Second Grow Attempt - Purple Kush

Humidity is a problem here....I'm in a condo unit with in floor heating, no humidifiers

Seeing this has also made me realize I should get a humidifier for myself as it's quite low in here

She's still alive at this point, a little more foliage this morning
Hi Ladylily

I manage to get mine up to 30%, but it goes back down below 20%. From what I have read the best minimum is 40%

Still fighting this low humidity crap....never ending battle. Have read somewhere that since it's 75% indica, lower humidity won't be so bad

Temps are at 25 Celsius. One of my fans fell, and the box reached a temp of 30

Gave her a light sprinkle

F*ck me...power to the building went out!!!!

I'm sorry Slenderman but I couldn't help but laugh when I read this:laughtwo:

I had the same thing happen to me when my babies were only a couple weeks into Veg and I was freaking. My Plants were also on a 24 hour light cycle so I was worried. The power remained out four 6 hours before it came back on. I think all it did was force them to show sex because a few days after half the crop was telling me what they were. Ended up keeping the best 4 out of 7 Females and today they are in week 7 of flower and I bet the all have at least 2 ounces on them.

Hope your power comes back on soon.
I'm sorry Slenderman but I couldn't help but laugh when I read this:laughtwo:

I had the same thing happen to me when my babies were only a couple weeks into Veg and I was freaking. My Plants were also on a 24 hour light cycle so I was worried. The power remained out four 6 hours before it came back on. I think all it did was force them to show sex because a few days after half the crop was telling me what they were. Ended up keeping the best 4 out of 7 Females and today they are in week 7 of flower and I bet the all have at least 2 ounces on them.

Hope your power comes back on soon.

Oh gosh I almost had a heart attack! This is going so well now, and that scared the crap out of me lol! Ugh...can't wait to get a battery backup!!

Getting a bit more of the leaves growing...

Noticed that the lower part of the stem in the soil is thinner than the top part, have the fan blowing on to that area

Gave her a light sprinkle on top


So there hasn't been much change...kind of worrying me. Sprayed the inside of the Growbox, and measured the cup. Was very lightweight, checked the soil and it was dry

Gave another light misting on top. Sigh...this is stressful!

OK. remember this is my opinion only.

This is about the time you will start to see a possible stall in growth as the roots try and make a "base". Once those roots explore their territory and get comfortable that's when the tell the plant to "GO"! Also seems like you keep that soil a little to moist at least in the pictures that I have seen. I know its hard but its real important to let that soil dry so the roots can get some oxygen before watering again.
Also what type of light are you using again? How close is it now?

Patience is still my biggest struggle in growing, especially at the seedling stage.
OK. remember this is my opinion only.

This is about the time you will start to see a possible stall in growth as the roots try and make a "base". Once those roots explore their territory and get comfortable that's when the tell the plant to "GO"! Also seems like you keep that soil a little to moist at least in the pictures that I have seen. I know its hard but its real important to let that soil dry so the roots can get some oxygen before watering again.
Also what type of light are you using again? How close is it now?

Patience is still my biggest struggle in growing, especially at the seedling stage.

Thank you. I have made sure the soil was dry before misting the top layer. Put my finger in about an inch in the cup and could feel it was dry.

The light I'm using are 26 watt CFL's, a few inches above the plant
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