Green Gelato From Seed: Thin Mint Cookies x Sunset Sherbet


Well-Known Member
Green Gelato 2019

My second Grow using a different variety of seeds namely Green Gelato from RQS and a new grow medium as I have attempted to go with a Super soil mix these are the two big differences in this grow. Using a base soil and super soil with what I could source locally from a concoction of the many other reference sources and peoples input. With a minor tweak in the topping and trimming of these plants starting with the 3rd node.

Year old Green Gelato, 5 seeds from RQS.

Viparspectra 600 watt LED’s X 2

Plywood Grow box 4X6 feet with Mylar walls inside kept in an outdoor building which has no heat but stays above freezing all year and that is a feat in its self as this is the Canadian Prairies.

Temp and Humidity controllers by Inkbird?

Exhaust fan Vivosun 6 in. @ 390 CFM used for heat control vented to the outside through the roof using an old chimney stack.

Two small dehumidifiers units they worked last grow but honestly they don’t take up a lot of water but humidity appears not to be a big issue anyways.

Small heater with built in fan to stabilize the temp at 22C.


March 9, 2019-1300 – 0700 Five seeds to water to soak 18 hours. I not confident in these seeds as none sank in the water right off the bat, one appears light in color. Temp 22 C maintained by radiant heater and seeds kept dark in a cardboard box.

March 10, 0700- Seeds put between paper towels.
March 11, 3 of the 5 have sprouted so far will transplant in 1-2 days.

March 12, 4 of the 5 have cracked open all 5 planted in miracle grow potting soil (I didn’t have the base soil ready yet) in small plastic pots. Heater on @ 22 C with RH approx. 40%.

March 14, First seed through the potting soil. Lights set at 18/6 hours and LED about 30 in. above seedlings.

March 15, Three seeds through the potting soil.

March 18, Fourth seed popped out no fifth plant

March 20, plants appear healthy however they also look somewhat spindly.

March 28, transplanted to one gallon pots using base soil (pro mix, compost, Perlite, EWC and top soil). Leaves on this variety as compared to last variety (Green Crack) are larger and plants appear to be growing vertically faster with more space between inter nodes, looks healthy. Sorry for the poor pics and lighting.

March 28, Base Soil mix as follows:

10 gallons HP potting mix peat base with Mycorrhizae

10 gallons commercial top soil

3 gallons Commercial Compost

7 liters worm castings

Approx. 15 % Perlite added

Ingredient’s of Super Soil just add to the prior Base soil the following:

2nd batch of Base soil as above with the addition of:

Additional 7 liters Worm Castings

Blood Meal 10 ounces

Bone Meal 10 ounces

Rock Phosphate 10 ounces

Epson Salt 2 table spoons

Dolomite Lime 2 table spoons

Azomite 1 table spoon

Humic Acid 1 table spoon

Kelp ½ cup

Perlite 15-20% of volume

Mycorrhizae 1 table spoon

Ground Oyster shell ½ cup

Add water as I layer ingredients

Let cook for 30 days + in tight bag

Use in bottom 1/3-1/2 planter top off with 2/3 basic soil

April 4th. Plants continue increased vertical growth over last grow (Green Crack) also the leaves are much larger and we are at the 5th set of true leaves. Three of the four plants have Indica type leaves and one has Sativa like leaves. I seen similar differences in leaf structure in the last grow.

April 5th. Started to Manifold (Nebula) the first and tallest plant. Cut at the 3rd internode of true the leaves and cleaned off all other leaves below the node and just left the third node and its fan leaf and side shout. Will do the other three plants as they get to the 6th node.

First plant before first topping and after.


April 6th Second tallest plant trimmed.

April 7th third and fourth plant trimmed.
Hey @Chungo!

Nice setup and good looking plants man.
The Green Gelato is a really good strain and a fun plant to grow.
Good job on the topping and the shave on the girls, your growth over the next week should be great.

I'll be following!
April 13 top dressed with one table spoon Blood meal and one table spoon of Kelp meal today watered with a couple cups of 6.4 PH water.......
Second topping/manafolding leaving the first and third nodes intact, pic's before and after. These were the two larges plants of the four the other two will be topped in a couple of days. Contemplating leaving these two plants as is now and see what I get in the way of production compared to the other two smaller plants which I will top to 16 bud sites.
April 25th. Put supper soil and base soil mixes into 60 liter planter tubs to be used in the transplanting in a couple of days. Quantities of prepared soils was just about right with a little left over base soil. Used 1/3 supper soil and 2/3 base soil mixes in tubs.
April 26th. Top dressing applied about ¼ cup per plant and then watered PH 6.3. I am a little hesitant in the top dressing as I used it on my Hungarian Hot peppers about a week ago and their leaves turned yellowish but appear to be doing fine. This top dressing may be a little hot I plan on using it sparingly as a note in the past my peppers have been sensitive to added nutrients though that was chemical fertilizers.
April 30th. Fish and Kelp soluble fertilizer(2 - 5-1) 30 ml. added to 2 gallons of water and used about 2 cups/plant applied with PH 6.5. The left over went to my Petunias.

I am trying to decide if I want to top one more time the 2 smallest plants which would give them 16 bud sites or leave them at the 8 bud sights. If I do it will be just before transplanting into the large 50 liter tubs. I also plan on putting all four outside once the weather allows for it in about 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference in the plants general vitality (all 4 plants are approx same size and look health). Also then I will plan on bringing in 2 plants and flower them under the lights once they reach about 20-24 in. in height. The other 2 I will bring in later in Sept to flower. These differences in production are to see if there is any significant difference in quality, volume and saving on the power. Pics to follow in about a week. That's the plan I will see in a few more months what actually happens.
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May 5th. Plants are using water as they need some today and gave them 1-2 cups ea. Took a couple of pics of the 4 plants outside. Plans are to transplant in tubs next weekendish. They also should be topped and trimmed in 2 weeks this will give the plants a week to settle in their forever homes. Pics taken here side and top views in 1 gal pots. One plant had some lower/original fan leaves removed.
April 7th. Plans to top the #3-4 plant as to get 16 bud sites started. Topped one plant so as there are 16 bud sights and the second plant about half the plant was topped as the plant had not produced enough nodes yet on some of the plant branches so about 4-5 bud site need trimming later.

April 8th. Trimmed a few fan leaves off #1 and 2 plants. Transplanted all plants to tubs, given 1/3 cup top dressing each and watered 1 gallon each with a PH 6.7. Plants were dryish and rooted very well. Lowered lights to about 24 in above plants and secured all limbs so as to have a flat canopy. Circulating fan put on low both dehumidifiers put in box as well as heater. Keeping my fingers crossed this will work as far as the nutritional requirements go with the supper soil mix.
May 8th. Trimmed a few fan leaves off #1 and 2 plants. Transplanted all plants to tubs, given 1/3 cup top dressing each and watered 1 gallon each with a PH 6.7. Plants were dryish and rooted very well. Lowered lights to about 24 in above plants and secured all limbs so as to have a flat canopy. Circulating fan put on low both dehumidifiers put in box as well as heater. Keeping my fingers crossed this will work as far as the nutritional requirements go with the supper soil mix.

May 9th. Plant problem:

#1 plant has some yellowing in the buds so I sprayed Cal/Mg 2ml./1.5 liters as a foliar spray. Lights moved to 24 in. as they were 2-4 inches closer also the signs of yellowing maybe from stress of trimming and topping.

May 10th. Plants continue to look yellowish in the new growth and sprayed Ca/Mg again which has Chelated Iron as well in it.…..

May 12th. Purchased Chelated Iron on the weekend when I was out of town to apply to plants. On my arrival home after 3 days the plants had lost their yellow and seem to be all greening up. So no Chelated iron given, less stress on the plants and me.

May 13th. Topped the last plant to 16 main bud sites and will in a week trim up leaves on plants # 1 and 2. Continue to spray foliage with Ca/Mg and iron.
Hey @Chungo! Nice job on keeping your plants happy & healthy so far - they are looking great. Well done on the training, they have all been opened up really well and you've got a good amount of tops to work with. :headbanger::woohoo:
How much longer do you plan on vegging the plants for?
The loose plan is to put all 4 outside around first of June for at least 30 days (save on some power)or till they get to about 24 in. and then put them back inside under lights at 12/12 to flower around the first of July. So probably another 45ish days of veg.....These plants have a much more semetrical look to them. Will put up some more pics in another week or so.....
May 14th. Watered plants one gallon each, PH 6.6 and then added composted tea 1 gallon diluted 1:1 composted tea (recipe 4 gallons water 2 cups worm castings and ½ cup Molasses then after 4 days diluted 1:1 with water).Hoping to get some real veg growth going here. Keep my fingers crossed that I am not over doing it and will see what happens with plants growth now as I want to see some big growth before I start to serious defoliating.
Running Seedsman Gelato OG. A super strong strain and very forgiving.

34 days into flower.


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