Slinks' Lemon Amnesia & Money Maker - Coco - Wilma XL 4 Pot - 400W Tent Grow

yea I'll measure n bring it down tomorrow almost lights out now. is it possible to delay flowering by defoiling? my thought is that plant needs time to recover. I would say my back third of buds look about week behind.
I just dropped the base nutes to a quarter but kept a small amount of extra pk... i got 2-3 weeks left maybe
Thanks dude not long left now. Day 54 of 65ish... Little bit of light n nutient burn. Prob defoiled way too much n stunted them but never scrogged before. I hoped for bigger colas by now.
Will see what it weighs in end tho
fugged it... think my front left got nitro tox. all went yellow pretty quick... been flushing for 3 days think I will harvest her earlier than others... the rest looking like they need another week minimum.

ph is normally 5.5-6 it just started burning up at top. like led burn n nute burn combined and then within a few days all the leaves went yellow n curled up... I think the buds on this one stopped growing and look like they shrunk compared to rest... the plant never stretched properly either. I might have root issues but with the scrog no way to check. gonna harvest that one early in morn. flushed it for a week now
just giving them hesi coco n a pk booster plus super vit. it's only this one on the left you can see it's just shrivelling up
I take it your in hydro, I let my ph go as high as 6.2 especially during flower. Some nutrients are only taken up at the higher end of the ph scale for hydro.
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