Problems with my lights on at night


Well-Known Member
Hope this is an easy fix. I recently flipped into flower about 3 days ago. And added another 600w hps. Now I've had them on at 6pm till 6am. Temps are perfect when on. Problem is, its summer so as the lights are off in day the temperature isn't dropping the required amount. I want to have the lights on in the day. What's the safest way to adjust the light times without risks of turning these hermie. Remember these are still in the transition period. Shall I wait until they are established females or is it safe to just change it. Hope to here from some good peeps soon.
I'm guessing here but I would say leave it dark for 24 hours and then start your schedule. Let others chime in but I'm thinking that's the best way
I have already changed my light schedule several times during bloom without hermie. The most important from my understanding is the 12 lights off. So you have to adjust it so that the plant receive at least 12 hours off dark no matter when in the day it happens
Yeah the guys have got you covered mate. Be prepared to double your leccy bill too lol :)
Didn't think of that. I'm doing the right thing trying to get this right tho? How much could a lack in temperature drop at night effect a yield of a plant

So if it's hot in the day with lights out, how will them on durring the day make it cooler?

Tent open?
A/c on in the room?
Fans in the room?

Just curious, that's what I do but was wondering yer plan

Oh and just keep it dark till you want the ON time to start, easy peasy
Because the night air coming in when the lights off will be cooler. The temp with lights off in the day are around 24 degrees c. So if they have night time air instead when the lights go off it will go right down. The temp will go up when lights on tho because they will be on in the day. I think I can regulate that with added extraction and intake. Currently I have my intake blowing over my cool tubes but not extracted and temp is at 25 as it is. So when I change them so they are on in the day I'll have one intake blowing into the cool tubes and straight out. And filtered extraction and another intake. I think this should fix this. Hope this makes sense.
I live on the surface of sun...with my HPS I constantly had temps in the mid 90s, never an issue. Had a cooltube style hood, always ran my fan and extraction system 24/7

Now with my QB lights, never above 85deg with same system.

I have a box fan blowing in the room from cooler hallway

Open my tent flaps durring the day

Ambient temp is usually around 78deg

What's the room/house temp durring the day?

So if it's hot in the day with lights out, how will them on durring the day make it cooler?

Tent open?
A/c on in the room?
Fans in the room?

Just curious, that's what I do but was wondering yer plan

Oh and just keep it dark till you want the ON time to start, easy peasy
Didn't quote u in previous message sorry. Also opening the door on room actually increases temps for me as the temp from the house is sucked in the the cool fresh air frow the duct by the window. Will need another isolating fan this for sure
I live on the surface of sun...with my HPS I constantly had temps in the mid 90s, never an issue. Had a cooltube style hood, always ran my fan and extraction system 24/7

Now with my QB lights, never above 85deg with same system.

I have a box fan blowing in the room from cooler hallway

Open my tent flaps durring the day

Ambient temp is usually around 78deg

What's the room/house temp durring the day?
The room temps are like 24. So when the lights go off the temp doesn't really drop at all during the day.
I'd be careful with guessing

Day temp in house is ????
Day outside temp is ???
Same with nighttime

Pumping air from outside, if it's hotter than I side ambient dosent help at all

I pump into my attic, and suck ambient from floor level in my house

Much easier to control
I'd be careful with guessing

Day temp in house is ????
Day outside temp is ???
Same with nighttime

Pumping air from outside, if it's hotter than I side ambient dosent help at all

I pump into my attic, and suck ambient from floor level in my house

Much easier to control
Ok this makes sense. I don't own the house. Dont really wanna cut an 8 inch hole in the ceiling if can help it. But seems to be the way to go.
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