1st Indoor CFL Grow Box! Check Me Out - Tips & Critics Welcomed!

i see what yous are saying but if that was the case then why wouldnt mass medical grows be done outside ? you cant possibly get the potency outside that you can inside. yea the plant may get waay bigger outside but the buds an such are waay more potent n pretty done inside. hence the cost difference between outdoor an indoor. ever heard of outdoor kush sold for 80$ a Q ? lol no offence tho my friends im just on the fence about that one thats all..
Think about this:
If you brought a Kobe calf and brought it to the US, threw it in the pasture and let it live like normal cows VS
An American calf taken to Kobe japan and raised in the traditional manner w massages and bottle feedings etc.

Its the grower(s) not the environment. Indoors is all about control--most importantly control of when the grower can harvest. Indoors ou can have multiple plants in various stages and control this by walking a few feet to the next area. So good growers dont want to tie up plants with stuff outside of thier control. Im sure some of the top notch growers here could grow stuff just as strong, if not more, outside. but why would they when they have a perpetual harvest setup in the AC ad can garden and watch tv at the same time... We all agree the sun is te ultimate light source.

Btw, i dont really care if its grown upside down out of a coconut as long as it gets me where I want to be!! lol :):):)
Btw, i dont really care if its grown upside down out of a coconut as long as it gets me where I want to be!! lol :):):)

You grow that out of a coconut upside down then i am subbed THE fuck up.

i see what yous are saying but if that was the case then why wouldnt mass medical grows be done outside ? you cant possibly get the potency outside that you can inside. yea the plant may get waay bigger outside but the buds an such are waay more potent n pretty done inside. hence the cost difference between outdoor an indoor. ever heard of outdoor kush sold for 80$ a Q ? lol no offence tho my friends im just on the fence about that one thats all..

Dont sit on the fence over this one, bud grown outdoors can be JUST as potent as an indoor grow.

Bud grown outdoors is going to have more yield than an indoor plant, the sun is great and reaches buds alot further than any artificial light.

If your growing in a soil mix and your not outdoors, the nutrients are the same. The only difference your going to have is a smaller yield

Outdoor plants
- get alot of extra watering from rain. ( fine when they are big they will use the extra )
if i was indoors i could put it on a 2-3 day watering schedule. they thrive off of it.
- always worrying about insects but without clean pots/soil who isnt ? (not a problem for me just a thought.)
- grows alot faster (my plants have about tripled in size in only 4 days after transplanting. )
- can only grow certain times of the year ( i grow multiple outdoor crops a year, but you need an indoor veg. room with 24/hr light.)
- bud grown outdoors will have particles like dirt/debris in the bud, not a big deal either.

EDIT: if a medical grow was done it would want to be done inside to control humidity and temperature for the bud to grow to its full potential. If the strain was resistant to fungus and wasn't really affected by the weather, then it would be done in a greenhouse, they really do medical grows outdoors alot more than you think.

EDIT #2: just try it once, if not for any reason at all then do it just to see the types of conditions the plant can take. it really is a wonderful little cactus.
alright alright that does make sense guys. the whole its the (grower) not so much the environment thing.. i dunno i have just never seen outdoor weed that even compares to some chronic hydro.. im no newbi to smoking or anything, i have seen outdoor that is beautiful an could easily pass for some indoor. but iv never seen the taste an smeel an looks on an outdoor grown bud compared to an indoor one. im gonna check around on this one an do some research lol. i do believe outdoor can be great smoke tho no argument there. an thanks kingJohnC! i appreciate it ;)
alright alright that does make sense guys. the whole its the (grower) not so much the environment thing.. i dunno i have just never seen outdoor weed that even compares to some chronic hydro.. im no newbi to smoking or anything, i have seen outdoor that is beautiful an could easily pass for some indoor. but iv never seen the taste an smeel an looks on an outdoor grown bud compared to an indoor one. im gonna check around on this one an do some research lol. i do believe outdoor can be great smoke tho no argument there. an thanks kingJohnC! i appreciate it ;)

Definetly and maybe you understand why i appreciate growing potent bud without any serious nutes just give it what it needs through organics, i buy soil all the time it compares nothing to a hand mix.
I have some soil i mixed with a whole apple,peels,fruits,stawberries. i even put a whole smoothie in there (horrible, made of mangos if you must know.) the soil i created... smells like a bunch horses living around like for real horrible stuff. im going to add to fill in the pots when my plants get bigger and when i have more soil made up to use.
Definetly and maybe you understand why i appreciate growing potent bud without any serious nutes just give it what it needs through organics, i buy soil all the time it compares nothing to a hand mix.
I have some soil i mixed with a whole apple,peels,fruits,stawberries. i even put a whole smoothie in there (horrible, made of mangos if you must know.) the soil i created... smells like a bunch horses living around like for real horrible stuff. im going to add to fill in the pots when my plants get bigger and when i have more soil made up to use.

nice man, sounds like it would get stinky for sure lol but i can imagine how good it would work!
nice man, sounds like it would get stinky for sure lol but i can imagine how good it would work!

really not much for smell at all only if your brave. but i mean i had to smell if im giving it to the plants so.

and i will definetly do nutrients once i get money, im really open to the idea of it being stronger/more yield from them.
once i get some nutes i'll do outdoor organic vs nutes. :nomo:

No offence of course but i want to do things right this time, going to make a sick box and not rush things like before, i thought i knew enough but i really cant learn enough. i cant get off this website. :reading420magazine:
alright so here a few pics. the 4 new clones that are in beer cups in the pics have been transfered to 1 galon pots for now an i have made room for them in the box, also they are in the 12/12 light schedule but oh well they are nice an rooted. i also snagged a little tester bud ;) i know i shouldnt have an its not gonna taste all that great lol but a well i figured i would try in out. i have the little nug drying for a few days. anyways here they are!

Yessir! They are looking nice n yummy!
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