4 inch auto

Freak Brothers

Well-Known Member
I have a couple of grows under my belt this is my first time doing auto's
My ak47 30 days old and a proud 4 inches high with approx 5 nodes lovely growth but she showing pistils already,,
I got an auto bio diesel mass at 4 inch but she is 17 days ,
or am I just getting paranoid
I also have a blueberry thats in trouble every night about 7 o clock she does this i know this is natural in some species

50% soil 30% coco 20% perlite
Ph 6.8
It certainly ain't over watering already gave it a decent water earlier will see how little blue does
Oh yes it was like the sahara before I watered , I thought it might have been due to over watering so I let her go an extra couple of days ,my humidity during days 50%-60% at night it can rise to 77 % am waiting on carbon filter an fan so hoping that might bring it down for flowering
Have you got anything moving/exchanging the air at the moment then? Could be your problem. I had one auto that did the same thing most of her life too and she turned out just fine. Best to be sure though.
Are you watering around the plant and not down the main stem/trunk , you have to water about three inch out to tease root growth, if you water just down the stem then the roots will always be wet and get lazy , water around and get run off , let dry almost completely and water again :)
I water around mine but little blueberry belongs to the misses an thats exactly what she does, lol cant wait to let her have it
I am on my 4th grow I have done only autos, this is my first photo period white widow x big bud. Autos stretch a lot after the first half, they say 8 weeks but it is really usually 10. I am a touch concerned now that the photo period will not stretch as much now.
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