Thew1sest's First Closet Hydro, SCROG, CFL Journal

Day 16
GDP Phebe
Temperature: 78 F
Humidity: 44%
Nutrients: No nutes added (just top off with Distilled water) Will be doing a flush and nutes tomorrow or Saturday.



The past five days I'd say or four, she has taken off at a tremendous growth rate. The root growth is astounding. I've bent her over using some LST methods and she has been doing nothing but loving it. Popping out new leave sets every hour, I'm convinced ;) The temperature seems to be rising a degree or to as well as humidity, I believe its the leaves giving off moisture they are bigger now from last week. The size of the leaves as well is excellent. The plant itself is staying short and compact. Absolutely stupendous for a cabinet grow. Lights are still the same for now. I'm shooting for a 29 - 33 day veg depending on the plants needs. I'll get some pics up today of the new leaf formation coming from the main stem, it's really cool to see it grow in the way you intended.

Here's a pic of the leaf formations coming out of the main stem due to the LST method.



PS: Sorry again for the crappy pics they're from a phone. The discoloration on a few leaves are on the oldest, a little bit of nute burn but she took off after. The color also is effected somewhat by the camera. Thanks everyone for checking her out!

:roorrip: :smokin:
So I woke up early this morning and noticed that the thermometer had fallen in a way and landed upon my plant. Around 18 days old in vegging. It only effected one leaf it was shriveled up and dried out. However the rest of the plant seems unaffected. I'm optimistic she's still plugging away for now..


Edit: Alright here's the pics, again crappy phone pics but all I have for now. Hard to see, so I did a crude paint job to illustrate it further. I'll get another overall shot of the plant later today.




For some weird reason, again medicated ;) I think she'll pull right through this, she seems unaffected as of now. Prayin for beginners luck. I'm optimistic though. Good vibes to the girl
I'm in yo...totally!

LST and scrogging?? I have thought of that but I don't recall seeing that in any journals...course..could be there and I missed it!

Go GDP!!

Here's the trainwreck clone, day 5 of vegging. It seems to be a deficiency or nute burn, I'm confused as the leaves are curling down, not up. Also, there is a bit of yellow to the leave sets. Here's as best picture I could take. Thanks again 420!!!

PH: 5.7
Temp: 77 F
Humidity: 38%
Nutrients: 1 tablespoon/ Liter (9 liters total) Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A and B

Also running basically a DWC bucket setup, using Hydroton as medium.




:thanks: :reading420magazine:

Alright heres a CFL box I made using four 68watt (actual) CFL's and cleats to wire them together. Then put 4" venting up to my exhaust fan. Works perfectly. I also, put a piece of plexiglass seperating the lights. Below the hood, are four 40watt (Actual) cfls. Last pic is of trainwreck at 7 days into flowering



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