UncleCannabis' Indoor Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - Sea of Green

Glad there is still a stocked bar but I'm in recovery. Have you got any brownies? :passitleft:

Good of you to stop by Mr Am4zin! You've arrived just in time to get preferential seating.
Of course we have brownies. We also have canna infused oatmeal cookies and banana nut muffins.
If you prefer sticky buds, hash, or keif we've got some of that too. Here at the Ganja Grove there are all sorts of Scooby snacks to keep smiles on everyone's faces. :grinjoint:
Welcome aboard KK. It's good to have you along for the ride.
I know you'll be busy for the next few weeks while your outdoor girls are finishing up but I'll be sure to keep a seat available for you.
The more the merrier!! It's good of you to stop by SoilMJ. Come on in and pull up a chair.
The show is just beginning so it may be like watching grass grow (pun intended) for the next couple of weeks. I hope you don't get bored easily. :)
The more the merrier!! It's good of you to stop by SoilMJ. Come on in and pull up a chair.
The show is just beginning so it may be like watching grass grow (pun intended) for the next couple of weeks. I hope you don't get bored easily. :)

I love watching grass grow as much as watching paint dry or the kettle heating...no worries :Namaste:
I see you're a mellow gardener like myself. It's always good to have like minded friends to hang out with while watching the grass grow.
The paint is already dry but there should be lots of grass to keep us occupied here. LOL!
Update – Day 0 to Day 30

Because this next run of new girls are making their 420mag debut as teenie boppers instead of young seedlings, I’d like to take this opportunity to bring everyone up to speed regarding the goings on in the Romper Room over the past month.

Instead of doing 1 extremely long and boring update, I’ll do several shorter but still boring updates.
Germination –

A total of 20 seeds were placed between paper towels that were moistened with water along with a few drops of EM1 microbial tea (1/2 teaspoon to 1 gallon of water) then placed inside of a metal baking dish.

I then covered the baking dish with Saran Wrap to keep moisture in, then covered the Saran Wrap with aluminum foil to keep light out.

The baking dish was then put aside in a dimly lit area of my home where the temps remain a constant 70 to 72 degrees F while I waited for Mother Nature to work her magic.

The purpose of the EM1 is early inoculation of the seeds with beneficial bacteria. I’m really not sure how much it actually helps but it does seem that my germination rates may be a bit better than they were before I began using the EM1.


Out of 20 seeds placed germinating all except 1 germinated for a success rate of 95%.
5 of the 20 germinated and had tails long enough to plant within 30 hours of putting them germinating. 14 of the remaining 15 seeds were ready to plant within 48 hours.


I didn’t take any pics of any of the seeds with tails but I wait until the tails are about 1/16” in length before planting.

The 1 seed that didn't germinate (DNA Genetics - Chocolope) was a very small seed and may have been a dud.
I kept the paper towel damp and continued to wait for a total of 10 days. After day 10 it was obvious that life as a ganja girl was just not meant to be so it was tossed into the trash bin.

For those who may be having less than desirable results with seed germination I suggest that you check out the Sensi Seeds website.

It may be worth mentioning that I’ve always found that placing the seeds between a damp paper towel then placing the paper towel inside of a Zip-Loc bag works really well also.

If anyone has other methods or germination tips that they'd like to share please spill your secrets. :Namaste:
Day 1 (September 11th) – Planting Day

All of the 19 seeds that germinated were planted in cups on or about September 11th.

I’m not able to find Solo cups here but I was able to find some hard plastic cups that fit the bill and come in a rainbow of colors. :trance:

After a few holes were drilled to allow for drainage they were ready to be re-purposed as planting cups.
This was done before any seeds were put to germinate so they were ready and waiting when needed.


All of the germinated seeds were planted in a mix consisting of 2 parts coco / 1 part perlite / 1 part worm castings / trace amount of Indonesian bat guano


The seeds were carefully placed tail down with the seed itself placed about 1/8” inch below the soil surface.

After planting, I watered well with B1, EM1, and Aloe infused tap water.
1 tablespoon B1, ½ teaspoon EM1, and 1 shot glass of aloe juice added to 1 gallon of water.

After being watered they were then placed inside of the Romper Room tent under 2 x 105 watt daylight spectrum CFL’s.



It was then all in Mother Nature's hands for the next few days while I anxiously waited for signs of life to appear.
Day 2 to 4 – All Seeds Have Sprouted

Within 2 to 4 days of planting all seeds that were planted sprouted.


There was a Super Lemon Haze that sprouted but killed over shortly after breaking the surface and before straightening up.
Since this cup was placed nearby an LED that was shining on some clones in the same tent, I think that it may have been exposed to some spill over rays that may have fried it. It may have also been due to damping off, I’m really unsure.

Whatever the reason, it died, life goes on, and the journey continues.
Watering While in Cups

After the initial watering, the soil medium was not watered again until about 4 days later.
On or about day 4 when checking the weight of the cups, they seemed to be getting light indicating that it was time for some H2O.
So I filled up my water only garden sprayer with tap water to lightly water the cups by placing the spray wand right near the soil surface and giving each cup a light spraying.

Note that the only time that the soil medium was heavily watered was during the initial watering when planted.

We want Ganja Girls, not Olympic swimmers.... :)
Day 11 (September 22nd) - Transplant Up

Between @ September 19th to the 22nd they had all grown enough to be transplanted into 1 gallon pots using a composted soil mix with coco and rice hulls added for aeration.


Once transplanted into the 1 gallon pots they were then watered to saturation using B1 and aloe juice infused tap water (1 tablespoon of B1 and 1 shot glass of aloe juice added per gallon of tap water).

The newly transplanted seedlings were then placed under a Mars-Hydro Reflector Series LED with the light positioned 36 inches above the plant canopy.
The light was then gradually lowered to 24” over a period of 1 week.



















Grow babies, grow! :Namaste::morenutes:
Day 19 (September 30th)


Trucking along.
Day 25 (October 6th)


Day 32 - Today

Lights -
1 x Mars-Hydro 144x5 Reflector Series LED (@315 wall watts)

Lighting Scheme -
18 On / 6 Off

Environmental Conditions -
Lights On -
Temps - 77 to 82 degrees F
RH - 55 to 80% (higher RH after waterings)

Lights Off -
Temps - 64 to 68 degrees F
RH - 50 to 65%

Nutrients / Fert's / Stuff -

Pest Control / Prevention -
Neem oil spray application once per week.

Weekly Summary
Today the 2 Qleaner's were topped and the cuttings placed in the bubble cloner. This is the last of the regular photoperiod seedlings to be topped and cloned.







Group Pic -


All caught up now. Whewww!!

Time to pack a bowl then go check on the big girls afterward.

Have a great day :420: friends!!
Mornin' UncleC

I'm filling in the holes in my studies, looking towards an outside grow next year.

What light cycle do use on the sprouts?


Hey there Olderthandirt. Top of the morning to you. :)

I use a 18/6 lighting schedule for seedlings, clones, and throughout veg. It makes it easy to do everything in one tent and seems to work well for most.
Some folks use a 24/0 lighting schedule with good results as well but I feel that it's good to give them at least a few hours of darkness like what happens in a typical outdoor environment.

Best of luck with your outdoor grow. If you post a journal once things get going please make sure to send me an invite. :Namaste:
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