Sierra Cowboy 5 Variety Outdoor Soil 2019

We are watering a gallon every other day. The girls are about 30
- 36" tall if we hadn't done so much LST and Super-Cropping
Another side note, It has been in the upper 90's for the last two weeks here so you have to take that into consideration as well
Yikes! That heat will do it! You think they need any more cal/mag or are you already supplementing? Sorry if I missed it. I thought you said you were earlier.
Yikes! That heat will do it! You think they need any more cal/mag or are you already supplementing? Sorry if I missed it. I thought you said you were earlier.
OH yea baby ! you like 4 seasons move on in, we're talking 110 in the Summer ,Fall / Spring rain, Winter in the teens with enough snow and rain to supply the entire San Francisco area with water year around.
We are using FloraNova and Floralicious from General Hydroponics as a nutes with every watering, it contains Cal/ Mag. everyone has told me this is the Cadillac of supplements so I went with it. I am told the plants will tell me what they need but after reading the description of Cal and Mag deficiencies they didn't seem to match. Honestly I think it is heat stress and under watering on occasion. I work until 7am then come home and go to bed, I wake around 2-3 in the afternoon and look out on the plants, twice this week I have seen sagging leafs and hydrometers in the 0-1 range :( We have had a heart to heart about that so I am hoping it will not happen going forward
A gallon of water is great for a 2-3 gallon pot. In 25 gallon pots with 3-foot tall plants they should be getting closer to 3-4 gallons when the pots get light or the leaves start to show droop.

I doubt you are feeding the entire rootball with that little water, so the roots aren't feeding the plant everything it needs. Soak your plants when they need water, and not on a specific schedule. It's best to water the plants when they require it, and to make sure every single root gets wet ever time.
A gallon of water is great for a 2-3 gallon pot. In 25 gallon pots with 3-foot tall plants they should be getting closer to 3-4 gallons when the pots get light or the leaves start to show droop.

I doubt you are feeding the entire rootball with that little water, so the roots aren't feeding the plant everything it needs. Soak your plants when they need water, and not on a specific schedule. It's best to water the plants when they require it, and to make sure every single root gets wet ever time.
You could knock me over with a fan leaf right now!l how could we be short watering our plants so badly. We have been trying to read the plants, the amount of water we give them seems to be sufficient to keep a cycle, From your response it seems we should be giving them much more water thereby saturating the soil more thoroughly and feeding the entire rootball. I have read about a certain amount of run-off when you are flushing but nothing about an amount during regular watering so I thought when we got run-off we were in the right park, oops. We are going to 3 gallons each starting tomorrow this seems to be a solution for more than one issue, Thanks ITS. If I built a really nice shed in my back yard would you consider.........never mind Thank you for once again putting us poor blind sheep back on the path ;)
You may have gotten the under-watering idea from when you first came on and we wanted to make sure you didn't drown your plants because they went from small to super-large pots. But once they grow into all that soil the roots need to be fed all the way from top to bottom and side to side.

You should see the plant begin to respond within a few days after watering. Keep in mind that they will need water less often now.
We are pretty excited to see how our plants respond to " Whole pot " watering. We have done a lot of grooming and training so far, a surge in growth will be beneficial in assessing our previous steps and help plot our path forward. My son and I are using the same supplements, soil and equipment however we are not trimming the same. I have choose to follow those who say to leave the fan and shedding leafs on the plant on the flip-side my son's girls are very groomed and trimmed. I predict because my girls have more "solar panels" they will be able to process more and growth will be greater.
I am currently looking at adding a tea to our process, tomorrow I will be visiting my local hydro shop and home of a" Dr. of all things Cannabis" to get his input. As always I will be collecting about a dozen or so recipes and doing a comparison of ingredients before concocting our own. I am looking forward to learning all things tea , one for growth and another for flower is my goal. If any of you have recommendations, recipes or products that you like please share. Thanks again for keeping an eye on us we couldn't do it without you :adore:
If you're looking for tea recipes I would search the journals on the site rather than rely on folks to come here and post recipes. Stoneotter, Van Stank in his earlier days, retrix, adaminco just made some yesterday, and probably emilya all would have recipes in their journals.
Thanks Shed I found way more recipes than I need by doing exactly that, In the grower's forum I found a collection of recipes and one or two dozen more posted by individuals. I thought if someone had that killer recipe or ingredient they wanted to share that would be cool, but was not just hanging out eating Bon Bons I think a sprouted grain based tea with no molasses is looking like a strong contender for me at this point. I will look at the ones you mentioned before deciding though, thanks for the list :thumb:
Just a short note, we don't have enough storage space for the amount of water that we will be needing so we picked up an inline water filter. The filter I chose was an RV inline filter, it fits a regular hydrant/ hose fitting and is rated to 20 microns enough to remove chlorine and fluoride. After shopping around I found RV filters are less expensive $10.00 and are higher rated than garden filters.
So we are still faced with dying leafs, it is looking like Manganese def, With older and new leaves getting hit new at the bottom and the old fans wherever they may be. We are now trying to understand why this is happening, could be improper watering causing root lock or it could be a P.H. imbalance. We have tested our water and it is at 6.2 so we are good there now we need to add our nutes and test again, wish us luck!
Well it seems we have learned some things. Those that have followed this journal know that we noticed an issue a few days back and we were having trouble figuring it out. The line of thought was; the girls were getting good nutes, good sun and good water so something must be stopping absorption. I have learned since I came to 420 that there are two things that will stop absorption; Water lock and PH lock. The watering was being done wrong, we were giving our plants 1 gallon every two days when we should have been giving them 3-5 gallons when they want it but that should not cause water-lock. Our nutes are top-shelf but we were not applying them correctly, again a small adjustment was needed but not causing the issue. I knew enough to not just throw nutes at the problem, As it turns out that would have been the worst thing I could have done. Problem solved.... hopefully, we PH tested the water we were using and found it to be 6.5 we then added the usual dose of nutes and it was 5.6 oops! I will be PH adjusting from now forward. If it wasn't for what I have learned here I would have thrown Cal/Mag at them and covered the issue until more nute issues came up then more and more until I either fried them or they packed their stuff and left. Thanks for the ongoing support and knowledge base we would be composting if it wasn't for this group :thumb:
We have a great support group here, don't we!
After a little more research I found that PH level will effect Magnesium, Calcium and phosphorus the most so I will be adding Dolomite lime to my nutes from here on. Do you think I should flush my soil or just adjust and go forward ?
After a little more research I found that PH level will effect Magnesium, Calcium and phosphorus the most so I will be adding Dolomite lime to my nutes from here on. Do you think I should flush my soil or just adjust and go forward ?
I don't know if you are supposed to reply to your own post but ....After talking with my Guru he suggested that the plants that are showing issues should be getting cal/ mag +, the PH is just fine for uptake of nutes. The heat is a big factor, right now it is 106 outside with 0% humidity but the girls are getting through it. I hope you are all having a good summer weekend !
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