Bigbudzzz420 Mephisto Genetics Creme De La Chem Journal

I've got my fingers crossed for you
No sign of life yet on the samsquanch og. I used some tops to soda bottles as humidity domes , is it too late at this point? Should I get germ more ?
I think I'm gonna germ 5 more just in case they don't pop but this time around I'll put them in Solo cups with the domes immediately and keep them moist . I'm running the humidifier 24/7 at this point cause the levels drop down to 20 percent.
Update - after getting totally aggravated with the way things were going and my unsuccessful attempts at getting those seeds to sprout . I decided to go buy a propagation dome unit along with root riot plugs . When I came home, I dug up the 5 samsquanch OGs that I tried to previously sprout . Some looked beat , others looked like they have a slight chance and the last one looked great. I figured " what the heck " I threw those in the root riots and into the dome to see what would happen . I also took a chance and threw another 5 fresh seeds in there just in case the old ones were too far gone. This should be the key to sprouting during the winter months ( which I'm new to ) . Summer , was a constant battle to lower humidity levels with dehumidifiers, AC units and bags of damp rid .

Winter is a challenge at this point in time for me. The low humidity levels are to blame for the seeds not popping and my plants not thriving to the full potential. To fix this , I put the humidifier in my first tent along with tweaking my intake and out take which the ventilation travels through the second tent and dumps into the third tent .....

Anyways lets see if things get better.
Creme de la chem

Gardens looking good though
This strain is hard to grow . I have 4 different types of the same strain . They all grew different, feed different and are really picky. I was just saying to myself today that it looks like I'm growing 6 different strains .
Some have too much nitrogen, some don't have enough . I'll have to feed them individually which is a huge pain in the ass . Also they are easily prone to over watering .
Well you have a nice crop started then, you going to do all 10?
Thanks Penny , I'll do all of them if they sprout. Im gonna put them all in one tent in 3 gal . I feel like it's a waste in 5 gal so far with my experience with autos. I feel like 3 gal would be more efficient for more space , less soils , less nutes and I'll be able to yield more ( I believe) .
I won't know until I do it .
BTW all samsquanch OG by mephisto genetics
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