Black Lips Bucket Basement

I'm on day 30 bro and my colas are not nearly as developed as yours look. man what a beautiful sight. . . of course i am using 1/6 of the light too, lol. but I am very impressed, especially since you have given up on res changes.

looks like your game is tight bro.
Yea My Crazy O.G nutrient mix does most of the work for me, Im telling you my nutrient line is one of the best ever ! Never fails to produce and never hurts my plants and keeps a pretty damn good PH as well

Last time I watered, On purpose I let the plants nutrient level get really low i thought, We lifted one of the plants out of its bucket to see how much was left and there was about 6ozs of water left it was EMPTY! So NO iam not just topping off, or adding water, My plants have the abbility to drink all the water in their bucket, and then I fill them completely ... I feel that there is no need or reason to do rez changes for this system once the Plants are drinking enough to completely empty their bucket in 4-5 days
Thats my 2 cents
How young were yall when you did this RM? I personally plan on harvesting for a weekend (hopefully) amd then calling out on Monday. Hate Mondays with a passion.That is some work for the weekend though.
Yea RM that is some pretty slow trimming, were your buddies Rookies?

Myzz that is what I have been doing too hahaha.. this one may take longer
How young were yall when you did this RM? I personally plan on harvesting for a weekend (hopefully) amd then calling out on Monday. Hate Mondays with a passion.That is some work for the weekend though. :rollit:

How young? :rofl:

I was 60 years and ten months old. I borrowed a Pit Bull and tied him to the front door for the weekend. We seldom rarely have guest show up, but the Jehovah Witnesses have been there twice in the past two years. I also hid the cars and pulled the shades too. I had two helpers and they were not so young either and wre rookies, and I am very particular about trimming or manicuring very close, I try to get every leaf off the buds.
We did one reservoir one day on a Saturday, with 3 plants, and a 2nd reservoir w/ 4 plants and one bucket with two plants Sunday.


blacklips is going to need a team of helpers to manicure his in a weekend.
How young? :rofl:

I was 60 years and ten months old. I borrowed a Pit Bull and tied him to the front door for the weekend. We seldom rarely have guest show up, but the Jehovah Witnesses have been there twice in the past two years. I also hid the cars and pulled the shades too. I had two helpers and they were not so young either and wre rookies, and I am very particular about trimming or manicuring very close, I try to get every leaf off the buds.
We did one reservoir one day on a Saturday, with 3 plants, and a 2nd reservoir w/ 4 plants and one bucket with two plants Sunday.


blacklips is going to need a team of helpers to manicure his in a weekend.

I have a feeling Rose is ridiculously meticulous .........
How young?

I was 60 years and ten months old. I borrowed a Pit Bull and tied him to the front door for the weekend. We seldom rarely have guest show up, but the Jehovah Witnesses have been there twice in the past two years. I also hid the cars and pulled the shades too. I had two helpers and they were not so young either and wre rookies, and I am very particular about trimming or manicuring very close, I try to get every leaf off the buds.
We did one reservoir one day on a Saturday, with 3 plants, and a 2nd reservoir w/ 4 plants and one bucket with two plants Sunday.


Roseman's 2009 December Harvest

blacklips is going to need a team of helpers to manicure his in a weekend.
Very Nice.. I respect a Good trimm!
Well Lets not worry about the harvest quite yet! we still have a few weeks to go, We will begin Overdrive Soon,We will feed it to the ladies for 2 weeks. Then we will flush for 7days.. Lets hope all goes smoothly !:roorrip:
that is what my wife says.

I prefer the words artculate or precise.

Glad you got a laugh out of that. Figured I would ask in a nice way lol. And BL you should be setting up your roster for some help as 22 plants seems like a lot. You seem like a person to plan ahead anyhow so no sweat. I would be Anal about my buds too though, would not want to smoke some leaf. Plus RM uses his leaf sparingly I guess so I can see that point.
Glad you got a laugh out of that. Figured I would ask in a nice way lol. And BL you should be setting up your roster for some help as 22 plants seems like a lot. You seem like a person to plan ahead anyhow so no sweat. I would be Anal about my buds too though, would not want to smoke some leaf. Plus RM uses his leaf sparingly I guess so I can see that point.
Myzzzzz yes iam securing a Crew of Trimmers as I type, Although we started with 22 ladies in Veg we held 6 back in vegg of 2 extra weeks because of the trimming issues, it would of taken to long to trimm 22 ladies this size..So we will harvest the 16, and then 2 weeks later we will harvest the next 6.. and then the perpetual thing thing will kick in to affect !!!
Indeed you is a man with a master plan haha many steps ahead of me. How often are you going to harvest perpetually? You seem to have end less options. Sure wish I was in a similar position.
Sounds like a man with a plan! I hope your crew is large. I did up to 4 good size ones in one day but that was working on it steady till your arm's ache. Your milage may vary.
MOSTLYCRAZY- That sounds great 4 plants a day is killer, Yes i also trimm until it hurts, eat, sleep and do it all over again the next day;)
Indeed you is a man with a master plan haha many steps ahead of me. How often are you going to harvest perpetually? You seem to have end less options. Sure wish I was in a similar position.
MYZZZ-We will take down 12 plants every 4-5 weeks if all works as planned.
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