1st Indoor CFL Grow Box! Check Me Out - Tips & Critics Welcomed!

its really great you should make some i can definetly give pointers the whole way through it, no confusion.

its really about temperature like candy making, and alot goes into it depending on the method.

awesome! thatd be sick. id appreciate that for sure. i dunno how much leave i will have but ill giver a go with whatever lol :)
awesome! thatd be sick. id appreciate that for sure. i dunno how much leave i will have but ill giver a go with whatever lol :)

you get alot more than you think man im sure you can get away with a quarter ounce into oil or so. :xmas:

whatever you want man just do the research and ill give you some tips and ups and downs in my experiences.
well here is a s**t ton of new pics for yall ;) i hope you enjoy!
whaaat ? your thinkin about growin inside? forgive me if i misunderstood your last msg lol but yea man weather has been shit here so far all summer. not cool

no they are outdoors just under the roof-porch whatever.

I'm not worried about it I just pull them in for the night, and when it rains really hard.
Ive read that towarads the end the plant will mke a last ditch effort to 'save the species" and this can cause last minute growth spurts of white hairs to try to catch pollen. Im trying to find where I read it and Ill link it if I find it.
Ive read that towarads the end the plant will mke a last ditch effort to 'save the species" and this can cause last minute growth spurts of white hairs to try to catch pollen. Im trying to find where I read it and Ill link it if I find it.

great thatnks a lot spimp. that makes sense i guess for sure huh, cause yea the white hairs that are out seem to be long as hell lol like reaching with all their might to find male pollen lol but NOPE none for them! Muaha. im jp but yea thanks for the quick reply

^^ good info here. But its a long read. So ill sum it up... Your golden! :) I do suggest you read\skim it if you have time tho. Always draw your own conclusions. ;)

Look for the heading having to do with early flowereing, late flowering etc.

^^ good info here. But its a long read. So ill sum it up... Your golden! :) I do suggest you read\skim it if you have time tho. Always draw your own conclusions. ;)
Look for the heading having to do with early flowereing, late flowering etc.

okay i did a bunch of reading an i am gonna come to the conclusion that common sense should have taken me too lol i have noticed all the new growth pretty much the next day after i used the final flush formula.. so im guessing that it was all the salt build up or whatever in the soil. so now that they are cleaned out a bit they are using up all the nutes now being allowed to them ?
okay i did a bunch of reading an i am gonna come to the conclusion that common sense should have taken me too lol i have noticed all the new growth pretty much the next day after i used the final flush formula.. so im guessing that it was all the salt build up or whatever in the soil. so now that they are cleaned out a bit they are using up all the nutes now being allowed to them ?

see this is what I am talking about, the pods you see and think are nugs. full and mature. they really will open to spit out more hairs
and the buds will unfold and be filled in with more plant matter and hairs to create the chunky dense nugs.

patience is great to have, the explosive growth during the final weeks WILL be your 1/4th of the total weight.
so just watch and see for it to stop, if you've already finished your flushing and have sworn off the nutes I would stick with that plan, I really don't know, the amber doesn't lie so maybe it is a 7/8 week flower.

(you will know though just don't want you to cut early, don't want to scare you either)
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