ShedGrow Gelato Indoor Soil

I topped them this am. While topping I noticed that they get really droopy at the end of lights on. Any idea what causes this? Is it ok? They look great just before lights back on 6hrs from now. Here is a pic 1min after lights out.


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It's normal for them to droop right before lights off or right after lights out and perk back up right before lights on or skittle after lights on. If they droop all the time you got an issue.
I go by how much the pot weighs when watering. When it's light to lift its time to water. If it's heavy still don't water. Can go from heavy to light over night. You're doing great man . Those plants look in great health.
I'm on a first grow so hopefully just keep them going strong. Lots of knowledgeable people on here so that has helped a great deal.
I'm on my first grow too bro, trust me as long as you pay attention almost any problem you run Into can be fixed if caught in time.. trust me it's not as hard as it seems you got this :goodluck:
Yeah man sorry. What would be your max plant height? How much space from the light maxxed out to the floor ? Can always tie the down haha. There are other options like super cropping and such later on. Sticking with what you're doing now which is topping is fine as well, especially if you're finishing in 3gal pots.
You have plenty of space. My tent is only 6.5' tall. The focus is usually filling the space wall to wall, that's why you train. Do you plan on up sizing the pots again? I would veg till the size I have want, up size to a 5 or 7 gal pots and switch to 12/12
You have plenty of space. My tent is only 6.5' tall. The focus is usually filling the space wall to wall, that's why you train. Do you plan on up sizing the pots again? I would veg till the size I have want, up size to a 5 or 7 gal pots and switch to 12/12
I'm actually in 4 gallon currently..i thought I was in 3's or 3.5 but I was wrong. I want to train but I need to watch some more vids because I don't know where to even start with my girls. It's like a spider web of leaves and stems underneath the top set of
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