Wheelo's 3rd run - Attack of the Holy Shoots

At least you have a nice QP to get you through the next development and implementation phase of the WOF garden. CAP Ebb and Grow all the way man ;) I'll back it and I'm sure a few others will as well.

you know me McB, always trying something new, and after your results and recommendation, there's a high probability that I will give it a shot. . . i gotta try to do something to get better numbers. . . and the QP is just the scrog, the wheel buds are still drying, so hopefully another QP from here too, 1/2 p should get me through. now I just need to get paid and go shopping. ;)

o shit is the word, Oman, start ur journal and wheel be that much closer to our own forum. O and get those clothing pins out to secure ur girls. get used to the sound of rotation as it is music to my ears at this point. happy Chronukkah.

yo fats domino, omen has a huge op and a very nice journal going, you should check it out. its been awesome ever since i started begging him for more pics, lol :smokin::smokin::smokin:

The never ending Saga continues.purplekush GI grow 240 site and flood tables.

totally impressive results. +rep

thanks tiger, :welcome:
I'm not impressed with my yield at all, in fact if I were a prouder man I would probably embellish my results so you guys would respect my skills more. . . but I am a scientist at heart and would rather you respect my loyalty to the truth over my own pride. brutal honesty and objective reasoning are the hallmarks of a good scientist IMO, but so are getting good results. . . I'm halfway there ;)

At least I'm a better scientist at my real discipline of study. lol.
And the weed is always tastier and stickier when you grow it yourself.
Thanks for stopping by tiger. Happy Chronukkah.
I'm not impressed with my yield at all, in fact if I were a prouder man I would probably embellish my results so you guys would respect my skills more. . . but I am a scientist at heart and would rather you respect my loyalty to the truth over my own pride. brutal honesty and objective reasoning are the hallmarks of a good scientist IMO, but so are getting good results. . . I'm halfway there ;)

I'd rather be able to respect your integrity than anything else.

I appreciate your honesty and I know how much humility it takes.
well the wheel weed is all dry now and in a vacuum container to cure. it weighed in at 116 grams with the biggest one being 24.4 grams I'll take some pics for you guys later.

The drying being done, it is time to do the dirty work. . . I have decided to clean everything down, and I mean EVERY THING down completely. to really do this as well as I can, and to facilitate a new layout, I have decided to give my clones away to my friend and take a break from growing all together.

this will allow me to take everything apart, clean it, sort it all out, figure out what I have, what I want to do, what I need to buy. I have enough stash now that I dont mind taking a bit of a break. My friend assures me I will get as many clones as I need when I have everything setup again in some new and improved configuration. and we will try to time it so i get exactly what i want at the right time, when I am ready.

so, I'll post some pics of the hydro soon, and give full smoke reports. but other than that I will consider this journal finito. soniq, whenever you feel it appropriate, you can move this to the completed section.

thanks so much to everyone who kept up with me and offered advice and encouragement. next time I will come back even better. but for now, smoke on, get your grow on, and keep it real. I'm not going anywhere, so no need to say good bye, just good grow dude will be nice. ;)

end of chapter 3.
end of chapter 3.

Haha so we're reading a book now? Well.... If you make a picture book of all your grows. I'd definitely buy it. Especially how there's not really a lot of roto-grow books on weed out in the market. :grinjoint: Think about it.

And it seems like you had a lot of fun with all your grows so I can safely bet that your gonna relapse pretty soon! :cool: Either way have a happy new year WOF! Imma toke one for ya too! :roorrip:
Great journal and thanks for the ride, WoF! It's been fun following along. At least you've got some nice stash to tide you over for awhile and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy Holidays to you and yours!


Anyone want to guess the over/under on how long it takes WOF to get bored and start growing again? :Rasta:

Good job with the journal WOF!

I'm in..2 months..After not having a harvest that could have been in that time. He will ponder and think welllll..:hmmmm::hmmmm:..hhhmmm...:hmmmm::hmmmm:.. could have been trimming tonight. Then thats when it wall start again..LOL..J/P Wheel..you'll know when your ready. but I think he mentioned it was more of the journal'n thats taking the hault, due to the having a full schedule.:grinjoint:
I'm in..2 months..After not having a harvest that could have been in that time. He will ponder and think welllll..:hmmmm::hmmmm:..hhhmmm...:hmmmm::hmmmm:.. could have been trimming tonight. Then thats when it wall start again..LOL..J/P Wheel..you'll know when your ready. but I think he mentioned it was more of the journal'n thats taking the hault, due to the having a full schedule.:grinjoint:

LOL man I with you on this one! :grinjoint:
sounds good. get your shit organized and how you really want it. you deserve a break anyways. enjoy it. youll be missing growing soon enough!!

thanks bro, I'm sure your right.

And it seems like you had a lot of fun with all your grows so I can safely bet that your gonna relapse pretty soon! :cool: Either way have a happy new year WOF! Imma toke one for ya too! :roorrip:

so true AJ, so true. :grinjoint:

Anyone want to guess the over/under on how long it takes WOF to get bored and start growing again? :Rasta:

Good job with the journal WOF!

thanx obx, i bet two weeks. lol ;)

Great journal and thanks for the ride, WoF! It's been fun following along. At least you've got some nice stash to tide you over for awhile and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy Holidays to you and yours!



yeah thanks for reading it bro. Man is this weed the shit. a smoke rport coming after i have tasted more of the hydro to get a proper comparison. . . of course the cure will help bring out the bouquet, but they are both gonna be great.

I'm in..2 months..After not having a harvest that could have been in that time. He will ponder and think welllll..:hmmmm::hmmmm:..hhhmmm...:hmmmm::hmmmm:.. could have been trimming tonight. Then thats when it wall start again..LOL..J/P Wheel..you'll know when your ready. but I think he mentioned it was more of the journal'n thats taking the hault, due to the having a full schedule.:grinjoint:

yeah, i was getting ready for another cycle, I have clones going, but now i've decided to just take a break. I want to take my time and break everything down and clean it draw up a new layout and get some new equipment. I'm giving my clones to my boy instead of trashing them and in turn he'll rehook me back up when i need some.

sometimes coming back fresh can propel you to the next level. anyways for now I'll just visit your guy's grows. lol. live vicariously through y'all. and smoke my stizzash.
Good grow dude. whats up with the final breakdown of both grows. The herb in the VG took 3 extra days to dry? If I were you id pull an Urban Meyer, yeah and get my clones back. did u get my pm?

ive been out dude just caught up now! and even tho you were slightly dissatisfied with weight, this journal was still one of the best this sites seen dude... keep that in mind, especially with so few a people wheeling around ;)

O BTW...... Definately under 2months... more like 1, once everythings clean and sparkly n Just Sitting There. Yeah. :slide:
Congrats on the completion. Time to clean and prepare for your next attempt. What idea will you explore this round Wheelo?
haha!!! he is SO enjoyin that harvest right now!

thanks ALL!!!!

odor hit it on the head!

just smokin, visiting family, enjoying vacation and enjoying no responsibility.

I didn't even start to clean and break down my equipment yet. hey butch what do you recommend for cleaning again? what ratio of bleach and water?

I am ready to give you guys a full smoke report, and it's all good news, but right now I'm gonna toke one up with some friends and chill out for a while.

I'll get back to y'all soon. :bong:
To clean and sanitize your set up, the bleach solution must be 10:1. 10 parts water to one part bleach. Any higher will actually decrease the sanitizing/disinfecting effects. Then I let the area air dry then repeat if possible. Fallowing that then a good rinse and wipe down with R/O water. So not to allow chlorine or calcium to stain the surfaces.

..Oh and welcome BAck!!
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