Transplant incident


Well-Known Member
So iv just transplanted from 12L fabric pots to 20L round planstic, never again in my life will i ever transplant from fabric, the root mass or what there was of it instantly broke up, could of cried :(.

Iv put them in Canna Professional Plus mixed with a lot of Mycorrhizae pellets then watered with

1.5L of water mixed with 2.5ml of Root Juice to 1L & Fish Mix 1.5ml to 1L very little water as i only that de-chlorinated, my big question is will and how long will they take to recover?
How long ago did you transplant? because they look pretty good in the pics.

Roots seem to recover pretty fast,so as long as the tap root didn't get broken off
they should sail right through this-they may get a little droopy for a day or so,but
after that,they should be fine.
I usually , in soil, skrunch up, skrunch is a technical, my roots when I transplant to stimulate them

Always did it with my veggies and never an issue

They will be fin
The photo was around 10 minutes later, no drooping as such, maybe one of them a little more than the others, there still in veg for a good 2 weeks to let them bed in and maybe flip after do you think that will give them enough time to recover?
I usually go from plastic to fabric...root balls slide easier.

I do the same. I start them in solo cups then into 2.5 gallon nursery pots and roughly 3 weeks before flower I will transplant into 7 gallon fabric pots. The nursery pots make it much easier when transplanting.

Hey Blewhiller I also have a question for you because I know you're in Maine. I got my clones from a guy in the L/A area who runs a small farm. They were hurting a little when I got them but I believe it was just lack of nutes in the soil because they bounced right back. I don't necessarily want to say the whole name of his farm because I don't know if that's against any rules or anything but the acronym would be QOTN. Just curious if you had any experience with them at all?
The look on my face when they fell apart was horrible haha like mass murder on the only things i have pride in lol.

Well this morning they havent died or droopy leaves but im going to give them a really good watering at the weekend :).
Phat sacks now have a fabric pot with Velcro down one edge, you can kind of peal that down and remove the rootball at transplant. I agree with blew, easy out from plastic pots. I use an extra pot, set it in the bigger pot, pile in soil around it, then remove the pot and the one going in will fit perfectly into the hole.
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