Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant SOG

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

think its looking clean man !

:thanks: bro!

looking good here
the basil looks good too

:thanks: brother! The basil will be going in air pots soon too!

this setup is just absolutely amazing, great job vape!!!! :goodjob::thumb:

:thanks: bro!

looks great vape! Im with OMM on your light distance.

I think the light is as low as it's going to go...the plants can grow to it now. :thumb:

VDogg my man, great job! I'm late but I'm in for this...


:thanks: bro!'re not late, we're just getting started here!

looks very clean, and those girls got a good daddy so i expect them to be fat and stinky when they get older!

Thanks bro! I do my best. I am a bit over protective...kind of like the dad who's cleaning his guns at the kitchen table when his daughter's boyfriend comes over to the house. :)


Room and babies are looking just great! :thumb: I really like the tutorials of everything. Keep it up! I have recieved all my high brix amendments and I will be building my medium over the next couple of days. :)

See you around

:thanks: bro! :thumb:

Wow Vape!!! thinks are looking amazing for your have a clone army going on!!! can't wait to watch this become a forest of nugs!!!


How did I miss this one.

Nice job so far Vape.

:thanks: bro! I was hoping you'd stop in. My new vape arrived yesterday! I went ahead and got the Arizer Solo... :thumb: I think I'll put up a few pics this when I have a chance.

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

Oops, almost forgot to give you those 5 stars. Just fixed that! :)
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

I'm totally impressed with your style Vape; only thing I can offer after all these good tips is for you to flush out your ferts, the high N, before you flip em to 12/12. I'm excited to see these beauties bloom. :cheer:

:thanks: again for the kind words.

You're still thinking conventionally Vampire...with organics you need to step out of that box!

Flushing would be something we'd do on a conventional grow, but we're breaking away from convention here!

With organic high Brix we aren't loading up the soil with chemical fertilizers that cause salts to build up. Remember the only fertilizer I added was 1 cup of 4-2-2 hen manure per bag of soil. The plants can use the nitrogen, but it's really there to feed the micro organisms in the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will convert oxygen and nitrogen from the air into nitrates for the plant.

So really, there's nothing we'd want to flush out. In fact, flushing would only wash away the nutrients and minerals that the beneficials need to stay alive in the soil.

I also don't bother to check pH...the critters in my soil take care of all that. The micro herd can take care of the plants far better than we can if they have what they need to do the job. :thumb:

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant


I'm super fascinated with high brix gardening, so I'm following with much interest. First rate journal already, great posts, great pics, and a whole lot of detail that will be helpful to many. Nice clean set-up, too. :high-five:

+rep, and already worth 5 stars in my opinion! :bravo:
Oops, almost forgot to give you those 5 stars. Just fixed that! :)

Thanks bro! :adore: That's some high praise coming from the newest Member of the Month! :thumb:

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

So.. with high brix gardening, you feed them through nutrients already in the soil, and no more added nutes? I'm really interested in this, not only for cannabis, but veggies and herbs too.. Do you hand water from the top, or fill the tray? Thanks Vape, keep up the good work! :high-five:

Reading this journal was the first time hearing about High Brix gardening, thanks bud. Ill do some more research about feeding the plants to get them high on brix, haha.

Stoned4daze was exactly right! There are some nutrients we add that feed the plant also, but the focus is on a thriving micro herd that provide the plants what they need.

It's definitely worth doing the research. I'm still reading and learning too! And I'm just as excited about seeing high brix in my vegetable garden this year. :)

Yes, I'm watering them by hand from the top, the tray just has a drain. I may also dunk them from time to time when applying microbe teas.

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

I think that's everyone! If I missed a comment, please speak up and let me know!

:thanks: again to everyone for all the input and positive feedback. :thumb:

I ordered a couple more things today. The first was Yucca Schidigera Extract. I'll add this to the teas after they are brewed. Yucca contains saponins which are beneficial to plant growth and promote microbial activity, and natural surfactants to aid in foliar spraying and help the soil absorb water.

I also ordered some of the Nature's Own Microbe Tea Soil Life and Activator. I've been wanting to try this for a's a balanced microbe/fungi tea mix that you just add to water, and brew. This stuff supposed to be so good that it makes regular old EWC tea wet itself, and go hide in a corner! Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration... :smokin: I guess we'll wait and see! :)

Oh, by the way...I just went in and measured a few of the girls before I clicked submit, and they grew another inch today. :) Don't worry, I'm not going to post daily height updates...I just thought that was cool!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

I have some yucca on my list next, Can't wait to see how it treats you
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

I think that's everyone! If I missed a comment, please speak up and let me know!

:thanks: again to everyone for all the input and positive feedback. :thumb:

I ordered a couple more things today. The first was Yucca Schidigera Extract. I'll add this to the teas after they are brewed. Yucca contains saponins which are beneficial to plant growth and promote microbial activity, and natural surfactants to aid in foliar spraying and help the soil absorb water.

I also ordered some of the Nature's Own Microbe Tea Soil Life and Activator. I've been wanting to try this for a's a balanced microbe/fungi tea mix that you just add to water, and brew. This stuff supposed to be so good that it makes regular old EWC tea wet itself, and go hide in a corner! Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration... :smokin: I guess we'll wait and see! :)

Oh, by the way...I just went in and measured a few of the girls before I clicked submit, and they grew another inch today. :) Don't worry, I'm not going to post daily height updates...I just thought that was cool!


hey there vape, man i bet that took a while to respond to all those posts! Nice job you should be very proud :thumb: Can't wait for the upcoming updates. Are you going to go into detail regarding the teas and the building of those teas before feeding? Also, can you PM me and give the place where you ordered both of those items you mentioned above?

Thanks Vape!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

hey there vape, man i bet that took a while to respond to all those posts! Nice job you should be very proud :thumb: Can't wait for the upcoming updates. Are you going to go into detail regarding the teas and the building of those teas before feeding? Also, can you PM me and give the place where you ordered both of those items you mentioned above?

Thanks Vape!


:thanks: brother!

PM Sent! I'll definitely be posting some pics and talk about brewing the teas and putting together and/or buying a brewer. I wanted to have done so already, I've just been too busy with other stuff.

I'm also building a new grow room (rooms actually) at the same time. I am planning on journaling much of the construction (in it's own journal), but for security reasons I'll have to wait until it's framed, and partially sheetrocked before I can start posting. Right now it's kind of a mess with a pile of lumber in the middle of it. :)

Anyway, I'll probably hit these girls with EWC tea once more before the new mix comes in, so I'll be able to document both, and see if they brew up differently. :thumb:

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

Whoa I got 4 pages to catchup with,lol. :nomo::allgood:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

tell me about it every time i come back on their is always loads of pages, but its all good to read and all of it helps when your trying to learn all you can to dial in the best grow with what you have got, im going to check if they do them air pots in my part of the world, but chances are their not over here yet, but ill check, i watched the vid on how they work and love the fact the roots come to the holes then die off this prevents the pots getting root bound, brilliant idea, genius who ever though of it,
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

The pots are a bit higher than they look in the pics... about 9 1/4" actually. I think I'd be afraid to go that tall...were you thinking in the 7-8" range?

I had the SCROG in mind for some reason though I know your intention was to SOG. Even if you match plant's height with the pot it wouldn't hurt only add more yield. Depends how much head room you have and with air cool hood it wouldn't be too hot if the exhaust system is running optimal.

How much more veg time do you think is necessary to achieve that 3x number?

Since there are more plants to cover the screen it wouldn't take long to veg to fill in the screen. With less plants more veg time is required. With the SOG you have now, with a screen in 2 weeks more and you should get enough canopy coverage. After the flip it will stretch and fill in the rest. The work will be tucking and weaving the top growth down under the screen for even tops. Combine that with defoliation your light should penetrate and swell up the buds to the max. When the plants vegged out same height as the pot, plus the stretch in flower, it will bring the bed of flowers close enough to the light that would explode buds.

Just an idea for increasing yield. Keep in mind that I no longer grow and often I plant seeds in people's mind lol. Not expecting you to change course, and yes finishing this one out to find the number before making adjustments. You're doing great, a pleasure to watch.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

vape, looks like u're on it, bud. like sgt. peppers said: this grow is a "clean machine". one little tip on clones. while u're underwater making the 2nd cut, do it w/an xacto knife or razor blade at a 45* angle, then turn the blade to a 90* angle to the stem & scratch it lightly (while underwater) then to rooting powder/gel, then plant. 7/10 days check for roots. i'll bet u're girls will be ready for the big lights. OR ignore what i just said---i'm just an old man rambling! either way, NICE GROW!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

The pots are a bit higher than they look in the pics... about 9 1/4" actually. I think I'd be afraid to go that tall...were you thinking in the 7-8" range?

I had the SCROG in mind for some reason though I know your intention was to SOG. Even if you match plant's height with the pot it wouldn't hurt only add more yield. Depends how much head room you have and with air cool hood it wouldn't be too hot if the exhaust system is running optimal.

How much more veg time do you think is necessary to achieve that 3x number?

Since there are more plants to cover the screen it wouldn't take long to veg to fill in the screen. With less plants more veg time is required. With the SOG you have now, with a screen in 2 weeks more and you should get enough canopy coverage. After the flip it will stretch and fill in the rest. The work will be tucking and weaving the top growth down under the screen for even tops. Combine that with defoliation your light should penetrate and swell up the buds to the max. When the plants vegged out same height as the pot, plus the stretch in flower, it will bring the bed of flowers close enough to the light that would explode buds.

Just an idea for increasing yield. Keep in mind that I no longer grow and often I plant seeds in people's mind lol. Not expecting you to change course, and yes finishing this one out to find the number before making adjustments. You're doing great, a pleasure to watch.

Thanks bro! I was afraid of letting them get too big...I know how quickly these things can turn into trees!

Headroom isn't a problem in this room...and I had my 5' monsters with their tips maybe 5" away from the glass. But sometimes the weather takes a turn for the hot, and I've had to dim the light before.

I also wanted to keep them in the same height range that they would be in my new room, which has a lower ceiling.

I might have to try a SCROG at least once. I'm not sure about all the extra work though. When my new rooms are running, I'll have two 4'x4' trays running next to each my moms. Right now I'm thinking that keeping that running semi-perpetually with a SOG will be enough work.

:thanks: for your kind words...and feel free to keep planting those seeds brother!

These girls are growing like weeds! I have a quick update on the way!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

vape, looks like u're on it, bud. like sgt. peppers said: this grow is a "clean machine". one little tip on clones. while u're underwater making the 2nd cut, do it w/an xacto knife or razor blade at a 45* angle, then turn the blade to a 90* angle to the stem & scratch it lightly (while underwater) then to rooting powder/gel, then plant. 7/10 days check for roots. i'll bet u're girls will be ready for the big lights. OR ignore what i just said---i'm just an old man rambling! either way, NICE GROW!

:thanks: bro! And I would never ignore anything you said!

I had started out doing just that with the xacto and 45º cut...the only reason I stopped is that it's so much easier with the scissors/clippers and it didn't seem to make much of a difference in survivability or root development in my particular setup. But that's not to say it won't work out better for someone else...

Sometimes I scratch the stem too...but I do so cautiously, because I've noticed if you scratch too deep it actually seems to hurt root development...I had a heavy hand at first, but practice makes perfect!

:thanks: again brother! You feel free to ramble here any time!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

I have a quick update before I try and get some sleep. :)

You'll find I'm constantly making small modifications to my grow rooms...usually convenience additions. I think this would fit into that category since it doesn't really improve all that much...although they're are a few advantages. Anyway, when I do change something, I'll let you know!

So these are my latest additions. Ideal-Air Noise Reduction Clamps. Now my ventilation system is hanging by Rope Ratchets, so It's not actually going to reduce any noise for me.

Here's a few pics out of the box.




I'll be using them for the connections to my hood right now. Here, the hangers are more useful to me if they're on the bottom. Now I have a convenient attachment point for sensors, etc.




As hose clamps go, they are phenomenally expensive! But I like the secure connection, and the integral hangers are a nice feature. I think they also make it easier to connect and remove the ducting.

That brings me to a quick plant update! As you can see, they're looking pretty happy!



And a few random plant shots...complete with tape measure for your point of reference!

And of course...every happy family has an underachiever. I've named mine Peg...

She looks as healthy as she could be...I guess she's just going to be a late-bloomer!

I've already had a chat with Peg, and let her know that I'm not going to give up on her...and that I'm going to love her just as much as her sisters, no matter what happens!

That's it for now. I'd say it won't be long now before the flip!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

Looks great Vdogg..

I'd like to comment on the connector.

It is minimal at best. It still allows for transmission of vibration. What you really want in a vibration situation is a totally flexible connector. Google "Flexible Duct Connector"

A simple DIY is a piece of neoprene sheeting or heavy canvas wrapped around the two joints where they meet. Keep at least a 1" space between the two adjoining surfaces. Wrap, clamp, and seal. You have a ZERO vibration connection.

Nothing is needed at the light to flex connection as it is already flexible. Optimally you would break any duct before it exits the space to prevent sound transmission via contact with walls or whatever. Total stealth if need be.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

looks like a mini farm everything in order and nice rows
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic, High Brix, Nirvana Ice, 49 Plant

Thanks bro! I was afraid of letting them get too big...I know how quickly these things can turn into trees!

Headroom isn't a problem in this room...and I had my 5' monsters with their tips maybe 5" away from the glass. But sometimes the weather takes a turn for the hot, and I've had to dim the light before.

I also wanted to keep them in the same height range that they would be in my new room, which has a lower ceiling.

I might have to try a SCROG at least once. I'm not sure about all the extra work though. When my new rooms are running, I'll have two 4'x4' trays running next to each my moms. Right now I'm thinking that keeping that running semi-perpetually with a SOG will be enough work.

:thanks: for your kind words...and feel free to keep planting those seeds brother!

These girls are growing like weeds! I have a quick update on the way!


Just a thought, couldn't you use a Trellis net for an easy Scrog. Similar to Docbuds last grow. Not that I don't love SOG's but Twelve12 mentioned some valid points and I would think the Trellis would be really easy to setup. This is all of course up to you, I just think you would have a Badass Scrog
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