Worldgrow's First Ever Grow Indoor Soil African Grow Good Bagseed As A Test Run

Same man, wanted to let you know there's a couple hydro stores in jhb that stock biogrow and biobloom nutes. I also started with nutrisol which is a decent general nute for veg.
Hey JoJo thanks bud for the info i saw them but by that time my plants were looking good in veg so decided to wait for flower and when that time came i did not have the time to get there so i made another plan lol started using a very low dose nutrifeed which was my veg nutes which have high N and has all the extras like mag and cal ect and can be used for hydro setups as well @1 gram per lt and then started using the nutrisol K @ 2 gram per lt and so far no nute burn .... I will be going with biogrow and bloom for my next run

I am really impressed with how the nutrifeed worked for Veg and might keep using it

As for the Nutrisol K i was worried using it but seems ok so far ....Girls got fed this morning going to check on them now and will post a update

. From Africa
Update time ....

So i was checking on the two ladies last night and i think they are two different strains even though they are growing and looking allot alike ...The rate at which they are maturing is way different . The one on the left has only now started frosting up a little and buds are still small where as the one on the right has started putting weight and is so so nice and frosty ... Will do a proper update over the weekend




Another SA grower here, seems like we're popping up more and more these days.

I'll sub for this journey, we're at around the same flowering Stage.

Your plants are looking really good, see they're getting nice and frosty. Definitely larger than my 3 babies that look a bit like bonsais lol.

Are you also growing with only CFLs or are you using a different light setup? I can see a tube up there as well, but I mean are you 100% fluorescent? Wish I could get my hands on a decent quality LED grow light, but they're so expensive here. And my space doesn't really allow for lighting with a lot of heat.

One thing that we both should consider, I've been reading a lot into CFLs and how they work, coverage and placement.. and apparently we're doing it wrong. Lights spread out over the plant gives each bud more light exposure sure, but apparently we need to keep them as intense focus from the top. Will probably try that on my current vegges when they're older
Another SA grower here, seems like we're popping up more and more these days.

I'll sub for this journey, we're at around the same flowering Stage.

Your plants are looking really good, see they're getting nice and frosty. Definitely larger than my 3 babies that look a bit like bonsais lol.

Are you also growing with only CFLs or are you using a different light setup? I can see a tube up there as well, but I mean are you 100% fluorescent? Wish I could get my hands on a decent quality LED grow light, but they're so expensive here. And my space doesn't really allow for lighting with a lot of heat.

One thing that we both should consider, I've been reading a lot into CFLs and how they work, coverage and placement.. and apparently we're doing it wrong. Lights spread out over the plant gives each bud more light exposure sure, but apparently we need to keep them as intense focus from the top. Will probably try that on my current vegges when they're older

Hey JGibs welcome

I actualy subs to your journal a few days ago just still needed to intraduce myself .I myself want to either do a diy Cob system or buy one .Those systems like buckshot's look awsome .If your looking for a LED like mars hydro here in south africa look at importitall or wantitall .... Not sure about how legit those sites are but they have the best prices in our country

For my grow i have 2 58 w 1.5m tubes i keep about 3 cm from my top colas and the cfls are positioned in between buds some places as close to 3cm from hud sites . With cfl the light has to be crazy close to have a good effect

Last weekend i moved my cfl's more into the grow putting them right inbetween tops and frost has doubled in the last week where the light is more focused on bud sites also tye lower bud site are now exposed to more light and started to bulk up a bit

I want to add more as i feel i still dont have enough light as my plants are a bit huge and not trained to have a even canopy lol .The tips you gave about focusing light at the top would be more for plants that were trained to create a flat canopy like a scrog grow

. From Africa
Hey buddy Thanks for stopping by !

I have been crazy busy at work so did not have much time to update but things are looking great !

Bud swell just started very nice and i have had to make a plan to stake some of the buds so they dont tip over hahaha .I think the one has about 3 weeks to go and will start flush on her on monday , the other one i am not so sure of and will have to give it some more time





I will pop by your thread later and check on your grow !

. From Africa
Looking good! They're growing lekker thick!

Might consider doing some train next grow to get nice flat canopy?
I actauly tried but the stretch got the best of me and some just shot sky high haha i even super cropped the fastest growing tops so the rest could catch up but that did not stop them .But this grow has been my learning curve and i have so much i can improve on

My next round i am going to try a big ass scrog .So far its looks like i will get a very good yeild from these 2 .... Cant wait to see dry weight .

. From Africa
Hey all

So i did my fist flush ever today i think she took it well , ran 20L water through her and will repeat in a few days

first 8L


After the 20L the water was looking still light brown but i will flush her again before harvest

And only did 20L as she started to look a bit stressed so i thought rather hold back and flush again in a few days but afterwards she perked up quickly with tepms at 73 and humadity at about 50 %



This is her little sister she is not as frosty and still has allot of green pistols so i will give her another week or two before flush .She has nice heavy buds but thrics are not nearly as long or many as on her sister .



Any pointers on flushing and harvesting would be much appreciated as i have read a shit load but you can always miss something .Thanks guys and . From africa
Hey guys

SO I have been absent for a while been real busy at work and at life lol ...

So here is where I am at with my grow .First plant was harvested about two weeks ago and bud is great so far .I did not get a final weight but here is my harvest




SMOKE REPORT............. .

After 1 week cure

Bud has a strong citrus smell allot like pineapple and is very smooth SMOKE not harsh at all .And the high is very uplifting and speedy and potent with allot of munchies hahaha .Great day time SMOKE!

I am also trying to re grow the trunk as I left it in its pot and sat it outside in a nice sunny spot .Hope she takes and I can get some clones off her because for a unknown bag seed she kicks ass lol


Finally my last one still growing

She is at day 90 of flower and still no signs of any amber ...Buds have put on some great weight and I think she will run another week .She has been drinking just water for 3 weeks and I would have thought she would go all yellow on me and start losing fan leaves but no she just keeps shooting out new sets of pistols every day lol .She smells like a diesel strain with hints of citrus


. From Africa
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