XiwsX561's 1st Sour Diesel & Mango Kush Mini-SOG Grow Journal 2020

@Pennywise yea I took it out because like I said typically its not this cold like in 2-3 days supposed to be back in the 80s and humidity will get 67+ in my house was more worried about one just harvested. But I don't even have it on as its like 58% right now. Not sure if I can fit it now I changed the position of the ac, and @Bill284 I believe it was because the intake was ran thru a top port or one meant for air cooled hoods and on the other side is only like 4 inches of space between the wall and I forgot there was an extra door stored back there so most likely covering it. Anyways the ac has 5 modes auto cool heat fan and dry. Only problem on cool it can only go down to 62 put it on dry i can get humidity down to 64% but it keeps cooling and can get down into 50s wish my wife would just let me put a window shaker in. Would be great to hang my harvest in. I guess tonight ill have try and configure it. I moved lamp to go along with new table, things sweet no tools, I bought additional casters so it can wheel around but didn't wanna put them on worried about head clearance but I could have , you can add on a trellis kit, as well as a light bar but I hang so no need was go I do ebb n flow but didn't wanna set up I have an additional true 4x2 ID tray and a 20gal rez i bought months ago with ebb n flow kit. And I just added Hydroton on top of coco, help spread the water as i am hand watering, actually 2gal pump sprayer removed spray end and its like a 1/4 jnch wand, table was perfectly level so just added like a piece of furring under far side gave it like a half inch rise, wasn't sure i wanted to drill this one as i was just using it as a better liner in the 4x2 and I have the other tray im going to drill but I did and start at low end so u know which plant has had run off made for easy work. Drains into a bucket so drain tk waste. As well to protect the roots as plants grow root ball gets tighter and goes every which way in fabric pots and u can see them a bit sometimes. But table goes together in like 3 mins. And I moved dehuey out and put oscillating fan as well as I took stand off a 2nd one and placed on the ground since running c02 and it falls keep it circulating. Just need to find extra 2 sqft for dehumidifier if I had a single hose ac I would definitely have the space maybe I can just run it over top.
Yea ill find a smaller dehumidifier, just gotta be careful, I ordered a mini dehumidifier on Amazon last year more of a swamp cool than anything and ya it filled the 2 pint or small rez in like a week. My new one pulls 50-70 pints a day, and like I said before pay the extra 40-60 bucks for one with a automatic pump, especially if u have humid conditions some days I could get close to 4-5 gals from it a day and it only takes less then 2gal to water all t3n 1gal pots but only mid week week 3 and everything is on its timeline trichomes already bud size is nice which is what I'm shooting for this grow vs last was more yield and consistency in bud size. In cali that's their style when out there smaller dense nugs doesn't seen as resinous tho but a nug the size of a peanut MnM weighs almost .5 to just under a g. Kinda like the root in flip or 2-3 week veg n flip, rand using a method for defol by "nebula" if you Google it for large colas, did this last grow on my own but not on the correct time line. And not with as much experience have another notch under my belt , and i know I won't get 14-16 per plant but even if I pull 1-2 I could do it almost 2-3 times in the same amount of time It took me last time. Plus paying attention to geno breeders suggested flower times i could have potentially gotten bigger yields last time I believe I can definitely get atleast 1 with only 18 days or less veg. But hopefully since I did do a bit of "Kyle kushmans" chiropractic method along with silica that I did not use last grow the stems and branches can support the weight larger plants id say definitely not but these are under 3ft and I know even past your bloom transition they will still continue to get a bit taller and buds will stack. Because stakes such so time consuming and trellis once in there is really no moving the plants depending on how big they start to swelling may order the trellis kit , although may just order bc its cool to have and has multi tiers. Before i order ill see if I can even get a 4x2 trellis if not I might be able to use one I made just skip a screw so I'd have 6 inch holes vs originally 3 inch holes.
I actually found a similar dehuey with a pump just smaller and smaller foot print so I should be able to fit it. But what I did before I left is turned ac off opened passive vent and undid the intake hose port put inside tent and closed the port unfortunately don't get those cold night Temps tent is at 73 rh at 59% and leaf temp is 72 degrees little lower vpd then ideal but atleast rh is below 60%. So room vpd is 1.14 kPa and leaf is .96 leaf want both up .2-.3
I do have an inkbird humidity controller as well as inkbird temp controller for temp u use ac/heater for humidity u use dehuey and humidifier but where im currently at i don't need a heater or a humidifier. I guess I could put ac on with dehumidifier would work when lights are off I would think but not sure how cold it would get when lights are on guess I'll have to try it
Lol mmk ill take that as a yes, but I will try to post my feed chart / schedule once a week.

But to bring any readers / followers up to speed what I am trying to kinda do is stack the medium in my case it's coco but in a way not to make them nute lock or burn the plant. As i don't have the tech to stack like such experts "jungle boys" do. Aswell I did have from 18 day veg all the way down to a very well rooted ( some circling) solo cup transplant and the micro clone In a shot glass i restarted my feed clock so to say with an EC of 1.0 or close to , just to make it easier on my self. I'll continue to do so with all my grows as I've not had problems yet..... not reset but start start at one number and work EC up week to week. Ill do this until I would say minimum of 3-5, runs per geno as EACH AND EVERY one will have different feed ill say limits and not requirements. I just watched my first and only JB's YouTube video a few weeks ago and although very bland and long does have some good info. As they feed by stacking thr medium to some crazy numbers starting at an EC of 2.0 and going high as 6.0 I believe it was. Their medium of choice 6 inch rockwool cubes from start to finish. Keep in mind they do have optimal growth environments as they have millions into equipment and tech.

So back to mine after resetting maybe for the first week or so you could tell the ones that had vegged longer had some [N]itrogen deficiencies. But as you can see are now on track. Again I started with an EC around 1.0 which was 25% of botanicares KIND line "expert coco" grow chart. I also need to tell you i supplemented that with calmag even tho they say to add more base as it's already in it. Just like stacking I started with 1ml/gal til now I'm at 2.5 and I'll hold there. Over the first 2 weeks I slowly increased according to that chart (bottles will read differently assuming due to chart is medium specific) until reaching 50% which i would say is a safe % to use with any nutrient line. But as im in the last days of week 3 ( day 20) ill increase at a slower rate of 10 % or .1 EC until I see some issue ill back of perhaps give a calmag flush as previous grow I did get up to 1.8-1.9 and no Flux in ph, before "flushing" was dwc. So that would land me around 1.8 In week 6, before flushing as they will continue to grow especially with how tight the root balls are. I'm currently at 1.5* and ill now be doing a watering 2 hrs after lights on and 2 hours before lights off.
Current co2 level setting 1200.

******* If you attempt to dial in using a dual hose ac you will get a headache lol , but below the intake vent on back of unit there is like a drilled vent with a slide like a salt shaker and I have no clue what its for or what it does as I never seen anything when I looked at the e-manual it must be closed atleasy on my unit a Walmart brand most likely. I seen the brand "artic king" window shakers there today 12,500 but I bought last year off offer up wasn't in box but was sure it wasn't used as remote and batteries were still in the plastic shrink wrap from manufacturer.
So night before last I tried to do what ter kid suggested using the inkbird with the ac as acting humidifier and dehumidifier plugged in where it was supposed to go and it worked perfect when lights went off for about 8 hours until I guess its a fuse or gfi on the plug like an outlet in ur bathroom or kitchen it has a test button and a reset, well guess it popped I didn't know at 1st it did so I was trying to pcalibrate it and adjust things when all I needed to do was reset it. The app shows a live chart by hour and it was perfect temp and almost no Flux in rh% , ill show screen shots you can clearly see when ac cut off.

But I decided to scrap the whole thing just keep it in the best conditions for something decent to smoke, as trying to dial in a tent with portable AC is almost near impossible. The AC is 12,500 BTU and the dehumidifier are both meant for larger areas. Kind of when doing Hydroponics the bigger the rez the less Flux u have in ph, same concept too small of an area. Your best bet would be AC Infinity fans with humidity and temp control and just have both the ac and dehuey outside of tent just won't be able to run co2 as its no longer sealed, and a tent in my opinion isn't truly sealed to start with. So ill just wait to dial in VPD when I build a sealed room.

But just entered week #4 day 22 plants are still looking good and standing tall not so sure about the mother plant that sat in a dwc for a72 hours of darkness dunno if she'll come back if she does she will be behind, as I believe that caused her to be nute locked.

Now this is my 1st coco grow and container/pot grow as well as new medium coco. Typically in dwc your want your water level to be dropping and your EC static or dropping if hungry plant, and your ph static or rising. Well I hadn't checked run off in a while and decided to, while my stacking was working putting in 1.9 If i remember correctly and coming out 1.7, but when I checked ph it had fell alot as I was putting 6.0 in coming out 5.0 or less usually that's not good in dwc, so I thought I needed to do a calmag flush. I had gotten it within. 02 to .2 of what I was putting in yet I could not get the ph up. So I spent most of the night reading and watching you tube videos trying to learn how to correct. I was finding mixed answers, don't worry about run off as long as plants look good and doin 10-20% run off.

So I have no clue what to do, any coco growers please chime in before I start having problems and @Pennywise You know the community better if you could point me to coco growers that will help me get back on track before I have issues still early mid flower hopefully can turn it around and get some good buds. Thanks

Here's the ink bird reading I wont post all 8 hours as its like 8 pictures.

Screenshot_20201230-115233_Inkbird Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20201230-115244_Inkbird Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20201230-115306_Inkbird Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20201230-115331_Inkbird Pro.jpg
Don’t worry about ph coming out, only what you’re putting in. Run a smaller dose of nutrients since you’re feeding at least once a day. 1.9 ec seems like a lot in coco.
Correction it was 1.7 in and 1.5 out remember I was running co2 well the run off scared me goin off hydro chart bc never grown coco, that if my rez is X amount E.C. if ph goes down salt build up too much feed potential nute lock but I guess if 1.7 in and 1.5 out means they were eating and im goin to start watering twice as seems all but maybe the shot glass Transplant or th other 2 trans plants with zero veg.

Either way side not the new hydro store either their fabric bags are better, which I prefer already over smart pot, heavy duty, even smallest bag thr 1g like I have have handles and even though bags are much thicker and heavier duty are almost 2x or more are better with or faster drainage maybe their coco the , as I said when I did defol grown this geno 3 times yes 3 seasons apart but little to no 0 "purpling" fan leaves stalks and branches ill try and post proof when lights go on tonight
Week #4 Day 23

Ok so F what I said c02 and VPD can be accomplished in a tent, I could not sleep until I got it right. Keep in mind everyone's VPD Temps will be different I was trying to go for a hotter room high 70s to low 80s but your RH% will be higher then most people are comfortable with and during cold times your RH has to be super low which I could not achieve with humid climates as well as you have to account for the temp your lamp puts off as my LED didn't put off enough, I would need to lower lamps closer to plants but I didn't wanna redo anything. So with the run off scare one of the taller girls has microscopic potassium deficiencies, as I was putting gallons of water on them, the night before dropping the EC to ..5-.7. But @Pennywise remember im running c02 so 1.7 isn't shizzz. Jungle boys watched one YouTube video keep in mind like I said previously their pockets are deep and they have the best tech as they start at 2.0 and go as high as 6.0. So 1.7 in 1.5 out was perfectly fine I gotta get back up so I'm back to 1.39 1st water and 1.31 2nd.

How long does any one keep a nute solution? I typically mix 4g which is enough for both watering. Mixed 8g until I got the msg from PW not to worry about ph run off, you want to watch your EC or ppm run off more. So I have 3 left over id rather not throw it out. I kinda like tables and small plants ran this way vs DWC mixing 20gal + a week topping off, but I haven't ran but this way from start to finish, atleast ill get to enjoy a true flush and get to see some orange and yellow As my fans die off, and as I landed a house up north ill get to truly dial every thing in since I can run <to pinkish. And being able to run another after a harvest I won't be bugging PW lol about something he told me the year before and the year before that. That being said how far into flower can I fold them over or super crop? As I want every site exposed to light.

Anyways I have tons of updated pics. You can see 2 of the smaller plants where I had ran out of coco and used the local hydro stores brand. They do have atleast two kinds kinds that I know of the one I showed in the beginning just coco peat and then one premixed with perlite, the two pots I have just the plain one as i wanted it close to botanicare or canna. But I mixed the two with their coco and my own perlite. Not sure if that would make a big difference or not.

I learned a few things as I said before there's a commercial company that uses 2g fabric pots and get just as tall if not taller and same with yield as some growers on here using 5g 7g ans even bigger, comes down to how much water you water your plants and how often. Seems more frequent watering with less water gets better results, but that does require automation such as drippers. Now that I'm in week #4 I have noticed the coco shrinking as the root mass is air pruning and getting tighter in all directions. So I will be now watering twice a day unless I see major drops in EC or ppm run off.

So also in my pics you'll see ive added umm 3 fans as dehuey will put out heat and i need the tents ambient air temp to be as consistent as possible to get accurate readings through the tent, as well as since c02 falls and since I'm in a budget tent. I know for a fact I'm losing some. But since I've added the fans ans my c02 controller is set to fuzzy logic, which is a setting to keep it as close as possible to the ppm setting I have set. I also have the band width set as low as possible so it will keel my ppm with in +/- 50 ppm, again with added fans the controller isn't flooding tent with c02 every 20-30 seconds anymore.

Oh forgot I was saying since c02 falls the tubro fan shoots its to other side and other fan shoots it back up.











Week #4 Day 23

Ok so F what I said c02 and VPD can be accomplished in a tent, I could not sleep until I got it right. Keep in mind everyone's VPD Temps will be different I was trying to go for a hotter room high 70s to low 80s but your RH% will be higher then most people are comfortable with and during cold times your RH has to be super low which I could not achieve with humid climates as well as you have to account for the temp your lamp puts off as my LED didn't put off enough, I would need to lower lamps closer to plants but I didn't wanna redo anything. So with the run off scare one of the taller girls has microscopic potassium deficiencies, as I was putting gallons of water on them, the night before dropping the EC to ..5-.7. But @Pennywise remember im running c02 so 1.7 isn't shizzz. Jungle boys watched one YouTube video keep in mind like I said previously their pockets are deep and they have the best tech as they start at 2.0 and go as high as 6.0. So 1.7 in 1.5 out was perfectly fine I gotta get back up so I'm back to 1.39 1st water and 1.31 2nd.

How long does any one keep a nute solution? I typically mix 4g which is enough for both watering. Mixed 8g until I got the msg from PW not to worry about ph run off, you want to watch your EC or ppm run off more. So I have 3 left over id rather not throw it out. I kinda like tables and small plants ran this way vs DWC mixing 20gal + a week topping off, but I haven't ran but this way from start to finish, atleast ill get to enjoy a true flush and get to see some orange and yellow As my fans die off, and as I landed a house up north ill get to truly dial every thing in since I can run <to pinkish. And being able to run another after a harvest I won't be bugging PW lol about something he told me the year before and the year before that. That being said how far into flower can I fold them over or super crop? As I want every site exposed to light.

Anyways I have tons of updated pics. You can see 2 of the smaller plants where I had ran out of coco and used the local hydro stores brand. They do have atleast two kinds kinds that I know of the one I showed in the beginning just coco peat and then one premixed with perlite, the two pots I have just the plain one as i wanted it close to botanicare or canna. But I mixed the two with their coco and my own perlite. Not sure if that would make a big difference or not.

I learned a few things as I said before there's a commercial company that uses 2g fabric pots and get just as tall if not taller and same with yield as some growers on here using 5g 7g ans even bigger, comes down to how much water you water your plants and how often. Seems more frequent watering with less water gets better results, but that does require automation such as drippers. Now that I'm in week #4 I have noticed the coco shrinking as the root mass is air pruning and getting tighter in all directions. So I will be now watering twice a day unless I see major drops in EC or ppm run off.

So also in my pics you'll see ive added umm 3 fans as dehuey will put out heat and i need the tents ambient air temp to be as consistent as possible to get accurate readings through the tent, as well as since c02 falls and since I'm in a budget tent. I know for a fact I'm losing some. But since I've added the fans ans my c02 controller is set to fuzzy logic, which is a setting to keep it as close as possible to the ppm setting I have set. I also have the band width set as low as possible so it will keel my ppm with in +/- 50 ppm, again with added fans the controller isn't flooding tent with c02 every 20-30 seconds anymore.

Oh forgot I was saying since c02 falls the tubro fan shoots its to other side and other fan shoots it back up.











Looks great brother. I did a ton of runs in 2 gal fabric. You can get a good yield in them but I found it a lot more work.
Good looking set setup brother
Yea @Bill284 like I said in order to get the same as someone using something larger, automation is a must because you will require more frequent watering so those are only 1g although ive bought 3 brands 2 circular and 1 square. Haven't used the square yet but if you go back to the 1st page I posted a picture of them, they look and probably are more on the 2gal size as almost identical foot print but double the height, which could be a benefit deeper roots and space using same as smaller ones. But I definitely will be buying many more in a variety of sizes before I come up. As I'm not sure they ship or not. Another note not sure as I haven't looked else were but I believe my main hydro store taxes 5 dollars a piece for smart pot brand, where as local companies are 100x better quality, smart pots don't have handles until I believe 3gal, where as all of theirs do, they don't seem to build up id any salt on the outsides, and they have much better drainage. My whole plan/goal for this experimental grow was to do 18 as they would fit perfectly in a 2x4 ID tray that's why I went 1gal, plus I planned on basically root and flip cutting whole veg out which equals better quality done right it's all tops and faster turn around. But 1st off waiting for the shipment as well as took me 2-3 attempts to clone the sour diesel, which ended up being damn males anyways I had another 8 rooted MKs ready that I tossed. Better that way anyways as ill wait to use the true 2x4 not have 2 get a brand new tray all dirty and drilled im not sure I even wanna do ebb n flow now, ill figure it out when I get up there rather ebb n flow this one since I've already put a whole in it.
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