The Canyon

Thanks for the compliments on the GSC. With one exception, she is the best looking plant I have grown in about a year.

I have smoked and vapped a fare amount of the refrigerated cure. I had to air dry it for the last two days. Even so it smoked better than the branch I cut early and air dried. The Dwarf is about gone now but I smoked the next to last bud this afternoon to see if I still thought it was as good as I have been clamming. Yes it is.

I have a clone of each plant going and will probably clone at least the Dwarf again.

The testing lab had a few trade magazines as handouts. I picked up one titled "Terpenes & Testing and Everything Extractions". There was a short article on pinene in it.

a-pinene smells like pine. B-pinene smells like dill. There Boiling point is 311 to 313F.

"....In 2015, the gastroprotective effects of pinene were studied on male Swiss mice. This data concluded that pinene could significantly reduce ulcers while also reducing all ethanol-induced gastrointestinal lesions. It also reduced the volume an acidity of the gastric juice while increasing gastric wall mucus which promotes better stomach health"....

...."Scientific studies have revealed various benefits to inhaling pinene. Antimicrobial activity both of a-pinene and B-pinene were monitored in 2012 with stellar results. Combined a-pinene and B-pinene were able to completely kill Candida albicans 100% in 60 minutes. In the same study a-pinene and B-pinene had a bactericiadal effect within six hours on Staphylococcus areus (MERSA)."

OTOH, ..... "The mice and rats were exposed to 400ppm of a-pinene, six out of ten of the female rodents died but all other specimen survived. Both male and female mice that survived showed signs of an enlarged liver, urinary tract lesions, and reduction in cauda epidiymal sperm in males. This study was focused on identifying the dangerous properties of pinene in highly concentrated cleaning products."

I never know

This was just as interesting the second time around. My daughter is allergic to pine oil, which I'm going to assume is a-pinene. I'm curious now whether she'd have the same reaction to b-pinene. Hmmm.....

These studies we do where we hurt and kill rodents for our benefit disturb me deeply. Just because we're bigger doesn't excuse this horrific practice and I wish we'd stop using these methods. They don't translate to humans all that well anyway.

Sorry Canyon, it really upsets me thinking about the mice......

A big hug for going through the trouble and expense. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

When you run them with Doc's kit you're gonna get stronger terpene values. I'll be interested to hear your comparison. Will you be drying at least a portion of your harvests in the fridge from now on? My plan from here on out is most into fresh harvest oil and the rest dried in the fridge. That bit of Carnival I dried like that went fast, way too fast. Lol!
This is my first auto,Dark Devil Auto day 24. She has been too far from the light until tonight. It is the height of a cat litter bucket closer to a HPS set at 600w now. Another foot closer would be nice but that is the best I can do for a while.

This is my first auto,Dark Devil Auto day 24. She has been too far from the light until tonight. It is the height of a cat litter bucket closer to a HPS set at 600w now. Another foot closer would be nice but that is the best I can do for a while.


Look at those beautiful leaves Canyon. She's gonna be good to you and get really big and purple. :cheesygrinsmiley:
GSC + 60. She may last another week. What turned out to be about 3 grams got broken off a lower branch while moving things around two days ago. It was microwaved a few seconds at a time and smoked in a dry pipe. It is in the fine smoke category now. It's not that harsh considering it's not cured and came from the bottom of the plant.



This is about 7 grams of the better buds of the Ghost Train plant. She had small buds and very low yield. So why do I know that I will keep the strain for a while?

GSC + 60. She may last another week. What turned out to be about 3 grams got broken off a lower branch while moving things around two days ago. It was microwaved a few seconds at a time and smoked in a dry pipe. It is in the fine smoke category now. It's not that harsh considering it's not cured and came from the bottom of the plant.



This is about 7 grams of the better buds of the Ghost Train plant. She had small buds and very low yield. So why do I know that I will keep the strain for a while?

The GSC is looking tempting Canyon. :laughtwo: Pretty buds on her. I'm wondering how close to her appearance the Thin Mint might have. I certainly hope that look carries over.

I know why you're keeping the Ghost Plant. Lol! Are the buds as dense as they appear to be in the picture?
The GSC is looking tempting Canyon. :laughtwo: Pretty buds on her. I'm wondering how close to her appearance the Thin Mint might have. I certainly hope that look carries over.

I know why you're keeping the Ghost Plant. Lol! Are the buds as dense as they appear to be in the picture?

I don't know much about the Thin Mint strain. I do have a Nightmare Cookies in flower at flip + 45. The GSC is 70/30 favoring Indicia. The Nightmare Cookies is 20/80 favoring Sativa. The strain has some odd characteristics for a Sativa, like a 60 day flowering time and buds that look more Indicia than Sativa. She has classic Sativa leaves though. She is also about 60% Blue dream. I will try for a picture tomorrow.
I wish the GTH buds were dense. They are not airy but they are light weight. The seeds were payback for a favor and I don't know what seed bank he used. I may add a small pack of them into a seed order just for curiosity's sake someday.

I never know
Thanks Rad,
The DDA is the first auto I have grown.

The GSC will be the first plant I have finished in Kit soil and the first GSC I have taken through to harvest.

She is not known as a big plant. That makes me extra happy with the weight she is putting on. There is no signs of amber at +61days.

GSC can be finicky. I had several fail, mostly from bugs. This one has stayed healthy. The Kit soil and better record keeping deserve a lot of credit for the results.
This is the Nightmare cookie I have at + 46 days. She smells strongly of cantaloupe. However, if you hold the buds and smell your fingers all you can smell is pine and it is strong. She is not going to yield like the GSC but it is going to be a nice harvest.

Now I am curious about the Thin Mints. I have to start saying no to new strains. I have more than I can treat well now. Exploring Auto Flowers and CBD strains are adding to the overcrowding. What to do?

I never know


Those are some of the tastiest buds I've seen in a long time Canyon. I wanted to reach in and pluck one off. :laughtwo: Cantelope eh? That's a new one on me. The pinene is a classic sativa terpene. I don't think I've grown a strain yet that was overpoweringly pine in smell. Sooner or later I will and then I'll get famaliar with the odor. This trying to smell the terps is a real challenge. My olfactory system is lazy and doesn't want to distinguish individual components yet.

Think we'll ever understand the interactions of the profiles? I can't wait until they've mapped the effects of different strains and the profiles so we can begin to make better sense of it all. At this point I feel like I'm standing on the beach trying to determine individual water drops. Lol!
GSC + 60. She may last another week. What turned out to be about 3 grams got broken off a lower branch while moving things around two days ago. It was microwaved a few seconds at a time and smoked in a dry pipe. It is in the fine smoke category now. It's not that harsh considering it's not cured and came from the bottom of the plant.


Put this poor lady out of her misery! She's well past peak!
Put this poor lady out of her misery! She's well past peak!

I need to get a better camera!The foil walls make everything look bad. The post just above yours is about a week later when she was chopped.There was no amber and none of the stalks were drying.

From those pictures, what do you think of the timing of the harvest?

I never know.
Thanks Rad, that color ran about half way down the plant by the time it was harvested. I added an AC unit and switched to LED lights about six months ago. Now my plants are finishing with better looks than I was getting with HPS.

I have noticed your interest in lighting lately. So I want to add something to think about. My setup cost around twelve hundred. You can spend a lot more than that on one light for the nice ones. At first I was not impressed with the power of them and the rather narrow footprint of the light. Now I am finding that I can grow plants within 6 inches of the lights. I can get away with 4 for a few days if I move the plant around some. That is a big plus for anyone with limited room height. Multiple panels really help with getting even light and getting it deeper into the canape.

My thoughts are, replacing medium what Mars panels one at a time down the road is going to be less traumatic than having to replace a top shelf light.

I never know
She looks like perfect timing to me Canyon. :high-five: Many plants in Doc's Kit soil don't turn amber. Mine almost never do, regardless of strain. I wait until I either need the space or she tells me she's done. Usually it's she's begging me to make it stop. :laughtwo:

Beautiful shots of her Canyon. :hug:
Wow... a journal from Canyon! Worthy of note. Plus, I see all the regulars haunting the halls. I'm down.

Thanks Tead, my posting is sporadic at best. The grow room is so crowded it is hard to get good pictures.

I have a small frig/ freezer due to be delivered today and two plants coming down today or tomorrow. I want to dry most of it in the new frig. My wife is banning all cannabis from the main frig as soon as FedEx arrives.

I will get some pictures up of the chop for sure. I also have had some issues with the Extreme plant I am running in Kit soil. I want to post my notes and thoughts on her progress.

The frig is here!

It is an hour later and it is unpacked and untapped and running. It came with two dents at no charge (Cramizon). I decided to let it go. Both are near the back.

I am growing a Dark Devil Auto that has stopped her vertical growth at about one foot tall. It should produce enough bud to pass around a few bowels. It is rather airy now.

These were posted on the DDA thread of SweetSues’ a few days ago at day 49.


This one is B Witched. She fooled me on the flowering time. I should have pulled her about five days ago. The trichome heads stayed cloudy but the older sugar leaves were dying back into the buds.

I had decided to try a diluted hydrogen peroxide wash with a short hot water soak, followed by a cold water spray to cool/ shock/set the color. I striped everything off that was going into the recycle bin and put her into the frig overnight while I worked on another plant.

Yesterday I pulled them out and did the wash. Then I fan dried them some and trimmed the sugar leaves off, paper bagged it and back into the frig.

An unexpected benefit to trimming after a wash was that the buds are not sticky as long as they stay damp. The scissors did not even gum up trimming two plants.





I also cut down the Nightmare Cookies plant. I still need to sort out the pictures and upload them. She will be better eye candy than the B Witched plant.
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