Notes & Quotes from DJ Short's 2010 Seminar

Collection of quotes, Q&A on Cannabis from the world renowned breeder, DJ Short.

DJ Short is an expert cannabis breeder. His award winning Delta Nine Collection includes the world famous Blueberry, a strain that has become foundational in the development of exceptional new hybrids.


These notes are the best the person could do. This person online handle is "jaybutta" (attended one of DJ Short's seminar on breeding). I found this while searching through for some DJ Short materials online to gain more knowledge. Some of the quotes are as accurate as jaybutta could get them at the you will read, he has some interesting comments...

Notes & Quotes

7/21 DJ Short's Class - MCC Directory


Quality - Character of Herb

Ethics - "It's about healing. Healing is a complicated subject."

1st aspect - healing myself

Q: How did you breed Blueberry?
A: I was trying to satisfy my own head. It was about my own personal preferences.

"Healing deals with disease...fixing the imbalance."

2nd aspect - healing those in proximity to us. Family, friends, etc.

"Heal the community. Heal the species. Heal the planet."

Relieving pain/Comforting the sick
Difference b/n Healing and Curing:
doctors cure, but anyone can heal.
"It's part of our dharma."

Cannabis is the perfect substance for doing this.

Symbiotic relationship with cannabis: we grow the plant-->plant helps us.

"Safest substance known to human beings." LD/50

The Green Rush: This is the first wave. Now the job is to educate the public.
"You've got the truth on your side."

Medicine: providing the most beneficial medicine

Quality vs Quantity
Potency vs Subtle Characteristics

"First it(the trend) was THC, now it's CBD, then it will be terpinous oils, then..."

Essential oils-->Vibrational Medicine

Standards and Standardization

Difficult to do. One clone grown differently
if given to 2 different growers
Indoor-->Generic Environment-->provides an avenue for standardization

Vintages - very similar to the wine industry

"Organic Certification will be important again."

-->Quality from your product

Ethics - Integrity

"It cannot be compromised."
"Be honest and upfront. Truth in advertising."
"Give credit where credit is due."
"Pay your dues instead of paying for mistakes made in the past."

"Patience. The value in waiting is extreme. Especially at the end of flowering cycle. Just one week and it'll be a different plant."

Festina Lente - Make haste slowly. "Baby steps!"

"We're in that change (change in attitudes towards cannabis). We're seeing it now."

Q: DJ Short's Clones/Genetics (imitators)
A: (His plate is too full to care.) Too much other stuff going on.

In a legal environment, he would do something about it.
"Yes, I will be far more aggressive." (about actively trademarking his work, in the event of legalization)
"I don't mind the competition, but someone using my cut of my strains to make money is wrong."

Alteration of Consciousness

"It provides me with what I like to call a 'stereoscopic' view of reality."
(People that are not experienced feel...) (cannabis) gives an unfair advantage. Those people (the inexperienced) have a limited scope of reality. Once a person has a full perspective (of reality), they can make their/better decisions about life.

Occasionally fast or take a break.
(Clear the mental palate.)

He likes to smoke just before bed.
"I really get a great benefit from the herb."
It affects dream state.
"I break my fast when I have vivid dreams." (4-5 days off)

"It affects how we think and feel."

Shulgin's Rating Scale-->Pinkal
Huxley's Doors of Perception

Nursing Homes/Convalescent Centers - Lifetime occupation waiting to happen.

Israeli's Cannabis Research & MDMA (Note to self, Look this up)

Cannabis, NOT Marijuana!
-->demonizing slang term
-->no predisposition of a negative connotation with 'cannabis'.
-->people will support 'cannabis'

"Our medicine works better and is cheaper. Certain people (the $7 billion pharma industry) are going to be upset about this."

"We're in this phase of change that never ceases to amaze me."

"There's nothing wrong with making money, but don't be greedy."

The Dichotomies

99% of available strains are all hybrids
not indica, not sativa, hybrids is what they are
percentages (of any given strain) are all subjective (60/40, 50/50 etc.)

Sativas determined by flowering time. If it takes 12-16 weeks to flower, it's a sativa.

Landrace Seed
-->(they are available, but...) they are already acclimated, each generation is farther removed
-->you have to travel to the original locations to get
"They will resurface as things open up."

What is good herb?
-Does what it is meant to do
-quick onset (of the high) usually means a short duration (in his opinion)

No genetic drift in his 20 year old Flo mother.

"Potency is not character."
Example: MAD DOG 20/20 vs A Fine Wine
Stupefication vs Clarity
"I'm after clarity!"

"Curing is half the game. It really is so important."

Bland Potency
Bag Appeal ---> "3 things holding down the quality of herb, I feel."
Cash Croppers

Acapulco Gold: towards the end of it's importation, it was only seeds and dust
"I would pay more for that than I would for any of the commercially available green buds."

Highland Oaxaca (vivid description of the plant's growth characteristics from veg to bloom, too much to write down)

(Trainwreck comes from Salmon Creek Big Bud)

"Everything I've sampled (commercially available cannabis) is B grade."
"They lack character."

"I prefer seeded bud in terms of a finished product."
"Gives the total cannabinoidal spectrum...broadens the cannabinoidal profile."

"Try to create that fine wine."
-->breeder's goal

"Uniqueness. There's nothing else like them on the market. Everything is so
similar to one another. Look to establish that uniqueness."

His advice is to "play with a bunch of strains and see which one's stand out."

"In Nepal I'm hearing there are plants living for 3 years. 25 feet tall. 25 feet wide."
"Moving from an annual to a perennial."

Finest Hash Available-->Nepalese Temple Ball, Kashmir BlahBlah (missed that one!)
"Hashish is another goal to be striving for."
"Domestically herb is overpriced or hash is underpriced."

Hundred Meter Hash-->hash that never goes further than 100 yards from where it's made (a term from Howard Mark's book, Mr. Nice)

1 gram of hash-->100 grams of herb

Freeze it immediately!
If a plant herms 3 weeks before harvest, chop it and put it in the freezer.

Smoking vs Eating
-->Smoking bypasses the liver - CEILING
-->Eating metabolizes int he body, goes through the liver, which puts an enzyme on it - NO CEILING

Glycerin Extracts
Herb in a jar with glycerin - simple, effective

Luther Burbank's Law
"Select the best and reject all others."

DJ's Law
"Progeny must surpass parents in order to be considered for future breeding."

all uniform
doesn't matter which F1s are crossed
F2s is where selection comes into play

Transgressive Segregation
F2 diversity
Dog Breeding Example:

Great Dane x Chihuahua
F1s will be in the middle, mostly uniform
F2s will show progeny bigger than the Great Dane and
smaller than the Chihuahua

F2s-->look for characteristics

F1 Generation

B = Berry
X = Resin
P = Purple
F = Fruit (or Floral, two separate traits)

F2 Generation

BX = Berry with Potency
FP = Fruity Purple

F3 Generation

BX(female) x FP(male) => BX/FP

Or you can isolate (select for certain) traits and instead create:

BX(female) x BX(male) => BX/BX

"The seeds that I release are F5s. That way you get F6s."

Dialing Your Plant In
"Any strain can be coaxed to be a producer. You just have to know how to dial them in."
-->up the PPM every clone generation - 3 generations because they tend to tolerate more

(Here DJ is saying it can take up to 3 clone generations to 'dial in' a plant. This was actually
an extensive conversation in which he said some strains might take only 2 generations to do
the same. He also said, to avoid stressing the plant/strain that it's better to up the PPM with
each clone generation, and not with each plant. This is his own personal philosophy on
'Dialing In A Plant' of any given strain. Hope this makes sense.)

"Sativas clone much easier than indicas, generally speaking."

"Indica seeds are difficult to sprout."

He pops them by hand.

11.5 on/12.5 off -->starting point for flowering photoperiods
(Note: I will never apply a 12/12 photoperiod to any of my plants ever again.
In his opinion, the standard 12/12 photoperiod provides a 'bland' finished product.)

African Coy(?) & Seaweed

Vibrational Medicine
Crystals affect water
Curlean(?) photography-->auras
If you remove someone's finger (or the blade of a fanleaf), it's aura still shows up in curlean(?) photography

Spice - a legal synthetic cannabinoid (recently illegal in Germany)

Syrian Rue(?) - enhances effects of cannabis, but is legal on it's own.

'Johnny Come Latelys' => CRAP
"Searching out those P1s is a crap shoot. You would need thousands of seeds."

1982 - good herb disappeared in the US
1986 - good hash disappeared in the US

"Soma got all his genetics from Eugene, Oregon."
"He doesn't have a good reputation."
"He's done some things that are not good."
"A good artist stole what a great artist created."
(I hope I got this quote right!)

"I have never sampled any that interest me. They were always a step back from what I'm used to."

He's working on Blue Velvet and RoseBud.

OPT '82, '83 (Fantastic description of these genetics. Too much to write.)


reversing males
reverse hermaphrodites
"I like using these in my breeding."
(I did not get a chance to ask him about this. I will the next time he offers a class. Sorry.)

Maxicrop "That stuff is wonderful."
SuperThrive "Not organic anymore."

Yield vs Quality
"The only way that would interest me is if those big buds were of high quality. I would rather have less production and more quality."
"I don't want to be smoking PPMs/nutrients."

Q: Hormone Therapy (for or against)
A: It might be a useful tool for breeding.

24/0 Photoperiod
"I've seen this photoperiod wreak havoc on phenotypic expression."
This applies to clones too. All plants need rest. Keeping them under constant light is not natural or healthy for your plants.
(I will never use this photoperiod again. Thank you, DJ!)

Q: 5 days of darkness at the end of flowering to induce greater resin production?

A: Last few days are crucial. At least 24 hours of darkness before harvest. Don't water-->facilitates a faster cure.

Q: Have you ever tried grafting?
A: No, but I'm interested in it.

"One thing that has helped me a lot (with breeding) is keeping a daily journal."
"That, and a calendar."

November Bill in California
"We all need to support it."
"If and when it passes we're all going to get an even plateau on which to 'grow'."

The Market (Present and Future)
"The wholesale buying market is going to open up."
"I'm hearing horror stories from growers."
"They're lucky to be getting $1500-$2000 a pound."
"Why aren't we seeing a decrease (in pricing) on the retail side?"
"I'm hearing outdoor organic growers saying it costs them $1300 to produce a pound."

(We discussed the efficacy of the above statement.)

On The Current US System
With reference to the change that we are seeing in the US...
"When the beast is dying avoid it's teeth and tail."

On Marc Emery
"I respect his activism. I don't agree with his politic, but he has done a lot for 'the movement'."

IBL = F4 for the most part, depending on the strain

"The only time I wake 'n bake is when I'm doing R & D."

"One of the things I breed out is neuropathy."
-->a warm tingling from your ears or in your extremities (fingers)
-->used to call it "wearing out the windows" (tight chest, irregular heartbeat, paranoia)
-->"I breed out heavy redeye/couchlock."

600 plants grown outdoor in Canada
sexed - males removed
12 individuals selected (without sampling*)
4 individuals selected as P1 mothers:
True Blueberry, F13, OTMS, and one other (I missed the 4th P1 selected. Sorry.)
"I took one bong hit of that (F13), and within 5 to 10 seconds it hit me."
"It's a real bell ringer."

Recommended Reading
Mezz Mezzrow "Really the Blues"
New Orleans/Detroit/Harlem dealer
"Golden Leaf" - Mezz's term for cannabis
Sold to Louis Armstrong
"Lookin' for the mezz" - Became the universal term for 'looking for smoke'
"It's the book that launched the Beat Generation."

"If you really want to develop your palate...hash."

(Salmon Creek Big Bud was originally of Thai decent.)

Q: What's your story on OG?

A: It's not a Kush.

"My Vanilluna and Cocoa Kush look like Kushes."

Sweet Skunk?
"It's not sweet. It's not skunky. It's neither."
"The name game is funky."

Green Crack, Herijuana, Trainwreck-->these are cannabis names that he does not care for because they have negative connotations
"A train wreck brought on the War on Drugs."
-->'81 New Jersey, train conductor smoked, train wrecked, 7 people died

"What OG originally stood for was Organically Grown."
"Then there's Original Gangsta." (He's got a great sense of humor!)
"Then I heard it means Ocean Grown."
"So, it was the Kush, or what they thought was the Kush, grown near the Ocean."
"Hence, OG Kush."

(Funny story the way he tells it!)

"I do my nutes at 1/2 strength. I never use full strength."

"Femminization, like backcrossing, can cause genetic bottlenecking."

19.5 On, 4.5 Off-->His Male Light Regimen/Photoperiod (priceless info!)

"For doing a re-green project, I use Peter's. It's not organic. I use that at 1/3 strength."

"A shot of Peter's and SuperThrive will rejuvenate a plant."

On Tobacco
"The hardest part of quitting was thinking that I wouldn't get to do it ever again."
"What it's used for traditionally is communicating with ancestors/relatives."
-->communal smoke
"Cigarettes are the crack of tobacco."
(DJ smokes a tobacco pipe. Very old school.)

The Movement

"Out of the compost (think 1980) it (the movement) grows."
1980-->most disillusioned/worst day of his life, Reagan was elected.
-->He warns us to never forget what happened. "This changed everything."
"(Now) We definitely have our work cut out for us, but we are getting a more level playing field."

"Don't ever smoke pollen. It's like smoking hair."

Q: What do you recommend for spider mites?
A: You're not going to like it (the answer). High elevation in the desert.

"My pH down is white vinegar."

Johnny Blaze
Neville's Haze (female) x Blueberry Sativa (male)
-->one grower took it to South America and grew it at altitude,
and new phenotypes were expressed because of change in environment.


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