Black Lips Bucket Basement

I use this for all my bug problems. Two treatments and all bugs are dead and they ain't coming back.

Suncoast Hydroponics

Yurp when I order my OC+, perlite and other misc things from amazon this is on my list thx to u know who! I got some home defense as well. Should be cleaning the room next week then will monitor things. Need to get a vaccum and an AC with some plywood n things. How da hell did them critters make it into ur garden? Are they like spider mites like they can come in on ur clothing and stuff?
Hello Black lips,I just started watching your grow,very nice set up,Did you make the buckets or did you buy already made,and if bought may I ask where you picked them up at. thanks
OZRIC- I made them its easy... but not very cheap.. they last forever tho..
Yurp when I order my OC+, perlite and other misc things from amazon this is on my list thx to u know who! I got some home defense as well. Should be cleaning the room next week then will monitor things. Need to get a vaccum and an AC with some plywood n things. How da hell did them critters make it into ur garden? Are they like spider mites like they can come in on ur clothing and stuff?
MYZZZZ nice ye gotta love a good cleaning....... Who knows where they came from,they prolly jus wandered in...
Just a option why not run a water chiller with ur dwc ebb flo set up ? i found a couple cheap ones. that would take care of ur resvoir heat problem =) I just found a used water cooler and am making the modifications to it tomoprrow. Gonna hook up a 12v thermostat to a pump and coil pvc tubing in the water cooler resvoir keep it at a 68 no matter the ambient temp. yea it takes up a little space but checp compared to the 160$ chiller i found online. U may need a tad bigger with ur set up but i am only 2 5 gal bucket and a future 20 gal resvoir/ control bucket. Does any one got a good place to buy ebb bucket fittings that dont leak ?? i cant seem to find them any where ? and float valves ? Also i ve seen a lot of people using ac h20 pumps and seeing climbing resv/bucket temps, Has any one ever looked into maring bilge pumps and aerators ? do they heat up as much ? I would assUME them being 12v they wouldnt ? but i am probally wrong ? They problly wouldnt last as long HUH ? I just remember them being cheaper like 15-20 $ for a 500gph and they lift 3' too maybe reduce flow a tad. I was thinking of maybe running a maring builge from the resv to the control ??and possibly a aerator in the resv to get more O2 in the set up ?? I am running 1" stones and a 4" stone but they only seem to last a couple days b4 they are reduced to like 60% =(
Just a option why not run a water chiller with ur dwc ebb flo set up ? i found a couple cheap ones. that would take care of ur resvoir heat problem =) I just found a used water cooler and am making the modifications to it tomoprrow. Gonna hook up a 12v thermostat to a pump and coil pvc tubing in the water cooler resvoir keep it at a 68 no matter the ambient temp. yea it takes up a little space but checp compared to the 160$ chiller i found online. U may need a tad bigger with ur set up but i am only 2 5 gal bucket and a future 20 gal resvoir/ control bucket. Does any one got a good place to buy ebb bucket fittings that dont leak ?? i cant seem to find them any where ? and float valves ? Also i ve seen a lot of people using ac h20 pumps and seeing climbing resv/bucket temps, Has any one ever looked into maring bilge pumps and aerators ? do they heat up as much ? I would assUME them being 12v they wouldnt ? but i am probally wrong ? They problly wouldnt last as long HUH ? I just remember them being cheaper like 15-20 $ for a 500gph and they lift 3' too maybe reduce flow a tad. I was thinking of maybe running a maring builge from the resv to the control ??and possibly a aerator in the resv to get more O2 in the set up ?? I am running 1" stones and a 4" stone but they only seem to last a couple days b4 they are reduced to like 60% =(
Basementdwell.. Yea thought it about maybe one day not for now
Ok so things seem to being doing pretty well in the garden, days are getting shorter so high temps are slowly dropping..We got thrips and crushed them pretty well and fast.. and now we have put all 9 slh plants in bloom, and tossed out 4 old gws plants of an old 50 day pheno i had.. here is the veg room now with some bubba kush and white widow from clone, gws and kings kush ,from seed..
Here is the BUBBA KUSH Looking Damn juicy and really fat for such a small plant, we have 4 clones from her in vegg and they have been topped, im very excited for them they will be much larger a produce more hopefully.

sorry for the shit pics i was in a rush..
And here are the White Widows we split them up under 2 lights.. they are coming along nicely- but they will mos def be a 10week minimum strain, I just hope the stalks can support the weight, and im not having to puppet master the shit out of them..
Many people have nutes rules. I say nutes from seed sprout all the way through 2 weeks before harvest. Just small amounts at first and then increase. No harm in it. But every grows differently and I will not knock anyone elses techniques
Many people have nutes rules. I say nutes from seed sprout all the way through 2 weeks before harvest. Just small amounts at first and then increase. No harm in it. But every grows differently and I will not knock anyone elses techniques
hersnbuds..I didnt use any nutes until the second week or so.. hmmm and all my plants from seed are doing very well....But this was only my seond time so i guess i dont really have a technique to sprouting seeds yet.. So whatever, but hey thanks for stoppping by haha
hersnbuds..I didnt use any nutes until the second week or so.. hmmm and all my plants from seed are doing very well....But this was only my seond time so i guess i dont really have a technique to sprouting seeds yet.. So whatever, but hey thanks for stoppping by haha

Funny thing is that the post I was replying to was from over a month ago. So whatever is right. And your right, I was just passing through. Looks like you got it under control.
hersnbuds..I didnt use any nutes until the second week or so.. hmmm and all my plants from seed are doing very well....But this was only my seond time so i guess i dont really have a technique to sprouting seeds yet.. So whatever, but hey thanks for stoppping by haha

What do you use for soil/medium when doing this? I imagine they need something so I suspect it is coming from the medium. I ask because I am about to try sprouting seeds for the first time myself and it would be cool if they all survived. ;)

What do you use for soil/medium when doing this? I imagine they need something so I suspect it is coming from the medium. I ask because I am about to try sprouting seeds for the first time myself and it would be cool if they all survived
The medium was RockWool so the only nutrients they got was what is in my tap water.. they dont need any nutrients until their third set of leaves or so..
Funny thing is that the post I was replying to was from over a month ago. So whatever is right. And your right, I was just passing through. Looks like you got it under control.
HERBSNBUDZ.. thanks for stoppin in! pay a visit more often! :blunt:
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