help 1st grow

  1. S

    Plant spotting and drying tips (newbie)

    Hi, I am trying to figure out if the symptoms my plants are experiencing might be from too much light or too strong of nutrients or any other ideas? Plants have been in veg in hydro set up for about 3 weeks. I have been having a lot of problems with leaves developing spotting and the tips...
  2. WhiteShark

    First Timer - Undecided on Strain - Substrate - Lighting

    Hello world, I live in Denver so I wanted to try growing for the first time. So, I have been reading up for the last few hours and days and really am very torn as to where to start, but i definitely wanted to record all my experiences in a journal, as well as first and foremost get solid advice...
  3. eltongg

    Help - Beginner farmer with lighting question here!

    I've just purchased my seeds , soil and fertilizer and i seem to understand those quite well . What i'm not so sure about is the lighting and where to get them . I'm planning to purchase these bulbs from "27.38C$ |Super Hps 70w 100w 150w 1000w 600w 400w 250w Watt High Pressure Sodium Lamp...
  4. kaylablazeit

    One of my plants have symphillids, how do i get rid of these?

    PLEASE HELP! I read that they could be deadly so what do I need to by and where can I get it? NEED A REPLY ASAP
  5. kaylablazeit

    Yellowing spots on leaves on one baby and reddish brownish where the blades meet....

    So I got yellowish spots on this baby, what could it be? I never balanced the Ph until I noticed the yellowing..... So is it all good with the ph balanced water or should I be more concerned? And if you look closely at the where the blades meet on the leaves on this baby, you can see...
  6. B

    1st Timer. Looking for a little guidance

    Hey guys, Im new to all this. Been a long time smoker for years. I have a .8 by .8 by 1.26m grow tent and am looking at using deep water culture method to grow 3-4 plants using CFL globes ( 1 with a bat wing and others spread around tent). Just wondering how many I need to give adequate...
  7. L

    What if all the fan leaves are gone?

    I got some plants and most if not all of the fan leaves are gone, but its not ready to harvest. Will it die. some of the leaves from branches closest to the buds, these are what, the sugar leaves?or are those also fan leaves? anyway, the buds and its closest leaves which i know are sugar leaves...
  8. kaylablazeit

    I accidently broke one of my top branches on my plant! Can it be taped?

    So I was bending some of my branches , and one of them I bent a little too much and its like split a little bit where I bent it, its not completely off so I was wondering if I could just tape it? Well I already did but I wanna know if its even worth it or should I just take it off completely and...
  9. M

    please help! my plants stems look like they are rotting!

    Can someone maybe give me an idea of what would be happening with my plants. My two plants look like their branches and stems are rotting and moulding. This has literally happened overnight. They are in budding stage and harvest is near. I have them in large size pots. Their whole growing stage...
  10. S

    how many weeks till you change your pot size to very large ????

    hello guys i was wondering how many weeks should it be till you change your pot size ?? :peace:
  11. butters6906

    7 1/2 foot tall sativa

    hi im new here and just wanted the more experienced growers advice on how my plant looks and the conditions... What Strain is it?--- sativa dom i believe not sure of the strain though How Many Plants?--- 1 plant Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage?--- flowering stage week 4 If in...
  12. I

    can someone tell me why my leaves are drooping?

    This is my first grow, aside from just tossing seeds outside and seeing what happens. I am growing indoors with coco coir. I water with distilled water every 1-2 days. I'm using cfl's (4 45 watts and 2 15 watts). I supplement them with sun light as much as I can. At least every day. I currently...
  13. D

    first grow, want input and feedback, advice anything welcome

    So im starting my first grow. For weeks ive been "prepping" so to say, buying lights and fans and other accessories to do this right. The grow is a closet set up only doing one plant for my first time. I have 4 23 watt 5000k cfl lights and 2 23 watt 2700k cfl lights lined my grow space, which I...
  14. Oful33

    What is this?

    Hello. I'm new to growing and also to this forum, so I would like to apologise if it's wrong section to post posts like this, but it's the closest I have found. First of all, this is my first growth and I DON'T KNOW what strain is this and where the seeds came from. I have been growing this one...
  15. Raiven

    Multiple issues with first time grow!! Yellowing, spotting and some curling! Help!

    Multiple issues with first time grow!! Yellowing, spotting and some curling!! *HELP* Hello all!! Thanks in advance for any help you can give!! As you will see in the photos below, I have a few emerging issues occurring with my plants. Im not sure if theres a defficiency or I have over...
  16. S

    New Member 1st Grow Hellllloooo

    Hello, Guess I'm just introducing myself and here's what I'm about I guess lol. I'm currently doing my first grow, dr60 secret Jardine tent, 250 mh/hps light 4'' vents tt fan and vitalink bloom and feed. My plants are a week into flower, after 3 weeks of veg from sprout. I water every...
  17. G

    New grower needs Help

    Hi dudes potted my seed 9 days ago under250w hps light 187m3/h intake 220m3/h outake fan temps between 84 -87 potted in john innes n2 potting soil. The ph sits close to 7 so I added ph down but top soil salt came with it dont know if its the ph down that turned leaves with yellow spots or heat...
  18. D

    First timer need info

    Hello to all my freindly growers. Novice grower here need some advice. Only growing outdoors right now. Got my plants to start from seed in miracle grow. I transplanted after I started seeing nute burns on my leaves. I did some research made my own soil mixture for transplant. Miriacle grow had...
  19. M

    Possible Deficiency, Leaves curled upwards, spots?

    Hi everyone ! (NoOb here). First time trying Coco grow and I just recently transferred rooted clones into plastic cups. It has been about 2 week and a couple of the leaves have started to curl upwards a little bit. On top of it a couple of yellowish and brownish spots on the leaves have...
  20. G

    How's my grow box? Suggestions?

    Greetings devil's lettuce growers, I just wanted some help or suggestions on my box. I'm comfortable where it's at to an extent but maybe someone might have an idea I have not thought of. I plan on growing about 2 to 3 plants and scroging them. I live in a hot southwest state so it's pretty...
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