Subnoise's Sour Monster Grow

Sub you da man. Check your email

Wanna do a co journal?

Gave it some thought all morning at work today. Conveniently I moved Deathstar to flower this morning. Dropped a 818 in water this morning. The Strawberry Diesel will go in flower in 3 weeks when I pull out the 4 clones.

By the time we get germinated and in cups I should have plenty of space even if I run them under my t5s in the clone area for a couple weeks. All that being said I can't turn down the opportunity to do a co journal with a pro. Never done a co one though so you let me know the next step and well get this stank party started. :thumb:
All is much better than it was a week ago :thumb: Fingers crossed you're right for the white voodoo beinga female, idk what it is but the word voodoo always grabs my eye.

That's great to hear buddy, glad things are looking up. I know what you mean when I was looking at LaPlata Labs genetics the voodoo kept calling me back. Positive vibes your way brother, hope things stay good for you and your lady.
Gave it some thought all morning at work today. Conveniently I moved Deathstar to flower this morning. Dropped a 818 in water this morning. The Strawberry Diesel will go in flower in 3 weeks when I pull out the 4 clones.

By the time we get germinated and in cups I should have plenty of space even if I run them under my t5s in the clone area for a couple weeks. All that being said I can't turn down the opportunity to do a co journal with a pro. Never done a co one though so you let me know the next step and well get this stank party started. :thumb:

We shall. I need to sign a bunch of contract shit today for the rec grow once I get home we will make it. I might be able to get massmedman in on this and it could be a three some
Ohhhhh lala!!!! Lots of awesome stuff brewing over here :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley:

Can't wait to see this co-journal take effect, lots of awesome beans to pop which means lots of awesome flowers to come :cheesygrinsmiley: Excited to hear the White Voodoo is looking female

Quick little update with some pics to brighten up this dull page with no plants. So finally getting room in veg tent. My brother in law picked up his plant for his outdoor grow this year. I think he is going to join the forum soon.

Lavender got a transplant last night. She is looking great the guano held her off nicely till I had room for another bigger planter.

Day 40 for the dwc, super happy with how they are looking. Enjoy a little bud porn.
That DWC is gettin fat as all hell Sub!!! Damn those buds look amazing, those are going to be some straight up forearm colas man... Good effing job.

And that Lavender looks amazing too, perfect rootball! :thumb:
Hey is the lavender from exotic genetics

Was a bag seed, this picture it was approximately 6 months old grown in a window sill through winter. I inherited it from someone who obviously was unable to give it the proper care. They were no longer able to keep it not like it was going to amount to much in there care and was already trying to flower. The planter had no drain holes and was seed starter soil. I don't know how it survived so long in the mud it was in. An immediate transplant reveg some love and she is coming along great. Such a trip to look at that picture again, poor little thing 6 months and the size of a toothpick
looking great. which side is making bigger buds so far?

Hmm that would be interesting to find out. If I had thought about that to begin with but was going for uniformity so I rotate 180° everyday at lights on. Wish I could have answered that for you b. I know you have a thirst for lighting knowledge. Maybe come fall I'll do it again and not rotate.
That's great to hear buddy, glad things are looking up. I know what you mean when I was looking at LaPlata Labs genetics the voodoo kept calling me back. Positive vibes your way brother, hope things stay good for you and your lady.

Very much so :) Really appreciate the support bro, It's nice to have a world that is looking to be a bit better and healthier every day because we're all healing and helping each other, well not all but we'll get there i have hope for our species that we CAN change for better :Namaste: Its the voodoo charm it has on everyone, MASS CURSE bahaha
Thanks for the kind words and support guys.

Time too give this page some color aswell.

Black Eyed Katy heavy Indica making huge fans and really picking up pace lately. The fim was a fail only topped her but no matter plenty of lower nodes caught up.

White Voodoo flux. First of my hat goes off to LA. This fluxing thing is a pain. The White Voodoo is strong and she has had to heal some splits from putting to much pressure on her nodes. But being my first one I'm defiantly learning some things.

And a White Voodoo clone 7 gallon smart pot with soil. I have had these planters a few months just waiting to play with them. So here we go my biggest pot yet and it's smart this should be fun.
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