Please help!


420 Member
I have multiple outside plants with the same problem. I water with FF grow big normally and plants appeared fine but now into flowering stage
I used fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom mixed about a week ago and now the plants are very light green and leaves edges turning up like tacos, also a couple branches just dying off.. I have a couple pics of dying branch I removed. The plants overall look like this including leaves turning up. I can take more pics if needed.
I thought maybe I over fertilized but since they’re light green I question that too. I’m completely stumped.. Any help diagnosing would be greatly appreciated as I think they’re dying. Please help.


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Thanks for the help I really appreciate it as I was panicking thinking they were dying, leaves curling up, lime green, branches dying off, geez. Less worried now and if you guys had a minute would you have any ideas on how to fix the nitrogen problem or to get them green again
quick nitrogen fix.. urine,, mixed 15 to 1 with h2o
Do not pee on your plants. Egads... what horrible horrible advice. Do you know what happens to urine after the sun and the soil works on it a bit? It turns into ammonia. Ammonia will kill your plants just as sure as a dog peeing on the lawn kills the grass.
It sounds like you are trying to wing it there mixing and matching the FF nutes without a guide. I am also guessing that the soil you have these in is not the best in the world... I bet you would see a world of difference if you had put a nice deep layer of good potting soil in there. But... failing to do that, you need to supply the nutes. It can be done... but not by winging it. Download the latest FF feeding guide for soil, and since you are outside, go at it full strength. You will note that even now, FF calls for some of the grow big ... the plants still need nitrogen, as well as the other two nutes. Mix it as they suggest per the week of the grow, and give water one time, water mixed with nutes the next time, alternating all through the grow. Ph shouldn't be much of a problem out there in the ground... just make sure they have the nutrition they need, in the mix they need, full strength.
Lastly, on the leaf complaints... were these plants recently moved out into the sun?
you are a goof,, @Emilya , i am done with you,, you have annoyed near every member to extinction. you may fool the noobs but no one else.

you should read actual science instead of your silly fantasies

go away,, pls
would you like me to take a picture of the yellow spots in my yard where Buddy pees? Sometimes it takes a strong woman to call out you boys with your backwoods techniques and I bet you had a good laugh thinking that you just got someone else to pee on their plants. So I have annoyed every member, yet became member of the month...
One by one... they show their true colors folks...
Wow, I don't know about the rest of you but the hell if I'm smoking weed that's been pissed in. Not saying it will or will not work for a N fix because I don't know. But it's not something I would do. Maybe that's why some weed smells like cat piss in the 1st place .... LOL. I'm pretty sure a Nitrogen Rich Nutrient would be a better way to go. I know there are things you can add but I can't remember what they are. I'd have to look at the Grow Weed Easy site & look up N def. to know for sure.
Wow, I don't know about the rest of you but the hell if I'm smoking weed that's been pissed in. Not saying it will or will not work for a N fix because I don't know. But it's not something I would do. Maybe that's why some weed smells like cat piss in the 1st place .... LOL. I'm pretty sure a Nitrogen Rich Nutrient would be a better way to go. I know there are things you can add but I can't remember what they are. I'd have to look at the Grow Weed Easy site & look up N def. to know for sure.
One should rarely if ever look for a quick fix. It's not like these plants are moving so fast that we are forced to take action now... oh no, a nitrogen deficiency... lets pee on our plants right now to fix it. Wow. Turns out with a plant now in bloom, that was not even the most appropriate quick fix... the plant needs more than just N. It is best to slow down, figure out what the problem is, and then go for the long term solution.

We can move 1000x faster than our plants but that doesn't mean we should! - Emilya
Do not pee on your plants. Egads... what horrible horrible advice. Do you know what happens to urine after the sun and the soil works on it a bit? It turns into ammonia. Ammonia will kill your plants just as sure as a dog peeing on the lawn kills the grass.
It sounds like you are trying to wing it there mixing and matching the FF nutes without a guide. I am also guessing that the soil you have these in is not the best in the world... I bet you would see a world of difference if you had put a nice deep layer of good potting soil in there. But... failing to do that, you need to supply the nutes. It can be done... but not by winging it. Download the latest FF feeding guide for soil, and since you are outside, go at it full strength. You will note that even now, FF calls for some of the grow big ... the plants still need nitrogen, as well as the other two nutes. Mix it as they suggest per the week of the grow, and give water one time, water mixed with nutes the next time, alternating all through the grow. Ph shouldn't be much of a problem out there in the ground... just make sure they have the nutrition they need, in the mix they need, full strength.
Lastly, on the leaf complaints... were these plants recently moved out into the sun?

These have been outside all season, same spots as I always grow which is why I kinda freaked out. Also I grow outside but the holes are filled with potting soil. I did a soil test yesterday to check for nitr
One should rarely if ever look for a quick fix. It's not like these plants are moving so fast that we are forced to take action now... oh no, a nitrogen deficiency... lets pee on our plants right now to fix it. Wow. Turns out with a plant now in bloom, that was not even the most appropriate quick fix... the plant needs more than just N. It is best to slow down, figure out what the problem is, and then go for the long term solution.

We can move 1000x faster than our plants but that doesn't mean we should! - Emilya
These have been outside all season, same spots as I always grow which is why I kinda freaked out. Also I grow outside but the holes are filled with potting soil.
I carefully got some soil from around a couple plants and did a soil test yesterday to check for nitrogen and ph..nitrogen is deficient and ph is 5.5 or so. I thought I had over fertilized the last watering when I saw them but the curling leaves threw me.
I had been using grow big but changed to tiger and big bloom and I’m pretty sure I used too much fert last watering ( a week ago) as there was alcohol involved, so I drenched them yesterday with water and also I got some ammonium sulfate 21/0/0 and some fish fertilizer 5/1/1. I was thinking to try fix nitrogen with those. Sparingly of course. Any thoughts on that?
These have been outside all season, same spots as I always grow which is why I kinda freaked out. Also I grow outside but the holes are filled with potting soil. I did a soil test yesterday to check for nitr

These have been outside all season, same spots as I always grow which is why I kinda freaked out. Also I grow outside but the holes are filled with potting soil.
I carefully got some soil from around a couple plants and did a soil test yesterday to check for nitrogen and ph..nitrogen is deficient and ph is 5.5 or so. I thought I had over fertilized the last watering when I saw them but the curling leaves threw me.
The only way to check soil pH is with a thick slurry of soil/pure H2O. Growing in the same spot year after year is not a good idea. Farmers crop rotate for good reason. Have at least 2 grow locations for each plant you grow. Alternate locations every other year. Improve the soil in your ground every fall after harvest. Oh, last but not least, Emilya knows her soil. I've got years in soil chem, including extensive lab work. I've been growing since the early 1970's. If Emilya says something completely counter to what I believe, I will re-think my ideas, not doubt Emilya.
Thank you BD... and yes... your pH is probably low in that bed after using it a couple of times because the peat in there will have broken down and gone acidic. You could add minerals and some dolomite in that soil to raise the ph and to give the plants more to work with. Its still not too late to pull them up gently and rework the soil a bit, and then concentrate on getting the nutes in there with your watering. Still didnt get my answer on the tacoing... were they recently transplanted out there or has the light changed significantly somehow?
I have to leave this in other capable hands for the rest of the day... I have to travel to an out of state office today and wont be back to the computer until late evening. Have a great day everyone!
@nivek did not say pee on your plants he said to mix with water and apply. This is based on science. And not all people grow the same way we should respect all opinions and do your own research.
Do you know what happens to urine after the sun and the soil works on it a bit? It turns into ammonia. Ammonia will kill your plants just as sure as a dog peeing on the lawn kills the grass.
Ammonia has long been used all over the world as a fertilizer, both commercially & not. If used properly, it does not kill plants.

Reading is fundamental: @nivek never suggested peeing on plants.
@nivek did not say pee on your plants he said to mix with water and apply. This is based on science. And not all people grow the same way we should respect all opinions and do your own research.
You're right. He did say mix it. But would you really want to smoke it knowing it was watered with pee ? Not me.
It might be a quick fix & if you're totally broke & no other way .... I could see doing it as a last resort. It would be better than doing nothing at all.
But in Emily's defense I have to say Nivek is the one who got all bent out of shape over it. He got kind of rude to say the least. You yourself said "We should respect others opinions" & that needs to go both ways from both parties. I don't really know Nivek. I looked at his grow & it is a nice one so I'm sure he knows what he's doing. But I've known Emilya about 2 years & she & others have taught me a lot & I know she has a better way than using pee. I have nothing personal against either. I just thought things got slightly out of hand when it didn't need to.
I appreciate all advice thanks everyone, but back to business.. I’m not a newb been growing for 15+. I have to grow discreetly so I can’t visit too often. I use new soil every year, the ground is just a planter. Plants range from 4’-7’ tall. Things were going well except I had some concerns about light color of plants all year, then a week ago I added extra bloom fertilizer. I came back and this.. see pics.
I always research first but I’m torn between too much nute or too little.. don’t want go wrong way.


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