My LST Grow

Well I'm not gonna kill it just yet. it still might show signs of female. But if its a male would it produce seeds if i let it go a long time. But I'm also hoping that one of the 6 plants that i have is a female so i can pollinate it so i do have a bunch of seeds to play with for awhile.
Since you only have that one plant, I would definitely wait until you are sure, there is absolutely no rush necessaryat all. Males don't produce seeds, they provide the pollen for the female's calyxes/pistils which when combined (pollinated) creates seeds.

Edit - Didn't see that you had six other plants, if they are approaching maturity, then you weant to make sure that if this plant is male that it is removed before the stamens mature and spread their pollen.
i also have 6 others that i started from seed. I'm hoping 1 of them is a female so they can have some sex and make me some seeds. But I'm in no hurry to chop it down. ill still let it go to see how big it gets. then if its a male I'm gonna stick a female plant right in the middle of it and let them do there magic. no need in wasting a plant.

i might get lucky and it might be a hermie too. since the plant that i got the seeds from hermied up at the end.
Just remember that if you are gonna collect seeds lay down paper or a tarp underneath the plants that are hanging upside down to cure. Less mess that way
Still hoping its a late bloomer.
I took these pics with my phone came out pretty good if i do say so myself.

A bus carrying many ugly people crashes and everyone dies. When they arrive in heaven, God speaks to all of them. He tells them "Since I have made you all so ugly, I'll grant you one wish before I let you into heaven."

The first woman comes up to God and says "I wish to be beautiful."

God grants her wish. The next person wishes for the same thing and so on with the rest of the people. God gets half through the line when he notices the man standing at the end of the line laughing hysterically. The closer God gets to the end of the line, the harder the man laughs. When God finally reaches him, he asks "What is your wish my son?"

The man says "Make them all ugly again!"
Yeah I thought it was a girl a few days ago when I told you. Congrats
Yeah it was just looking a lil ify back then but now it looks like a lil better. Im glad i get to see what she does when she goes into full flower. i really want to see how many bud sites it has. not to concerned about amount of buds just how many she will make. its gonna be a fun journey to see what happens.
I can probably tell you if you give me a top down photo of it now.
Im gonna say from 24-28 colas if the lower ones grow into the light and not into popcorn buds
I think your plant is beautiful. When I seen the roots for your transplant, I am sure that she is very happy now. Keep up the good work :)
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