First Grow: Sour Diesel, Outdoor 2020

Do not get stressed and worried about smoking it to early you'll be like the rest of us here

Lmao. This is so relative man...We all want instant gratification and it burns us from the inside out not to smoke it...Just like the buds dry from the inside out.

Initially taking the kids off to burp - a few minutes for gas exchange - you’re going to get more grassy type smells as the chlorophyll breaks down into ammonia and co2 (I think?) so the sharper smells come off first.
If you’re not burping the jars the ammonia gets reabsorbed.

Is there a problem with burping too other words, not allowing the microbes to break down the bad stuff? I feel like I've been opening my jar way too much, not allowing enough microbial breakdown....Or does chlorophyll break down gradually enough to notice within weeks and not months?

Keep the lids sealed when you’re not burping them. RH below 70 is perfect you’ll be fine. It’s having the jar sealed and only ¾ full that draws the moisture from the centres to even things out as they cure.

Thanks dude. My RH is stable at 65% right now which I'm very happy if it stays that way..
Hasn't been rising 1+% per hour which I find hopeful....Staying relatively close to it's proximal humidty...:)
Or here!

:thanks: For noticing! @DonkeyDick :thumb:

Cheers mate!
These guys were typing so fast I couldn’t get away to get the link and get back here. We Donkeys are not renowned for our turn of speed, you know.
It’s just happened again, hasn’t it?
Overtaken again.
Makes my ears flap in the slipstream.

Hope everyone’s having a nice day :ciao:

BTW I used the rice ball method it works a charm. (Thanks Shed!) Be careful not to let the humidity get too low again.

That said, don’t worry. Enjoy your wonderful bounty.
BTW I used the rice ball method it works a charm. (Thanks Shed!) Be careful not to let the humidity get too low again.

This is invaluable! Low humidity is the death of the cure. Rice sounds like the PERFECT alternative....

Cheers mate!
These guys were typing so fast I couldn’t get away to get the link and get back here. We Donkeys are not renowned for our turn of speed, you know.
It’s just happened again, hasn’t it?
Overtaken again.
Makes my ears flap in the slipstream.

Holy shit this just made my day!!!
Growing up, my neighbors owned a donkey and every other day it would escape out of it's pen and these guys would chase it with four wheelers and cars, whatever they could...They eventually caught it day after day.
Will never forget that jackass....:rofl:
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