Well Howdy!


New Member
HI 420 peeps- Just a little post to tell you about myself. I'm a new member who has begun taking MMJ for insomnia. I have also, out of necessity since I can't seem to find them locally, begun making and baking vegan/gluten free edibles. I'm looking for the most info I can find on dosage control and am grateful for all suggestions, advice and assistance.

Thanks so much!
:welcome: to :420: Laliepop. We are glad to have you here. My wife uses cannabis for restless leg syndrome and I use it for insomnia/ptsd and pain. Here is a link for edibles Cannabis Edibles which is helpful. Also I do a search on pinterst for gluten free and also wheat free which gives me tons and tons of recipes. Most all recipes can be modified to use cannabis in them. Can't be to healthy you know. :rofl:

I have a few links that might help you find something that is of interest to you.

For growing this is a good link How to Grow Marijuana

And photos are always nice for a journal Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Note from Cannafan: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

Speaking of journals How to Make a Grow Journal

For medical issues we have this MEDICAL MARIJUANA

For legal and activist things 420 LEGAL ACTION

And a FAQ to help with general things Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions feel free to ask as we have a lot of wonderful people with a lot of knowledge that are willing to help.
:peace: :Namaste:
:ciao: Laliepop, and :welcome: to the great community here at :420:

Coloradokid is right, most recipes can be adapted. If it calls for oil or butter, you can replace it with either cannabis infused oil or cannabutter. I was happy to read about the wife's RLS being controlled with the cannabis. I am working on getting this resolved for a friend who also has it. His wife is going to be a very happy camper when he gets it under control. Neither one of them get enough sleep because of it.
I had insomnia myself and I have gone to eating one really strong caramel or other cannabis snack about a half hour before bedtime. By the time I'm settled in the snack starts taking effect and I sleep very well.
Keep in mind with edibles, they take longer for the effects to start than it does to just smoke the weed. Some people don't see the effects until an hour or more after consumption. That's why I eat them earlier than bedtime.
Hope this helps, Coloradokid has provided you with the link to the edibles thread, so we hope to see you there and feel free to ask questions on dosage etc.
Good luck, and have fun!!:high-five:
Hi Laliepop, and as for dosage it's all a matter of tolerance but I've had good luck with about 1oz of bud to 1lb of butter making cannabutter and in the case of my peanut butter cookies I can safely eat 2 or 3 medium size cookies an hour or 2 before bed. I've never made the oils but looking forward to trying that some day too.
Thanks for all the great advice and please forgive my delay in saying thanks! I'm excited about baking and cooking with Cannabis and can't wait to share my successes and ask for help with my failures.
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