minimum to fully form...generally even a little longer than that. It depends a lot on the strain and the health of the plant. The fertilization probably came from the herm. you pulled earlier on. As you're noticing, the pistils, will turn red / brown once they have been fertilized, so use this little fact to look at your girls. If over all, your girls are still pushing white pistils and they are remaining white, you probably don't have an existing issue, you're probably just seeing the aftermath of the herm. If new pistils are immediately going from white to red / brown, you may have staminate (male) flowers in your mix....but don't freak out. I highly doubt there's one grower here, who, if they've grown much at all, haven't faced this same issue. Granted it's not ideal, but, and perhaps I'm about to age myself some, I can remember when, back in the day, you seldom ever got a bag without seed in it...were you getting less smokeable material in terms of volume...yes...did it persuade any of us from rolling one up and getting medicated...nope. Just keep watching; it's very clear to me that you're paying attention to your girls and that you want the best for them and yourself...stay your course.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Seeds take a couple weeks at a minimum to fully form...generally even a little longer than that. It depends a lot on the strain and the health of the plant. The fertilization probably came from the herm. you pulled earlier on. As you're noticing, the pistils, will turn red / brown once they have been fertilized, so use this little fact to look at your girls. If over all, your girls are still pushing white pistils and they are remaining white, you probably don't have an existing issue, you're probably just seeing the aftermath of the herm. If new pistils are immediately going from white to red / brown, you may have staminate (male) flowers in your mix....but don't freak out. I highly doubt there's one grower here, who, if they've grown much at all, haven't faced this same issue. Granted it's not ideal, but, and perhaps I'm about to age myself some, I can remember when, back in the day, you seldom ever got a bag without seed in it...were you getting less smokeable material in terms of volume...yes...did it persuade any of us from rolling one up and getting medicated...nope. Just keep watching; it's very clear to me that you're paying attention to your girls and that you want the best for them and yourself...stay your course.
Man, you just made my morning.

And you are correct, I could count on one hand in my earlier days how many times we got seedless weed :)
(im returning to cannabis after many years for both medical and fun).

I'll keep an eye, looks like they are all still white hairs save for one or two in a bud here and there so far. Those already have a formed seed husk that is inside the flower.

I have to laugh at the remark about talking myself into a solution. I have to be very careful about that. I am used to talking myself into problems ;)
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Haha...well, don't think you have the corner market on doing that. We can all talk ourselves into problems...I was married once too...haha. ( I joke...sort of...haha).

Just keep on keeping on man and have fun, as it appears you're doing...
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Really quick. I just got home and before the lights out my check shows the Aurora looking horrible.
Crispy brown spots on the upper light leaves. The red petioles are present on the AK under the LED so I think that is a light thing.

I'll get full photos and post after lights on. Looks like I am going to have to do something drastic, I certainly hope not but I'll post some full pics tonight.

Damn that happened fast.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Good evening everyone.

Not so bad.
So its really strange what's happening. Its localized to thw Aurora and it seems to only be on the side where light from LED and HID cross.

The first photo shows the view, second photo zooms in to the left plant further branches. The ones either crossing led/hid.

One possibility. Hot spot from reflection on ductwork?

the photos suck.
I hope they can portray what I'm trying to show.

The last are of the whole plant.

Im moving ductwork.

My other thought is it was damaged from light burn the night before and these are just the effects now showing?

Last and final thought, salt buildup in a specific root area
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Here is the other side... Doesn't seem like light from here though. It's a bit lower.

If it gets worse over 2 hours I'll flush

Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Good Evening Phenoman,

Gosh, it's really hard to even see an issue with your plants; they look that good, but I do see what you're referring to.

1. It most certainly could be a hot spot; sounds like you're mitigating that issue by moving the duct work.

2. I would highly doubt that the plant has issues in only one part of its root system which is causing localized problems on the plant. I would think an issue in the root system is going to affect the entire plant, not just parts of it.

3. In terms of the LED, I have no experience using them; I use CFL's for veg and HPS for flower. It's quite possible that the over lap of the HPS and LED is causing an issue, considering the LED's have a history of bleaching out leaves and so forth. I've often wondered what the LED's affects are when you consider they are known for bleaching out leaves and flowers when placed too close...and this bleaching doesn't appear to be heat related as much as it is spectrum related. Never the less, perhaps Pennywise or some of the other folks here could comment further to this end.

4. It doesn't appear your nutrition is off...the plants, save these few leaves, look pretty darn good and green. (A little leaf tip burn is nothing to worry about.)

If I had to put money on it, I would say perhaps you did have a hot spot...but I mean over all, they aren't looking bad...actually they look pretty darn good. I know it's easy for me to say it, considering they aren't my plants, but I would try to be patient, watch them and don't make any quick moves to correct them. A day or two, in the life cycle of a plant that will run, let's say, 120+ days over all, isn't much...about 1%...don't be too quick to react. Take a deep them...and if you feel they're going south, go with your gut. You didn't make it this far by chance my friend; you know what you're doing.

Try to enjoy your evening...
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Good Evening Phenoman,

Gosh, it's really hard to even see an issue with your plants; they look that good, but I do see what you're referring to.

1. It most certainly could be a hot spot; sounds like you're mitigating that issue by moving the duct work.

2. I would highly doubt that the plant has issues in only one part of its root system which is causing localized problems on the plant. I would think an issue in the root system is going to affect the entire plant, not just parts of it.

3. In terms of the LED, I have no experience using them; I use CFL's for veg and HPS for flower. It's quite possible that the over lap of the HPS and LED is causing an issue, considering the LED's have a history of bleaching out leaves and so forth. I've often wondered what the LED's affects are when you consider they are known for bleaching out leaves and flowers when placed too close...and this bleaching doesn't appear to be heat related as much as it is spectrum related. Never the less, perhaps Pennywise or some of the other folks here could comment further to this end.

4. It doesn't appear your nutrition is off...the plants, save these few leaves, look pretty darn good and green. (A little leaf tip burn is nothing to worry about.)

If I had to put money on it, I would say perhaps you did have a hot spot...but I mean over all, they aren't looking bad...actually they look pretty darn good. I know it's easy for me to say it, considering they aren't my plants, but I would try to be patient, watch them and don't make any quick moves to correct them. A day or two, in the life cycle of a plant that will run, let's say, 120+ days over all, isn't much...about 1%...don't be too quick to react. Take a deep them...and if you feel they're going south, go with your gut. You didn't make it this far by chance my friend; you know what you're doing.

Try to enjoy your evening...

Thanks Canna, I hope that you have a great evening as well. I agree and thank you wholeheartedly.

I was just coming to report that it was so confusing to me that the plant looks so good overall. 5 leaves show this out of hundreds.

Since moving the ductwork I see no new damage.

I'm going to continue looking up and down from the damaged spot and will just keep an eye.

I really appreciate your time and every person here that helps out the newer grower.

I can't imagine doing this trial and error without assistance...Well, actually I can to some degree lol. Had some failed gorrila gardens growing up. Critters every time. At least then it was early on :)

I do see some seeds also, told my wife what you said and we both laughed.

She has been a lifelong daily smoker and we used to live in a hard core no fly zone.

She herself only recently started getting dispensary seedless quality buds.

The difference however is that this seeded bud is still excellent weed, not seeded commercial black market stuff that we used to smoke :)

So long I make it to harvest I will call it a success. I've learned countless grows of information in one.

Sorry rambled on a bit, cheers!
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Good Morning Phenoman,

Positive vibes out to you and yours...

You're on the downward slide to harvest my friend; have fun and relax today.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Hey Pheno!! Looking good! Question about your watering jug. Did you change the tip so it isn't a fine mist sort of spray?
No, I didn't. I use the fan setting since it seems to go quicker which is my biggest complaint.

In fact today's waterings of IGx?? And the big AK was just watered with the gallon jug. I had to run within 30 min.

This gave me an idea however. I could open the holes up a bit. Might help.

The other settings look good for foliar feeding also. It's no Atomizer but looks like it has a fibe even spray.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Hey Pheno!! Looking good! Question about your watering jug. Did you change the tip so it isn't a fine mist sort of spray?
Thanks so much Stony.

I think we have curbed any further issue.

I'm not sure what happened to the Aurora but the new growth looks great things aren't perfect but I can see the end:)

Cheers my friend, hope you have a great day!
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