Sneaky's Brian Berry Cough & Gang


PEA is still stretching but I think she's coming to a stop and will be in full flower next couple of days I'll give her the potash feed tomorrow.
There are some purple tipped leaves coming from the colas so colouring maybe interesting.

I think she will be lucky to yield more than an oz though. But still better then I was expecting when I dropped the seed.
I might try out some back building on this girl I'll do one half the plant and see the difference
I'll bet you do notice a difference, I always back build this is the way the plant thinks, I can't grow tall anymore til this wound heals, so I'll get fat
I start at week 5 and repeat every 2 to 3 weeks til harvest, that's on a 9 week strain tho
Coming along mate:passitleft:
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