2percentmilk's First Indoor Grow: Hempy & Soil

The girl is doing phenomenal, way better than I could have hoped her to turn out. The lower branching seems to be coming up pretty evenly. And my little booboo seems to really explain the name, fuck I missed and I can now see that it is confirmed those are 2 clear tops. Shes going to take to training very easily with how compact she is. 1 topping and 8 even branches coming up at once is definitely great. She also seems to be taking the nutrients I gave her very well. I'm thinking about feeding every other water and will have to experiment but this is going to be a long veg coming.

Plenty of new growth lately everything's growing pretty equally and she seemed to take her first feeding very well. She was a looking a little dry today so I gave her a nice plain water and I might bump the nutes up to half strength next watering.

Well, I moved out of state and handed the grow and all the equipment over to a buddy of mine who's going to be sending me progress pictures over the course of the full grow. This is his first plant and hes getting as excited as I was the first time I grew. I told him he could flower at any time he wanted and he decided to flip to 12/12 on september 29th.

Quick little update on my buddy's grow the plant is chugging along and is showing very sativa traits

He had to tie up the branches because of how stretchy the limbs were and flopping over themselves, he also added a second mars hydro light to help with heat and cover the rest of the 3x3 footprint.
My buddy sent in a few update pics of the girl today and says the smell is getting really bad.

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