
Here’s Why The Acting DEA Chief Is Wrong On Medical Marijuana

The acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration claimed that smoking marijuana has “never been shown to be safe or effective as a medicine.”...

Court Ruling Highlights Federal, State Discord Over Medical Marijuana

In 1991, amid the AIDS crisis in San Francisco, a former jazz and blues singer named Lynnette Shaw was hired as the intake officer...

Is Marijuana The New Organ Transplant Miracle Medicine?

After decades of studying marijuana's potential risks, the scientific community is making a great effort to understand all of the possible benefits it could...

Research Says Marijuana Is Not A Gateway Drug

Contradicting the common belief that weed is a gateway drug, a researcher has claimed that smoking pot does not necessarily cause addiction to other...

Study Highlights Potential Public Health Benefits Of Medical Cannabis

Cannabis has been long maligned as an addictive narcotic that could lead to serious health issues, but a UBC and University of Victoria study...

Study Shows Medical Marijuana Appears To Be Safe

A Canadian research team has completed a benchmark study that looks at the effects of cannabis when used in pain management. The team led by...

Medical Marijuana May Help Transplant Patients

In recent years, the use case for marijuana for medicinal reasons has expanded exponentially. As the drug becomes widely accepted across the US, more...

The Science Behind Cannabinoids Is Clear: Marijuana Helps Brain Achieve Breakthroughs

A great misunderstanding regarding the therapeutic value of the cannabis plant persists, even within some reform circles. Marijuana is often lumped into the same...

Study Shows That Teen Cannabis Use Has Not Increased With Legalization

Teen marijuana use held steady in 2014, the first year that marijuana was legally available for purchase in the US states of Washington and...

How Cannabis Can Kill Cancer

Among the deadliest diseases these days, cancer tops the list. Though some other diseases are also in the list, but many of them are...

Kentucky: University Part Of First Study On Marijuana Compound Effects

Addiction researchers are only beginning to understand how dozens of chemical compounds found in the marijuana plant, known as cannabinoids, influence human health and...

Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Says National Cancer Institute

The institute recently updated its ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page about marijuana to include various studies revealing how cannabis “may inhibit tumor growth by causing...

Clinical Trials Using Cannabis-Based Drug Showing Promise For Epilepsy

Hank Kovach's experience mirrors the recent success stories of other children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Wracked by frequent, daily seizures that delayed his brain development, the...

Better Late Than Never: The DEA Admits That Marijuana Is Safer...

It's official: the U.S. government's top drug cop has acknowledged that marijuana is less dangerous than heroin. At a meeting with reporters yesterday at the...

Study Shows Cannabis Alleviates Neuropathic Pain In Those With Diabetes

A small trial shows a dose-dependent reduction in peripheral neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes, according to a study published in the July issue...

New Study: Marijuana May Help Heal Broken Bones

Israeli researchers have discovered that cannabis can be effectively used in healing broken bones and maybe other skeletal illnesses. Scientists from the Tel Aviv University...

420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month May 2024

Major Props to our member @beez0404 and his amazing Cap Junky plant, earning the distinguished “Plant Of The Month” Title and Badge and...

420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month May 2024

edited May 2024 Photo Of The Month Winner
Congratulations are in order for our member @InTheShed and his amazing photo of the month titled "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears", earning the...

420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month May 2024

Props to our member @HappyHazmat88 and his beautiful frosty Mystery Nug​, earning the honorable “Nug of the Month” badge and the...

420 Magazine’s Grow Journal of the Month May 2024

May 2024 Grow Journal Of The Month Winner @StoneOtter
Congratulations to our member @StoneOtter and his winning Grow Journal of the Month, earning the distinguished “Grow Journal of the Month”...

420 Magazine’s Member of the Month May 2024

Congratulations are in order for @Tokin Roll, our 420 Magazine Member of the Month, earning the distinguished “Member of the...