400W DWC Grow - 4 Sour Grape - 2 Blue Dream

well, for 24 hrs watched my last cfl reflector that i had one 23w and one 40w in to see if the 40w would raise heat too much since i also added two 23w cfls in another reflector a day or so before that and long story short, got to replace the one 23w with a matching 40w. now those sour grapes gettin some much needed lumen love, those 40ws had 2720 lumens listed on the packages each, i have em about 2 in above the canopy so im gettin close to that to them i think, i dont know how the reflector changes the number exactly, i hope i can pull em thru but theyre lookin good.
400w HPS=50,000
2 x 40w CFL=5440
2 x 23w CFL=3280
58720 lumens/12.5 sq.ft.
4697.6 lumens/sq.ft.
wouldnt that be great if that was all comin from one light source and i actually had that goin to the girls?

By using that calculation

1000 MH (for Veg)= 120000 lumens

flower room
1000w HPS 120000

By using that calculation

1000 MH (for Veg)= 120000 lumens

flower room
1000w HPS 120000


yea that should be right, i read it on another thread here somewhere. i believe that it should be over 3300 lumens/sq.ft. for flower. it said the sun is 10k/sq.ft. at the most intense.
noticed that the ph was droppin last cpl days. then i read that that you want ph drop during flower, it means that their feeding, and consuming potassium. then that makes sense that during veg, the ph climbs because theyre consuming more nitrogen. its a good thing, i just have to figure out how to balance during the week. im thinkin about gettin one of those bloom booster supplements. someone suggested gettin somethin with a 1:1 ratio of p to k...

can anyone reccomend a specific flower boost i can get??
I was just talking about 3-22-16 powder based. Don't remember the brand off hand.
Also I am hearing a huge amount of talk from reps on the vitamin boosts late in the game...

like Jamba Juice, you want a boost with that?
You should use a 1:1 PK in early bloom and a higher K booster halfway through bloom. Something like a 2-4-10 :)
A 1:1 PK product will help build bud sites and assist in early development of buds. Higher potassium adds weight and hardness when finishing off your buds.
Corey does a bloom booster your using BPN his booster would be the cherry on top!

Edit: ^ Lol speak of the devil open to many threads before reading and writing, Message to myself "Refresh Page".

Anyways id go with his booster, results speak for themselves why question the additives.

BPN- thanks again, ill get crackin on that... also im gonna need to order some more nutes, maybe ill just end up gettin another 3part elite set, but ill wait till after the 1st so i can order the new early flower supp too.

GS- yep, already have the BPN liquid bloom boost in the solution.

FF- wow im interested in that, maybe just a shot or two for some love. keep me posted if you happen to figure out a name... maybe a raspberry blackberry smoothie for supp?! haahaha

thanks guys...
so the dilemma rises... the sour grapes that are in the left res. have seemed to stop flowering. there is another sour grape that is in the middle res that is almost block out by the blue dream that seems to be doin alot better. not taller or anything, but the flowers seem to be progressing more. i even added those CFLs to that sour grape tub pretty much just to boost them.(2 x 40w, 2700k)... they perked up a bit and did grow vertically a bit, but flowers seemed to slow almost to a stop. s*!@. do i yank the tub and spread out the other two in the bathtub and disperse the CFLs for side lighting and try and max the other four plants? or do i ride it out and see what happens. comin up on the 21 dat flowering mark...
could they have too many nutes in the solution? they do look a little lacking in color...
the sour grapes have small yellow spotting on some of the leaves and dont seem to be achieving that deep green the others have. the spots showed a couple weeks back and had gone i thought, fig it was jsut a def. and those fan leaves had been trimmed out long ago. but now theyve come back. ive noticed the roots of the SG in the front of that res have slowed/stopped, but are tangled with its sister so i figured maybe it was growin in the cluster and was ok. all other res' roots have gotten tangled to some degree. ?. they are staying real light green, maybe i over did it with the nutes on them?? ive done exactly the same thing each time to every res.

at a complete loss here. any help would be greatly appreciated...
If they are rocking that light neon color green all over, it means that their is availible N in your DWC water otherwise the N def signals would be obvious yet your plants are having trouble uptaking the N at sufficient ratios. Adding more N can burn them to death also.

Mites are a possibility...also root bounding will cause this sometimes but not in DWC...

Roots look healthy? White in color not browning?

Start with pests bro, You could run a few drips of a cedar oil product for hydro to see if you get anywhere... Also take a good look at your water you get out of a flush... There could be root aphids or something... The stop growing part could be because they are repairing themselves not flourishing...

Check you ltr.
Root aphids!!!! That is a definite possibility. Good call FF. Root aphids will definitely cause deficiencies because they will affect uptake. Could be other pests as well. Bust out a magnifying loop and start combing through your plants. Take a close look at the roots
Root aphids!!!! That is a definite possibility. Good call FF. Root aphids will definitely cause deficiencies because they will affect uptake. Could be other pests as well. Bust out a magnifying loop and start combing through your plants. Take a close look at the roots

You never see them, they are born pregnant, you can flush for hours in a top down drip system flowing water from the hose onto the ground and you will see thousands come out. Few days later thousands again. they are an insane pest.

Flush a lot if you notice them, and then you have a bleach cleanup to do at the end of the season. My buddy just runs bleach water in the aero-cloner right after he is done with it for a few days, then puts her away spotlessly clean.

Drip of neem, drip of cedar, add 5 extra days of flush to your schedule for the late game additives to make sure you can assure the dilute.
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