Sierra Cowboy 5 Variety Outdoor Soil 2019

I am getting so frustrated with this whole growing thing I don't know what to do. I am trying to figure my plants out and the more I read and talk to people them more contradictory the situation becomes. I am trying to find the optimal PH for my plants, you would think there would be a consensus on that right? Wrong! I have read on this site alone anywhere from 5.0 - 6.5 while some say "don't let it get above this level " others are telling me "oh no thats too low" it is very frustrating. Meanwhile my plants are dying and I have so much B.S. information that I don't not what to do and am afraid that either way I turn could spell doom for my girls. Right now I am giving them nothing but pure filtered water at a 6.2 PH level and no supplements, if they die I will know it wasn't PH in the water that killed them so I can at least say I have learned something for all my time and money spent , Thanks for reading my rant, I am going to bed now
Assuming your soil is buffered (as most well-constructed soils are), you do not need to pH your water.

Assuming you soil is buffered (as most well-constructed soils are), you do not need to pH your water.

I will reiterate that I never pH my water. I am in soil. Sometimes it's best just to sit back and wait but I don't know enough to say that's right for you now, @Sierra Cowboy
Even more die off this morning, it is so difficult to see my girls withering away like this. As I stated earlier "at this point I have so much mis-information in my head that I don't know what to do so Straight water when they need it until they either start recovering or die", which really sucks. I am so disappointed that no one can help me identify this issue, all my efforts have only lead to confusion brought on by mis-information or conflicting information. Don't get me wrong I am not blaming anyone but myself and I do Appreciate all of you and your helpful guidance to this point, I am just really bummed:(
I will reiterate that I never pH my water. I am in soil. Sometimes it's best just to sit back and wait but I don't know enough to say that's right for you now, @Sierra Cowboy
I read that same post and it convinced me that PH was not an issue, THEN I am looking at my plants and talking to people and it looked like nutrient lock out/ def (and still does) but our water was more on the light side as it turns out. My next target was Nutrients so I went to the "Expert " that sold me the product and he stated" You are over nuteing them! you should only be adding this once a week (which is absolutely not on the label anywhere), your frying your plants" So not a Nutrients supply issue. That left the least and most obvious target as PH so I went down that road. Now I am at at point that the correct amount of water and the Nutrients in the soil should be enough to sustain them. I feel like anything else that I do could send them over a cliff.
What I'm seeing is classic magnesium deficiency, if your ph isn't the issue then epsoms salts is your answer.
I saw that as well but the question is why, if I am using good nutrients and PH doesn't play into it and I am not over-watering. I was too afraid to put anything additional on them with the "You're burning them" advice I got from one of my "Experts" that's one of the things that spun me off course. I am going to take your advise, You, Shed and Ali. have never given me bad advise Based on that, wish me luck. Should I give it to my plants that are doing well to stave off wath the others are going through now!
What I'm seeing is classic magnesium deficiency, if your ph isn't the issue then epsoms salts is your answer.
It's very possible that the plant is underfed because of how little water it was getting in that large pot. If the roots don't get wet, they dry up and die.

Something that many here would find helpful is pics of the entire plant, each one of them. And more often. The hive mind can't help if we don't get to see the progression of your plants over time. Showing a yellow leaf or two isn't as good as showing the entire plant. And if you post a pic every few days, along with a description of what you're doing, problems can be caught early.
It's very possible that the plant is underfed because of how little water it was getting in that large pot. If the roots don't get wet, they dry up and die.

Something that many here would find helpful is pics of the entire plant, each one of them. And more often. The hive mind can't help if we don't get to see the progression of your plants over time. Showing a yellow leaf or two isn't as good as showing the entire plant. And if you post a pic every few days, along with a description of what you're doing, problems can be caught early.
Great tip thank you , I didn't want to bore you with my humble plants. one more thing it is only three of the plants.
Your "expert" was wrong. Based on the picture you posted on Friday, those leaves do not indicate nutrient burn. If you had nutrient burn, the browning would start at the tips and edges of the leaves. Listen to what Pennywise says. Looks like Calcium/Magnesium deficiency to me. Most nutrient solutions do not have enough (if any) calcium and magnesium in them so you usually need to add more. Your store should sell Cal/Mag solution or use epsom salts (magnesium only) as Pennywise recommends. As far as I've seen, it's the most common leaf problem people have.
There is over posting and under posting. You have a long way to go before you fall into the "over" category! Journaling your grow here helps us help you. This is how much I water, this is what I am adding, here is a pic of the plant, what do you think. That way nothing gets too far gone to be helped!
OK I just really don't want to be "That Guy" so lighter is my style however if you all don't mind I am a proud PaPa of these little girls and would love to show them off. I have boxes of pics of my Children but only carry two.
It takes a whole lot of photos before I get bored looking at cannabis! The yellow leaf veins is a sure sign of Magnesium issued. With calcium we expect to spotting with the yellow.
Your "expert" was wrong. Based on the picture you posted on Friday, those leaves do not indicate nutrient burn. If you had nutrient burn, the browning would start at the tips and edges of the leaves. Listen to what Pennywise says. Looks like Calcium/Magnesium deficiency to me. Most nutrient solutions do not have enough (if any) calcium and magnesium in them so you usually need to add more. Your store should sell Cal/Mag solution or use epsom salts (magnesium only) as Pennywise recommends. As far as I've seen, it's the most common leaf problem people have.
I totally agree, the burn pattern was all wrong, based on that his credibility is very questionable. I will be looking up how to give them an epsom salts bath now as I have a bag in front of me as we speak
It takes a whole lot of photos before I get bored looking at cannabis! The yellow leaf veins is a sure sign of Magnesium issued. With calcium we expect to spotting with the yellow.
No spotting! saw that
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