SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

The shock of reading that there were so many cities in CA still caught in the lies of prohibition...

Haven't read much law in recent years, and seem to have fogged the majority of my memories. I couldn't guess whether this state of existence would mean that millions of Californians would qualify for class-action status, if they chose to sue a whopping lot of local cities/towns - or even if such entities could be sued in this manner.

I do know that there are often (much) shorter time limits when suing state or local governments. I'd argue that this is to be considered an "ongoing wrong," and that such a thing wouldn't be a factor. But IDK.

If such a suit could be brought, no statute of limitations kind of thing applied, and people did... If it somehow landed before a federal judge, it'd probably be like trying to row across the Atlantic with one oar - and a hole in one's hull. IDK. With all the ambulance-chasers around, I'd ordinarily think the "silence" on this one was actually a shouted, "No!"

But IDK. Out of sorts. Couldn't sleep, so I read until dawn. Book was lengthier than I'd expected, lol, so I kept on reading. Fell asleep some time after noon. Woke up two hours later, thinking, "At least I got another ≤two hours of rest." But then I realized this probably means I won't (quite) be so exhausted by tonight to be able to get some uninturrpted sleep then. Figured I'd go for a walk. Walked out the door and discovered the few groceries I'd been able to purchase yesterday, still on the front porch. Was going to be sandwiches, some TV dinners I got on sale, and one package of frozen burritos, also on sale. Now... Bread is fine. Jar of pickles, ditto. Looks like it'll be pickle sandwiches, lol. F*ck. Been a while since my poor mental state screwed me this badly.

Oh, well. 148 pounds, that's too fat anyway, right? :rolleyes:

It's p!ssing down rain (sounds like someone moved my home directly underneath a waterfall right now). That'll keep the birds from using my windowsill as a hot-sheets motel, at least. Small things.

I knew there was a reason I hadn't chased out the small family of rabbits that was finding asylum in my back yard. Guess I'll be inviting my "friends" to dinner before long. Summer rabbit, oh joy. Cook 'em extra-extra-extra-well done. Parasites suck.
... did anybody else notice that sue reads with her dancing toes!!!



Must be farsighted, then; she's not that short ;) .
... did anybody else notice that sue reads with her dancing toes!!!



Lol! I was bent over in a squat TS.

The big toenail grows much slower than the rest Amy. I’m not willing to do what it takes to remove the gel polish mechanically. Painted toenails is something I’ll keep from doing again.

:hug::love::hug: Just passing through, all looks to be tickity boo in here.


Well... there’s a term I’d never heard before Amadeus. Lol! The energy is high.

Oh...thanks...we can be high too. Lol!

Taking a few hits of Carnival before I head out to the store and a slip of old newsprint caught my eye. It's an old horoscope that I had taped down somewhere. Probably fell out of a book I was looking through as I pack.

As I'm taking another hit I'm reading and considering that this is the way I live all my days. I don't know how to be otherwise. I probably kept it around to keep my priorities straight. Lol!

Off to get more basics, bread, milk, coffee - just the essentials. Tomorrow I'll probably clean out the pantry and locate another home for all that food I won't be cooking. I'm finding I'm warming more and more to the idea of starting fresh. New home, new friends, new foods. :slide:

Having the time of my life guys. Hehehe! I've been meaning to get to this culling job for a couple years. Everything I set free leaves me feeling an increased lightness of spirit.

Time to run. Continue on your joyful path my friends. I'll catch up later. :ciao:
Random comment: Albert Einstein once said that a life not lived for others wasn't worthwhile. Or something like that (I'm pretty sure I mangled the actual quote).
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein
Heya Sue... Gotta tell a Sis, there is a HUGE difference in Mud Bugs, and Crawl Dads.... Mud Bugs get half the size at least of a small Lobster... Crawl Dads rarely get bigger than fish bait... However the taste difference is the biggest difference.... In Eastern Texas we had Crawfish boils, which indicate Mud Bugs to the locals... Good eating, but a pain in the ass unless you got a special someone to peel em for ya... Imagine eating a Lobster tail only, but smaller... LMAO... Fun times... Green one and to all
Pop the tail, suck the brains.....

Their brains are in their tails? So they're like some people, then, lol.



KC Brains? ;)

Mud Bugs get half the size at least of a small Lobster... Crawl Dads rarely get bigger than fish bait...

40 years ago, a local creek's "crawdaddies" were around 4" (and you could lift a large bath towel with one, if you could get it to clasp it), and we thought those were pretty large. Now there's nothing alive in it large enough to see :( .

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein

That's it.
Being born and raised in Yatville, I can't say the terms were discernible to the locals or mattered too much, crawfish/ mudbugs were used interchangeably with noted one exception ... you weren't a local if you spelled crawfish as "crayfish". That would get you questioned about your place of birth every time!

Ask me how many tons of crawfish I've boiled in my life ... it was my job for 2 years from 17 to 18 years old. I burled at least 400 lbs a day Monday - Wednesday, and up to 1200 lbs on Friday and Saturday, even more on Easter and in season holidays. With farms, they are almost always available year round now.

There is a limit to how large a crawfish can grow and still remain tender and tasty, too big and they are like okra. TOUGH, bigger isn't always better with crawfish IMHO.

Pop the tail, suck the brains.....

Ok.... this sounds twisted. Lol!




Ask me how many tons of crawfish I've boiled in my life ... it was my job for 2 years from 17 to 18 years old. I burled at least 400 lbs a day Monday - Wednesday, and up to 1200 lbs on Friday and Saturday, even more on Easter and in season holidays. With farms, they are almost always available year round now.


“Crawfish”.... duly noted. Lol!

That sir, is a massive amount of crawfish! :eek:

Did it turn you off to eating them to cook so much? Just wondering.

This evening’s enjoyment....trimming the Royal Gorilla.

Black D.O.G. Is already in the jar. As soon as I get this one trimmed and weighed I’ll post the numbers.

I’m not an indica babe in the slightest, but this RG is mouthwateringly delicious to smell.
I remember the saying as "pinch the tail and suck the head", I have an old Tank top with it emblazoned on the back, but there are likely many variations. Got it at Seafood City in Mettree (Metairie) ... any locals remember Al Scramuzza (sp?). There's a flashback ...

Yes, I did get burned out on boiled crawfish Sue, I may partake one or twice a year, usually Easter or July 4th. Fried crawfish tails never get old though, and they make a nice Poboy. Now ... boiled Lake Blue female crabs, I'll never ever get tired of those gems, mmmm my mouth is watering just typing it! The Lake produces some awesome crabs, especially softshell.

I remember the saying as "pinch the tail and suck the head", I have an old Tank top with it emblazoned on the back, but there are likely many variations. Got it at Seafood City in Mettree (Metairie) ... any locals remember Al Scramuzza (sp?). There's a flashback ...

Yes, I did get burned out on boiled crawfish Sue, I may partake one or twice a year, usually Easter or July 4th. Fried crawfish tails never get old though, and they make a nice Poboy. Now ... boiled Lake Blue female crabs, I'll never ever get tired of those gems, mmmm my mouth is watering just typing it! The Lake produces some awesome crabs, especially softshell.

Wait a minute. Fresh water crab?
Now ... boiled Lake Blue female crabs, I'll never ever get tired of those gems, mmmm my mouth is watering just typing it! The Lake produces some awesome crabs, especially softshell.


You have my mouth watering too Keith. :battingeyelashes:

Jarring it up: Black D.O.G. And Royal Gorilla

All trimmed and weighed and in the jars. They both came in around 65% RH, so they’re ready to begin the cure.

Yes... I’m very happy with the harvest totals. :battingeyelashes:

Enough to share with J and still have plenty to get the daughter through the transition stage of the move. Royal Gorilla is her current favorite and it was sweet to get 2.5 oz.

*contented sigh* I feel better now.
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